30 - The Battle of Hogwarts

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We get to the court yard and the stone suits of armours appear marching out the castle, that is so cool. I love this place.

"Ah Miss Star, I believe you know what to do?" Professor Flitwick asks appearing next to us

"Yeah, I've forgotten the order though Sir"

"Copy me and keep repeating it"

I listen then me and Draco step away a little not to distract his concentration. I hold my wand up to the sky and take a deep breath. Ok here goes protecting Hogwarts activation mode.

"Protego Maxima, Fianto Duri, Repello Inimigotum"

I repeat this in the same order, Draco coping me as a dome shield starts to form over the castle. Once that's complete we quickly go back to the castle. He stops me and pulls me to the side.

"We must separate ourselves now"

"What do you mean?"

"They're going to get in, for yours and my safety we can't be seen near each other. They will kill you on the spot, I'm not risking it. Promise me you will be safe"

"Only if you promise the same"

"I promise. I love you"

"I love you too"

He pulls me in kissing me softly

"You two they're in" Ginny speaks pushing us apart and running off dragging me with her.

He's going to be ok, we're both going to be ok and once this is all over everything will be fine. That's what I keep mentally telling myself.

I shout loads of spells to all the death eaters I see, blocking the ones the send back.

One lands nearby, it's one of the carrows. He is alone no one else is around "This is for torturing my brother. Sectumsempra"

He falls to the ground and Snape appears, crap. "Well done Miss Star. 50 points to Ravenclaw"

"Are points even working at the moment?" I laugh

"Stay safe, Malfoy is very fond and protective of you"

And with that he's gone

"What was that about?" Ginny asks

"Not the time for stories, I'll tell you afterwards. Lets go" 

"MICHAEL" I yell grabbing him by me "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, this is fun. I've used stupefy and a grand total of 7 Death Eaters so far" He smiles proudly 

"You're doing Gryffindor and Hogwarts proud. keep it up and stay safe" 

He goes to reply but you know who takes over again. Ugh can't he just die already? Anywho seeing as he won't I hold Michael close to me so I know he's safe.

"You've fought valiantly but in vain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat.In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Harry Potter I know speak directly to you. On this night you have allowed your friends to die for you, rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonour. Join me in the Forbidden Forrest and confront your fate. If you do this, I shall kill every last man, women and child who tries to conceal you from me." 

It goes silence and all the Death Eaters leave me and Michael separate, us going to find out friends to make sure they're ok or even alive. 


I turn and find Seamus "Thank God you're ok" I smile hugging him 

"We're all fine, are you injured?" 

"Just cuts but they'll heal. Do you know if any of us lot are hurt?"

"Fred Weasley died" 

"That's awful, Poor George."

"What about Draco?"

"I don't know where he is"

"Apparently Room of Requirement. Harry was there and apparently it was a fire"

That's when I swear my heart stops beating

I fell for the bad boy & he fell for me (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now