26 -Malfoy Manor

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The summer was pretty good however, with all that's going on and now with Dumbledore no longer alive Lucy isn't allowed to return to Hogwarts for her own safety. Me and Michael are allowed to if we wish, I am returning. I need to protect Hogwarts, I need to do Cedric, Sirius and now Dumbledore proud. Hogwarts have helped me, I can't not help Hogwarts. 

I'm currently at Malfoy Manor, have been for a week now and it's scary as hell. You know who is currently here too along with Bellatrix, I haven't seen them thank god although I have heard them. My parents didn't want me coming to stay but Draco promised them he'll keep me safe which he's doing a good job of and thankfully will until it's time to return to Hogwarts. 

I finish reading my book so I grab the next one and begin reading that one, Draco is in another DE (Death Eater) meeting so I'm in his room. Whenever a meeting is occurring I stay well away and refuse to leave his room, no way in hell am I risking my life. 


I hear the door quietly open and close so I close my book and see Draco walking to the bathroom. I put my book down and get up following him, he's by the sink staring at himself after splashing his face with water. I hug him from behind and goes on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek 

"You ok?" I ask quietly 

"Professor Burbage is dead. Then I had to watch him torture  Thorfinn. There will be some death eaters on the train to Hogwarts" 

"To find Harry?" 


"But he wouldn't be there, he isn't that stupid to go back"

"I know that but I can't say that can I" 

"Do you want anything to eat?"

"I'll be sick if I eat after today. A cuddle sounds good though" He smiles looking at me in the mirror "You need to grow more" 

"Hey, if I was taller you'd hate it" I laugh going off my tippy toes and pulling away "Please try and eat something though" 

"Get the cookies from my desk, I'll have them" 

I nod ok and grab the cookies then I go back to the bed where Draco is already laying, he moves closer to me and I wrap my arm around him. 

"Another war really is going to happen isn't it?"

"It looks that way, it looks like it will be close too"

"We'll be ok, the good side will win" 

"I want to be on Hogwarts side, I don't know what's going to happen this year but whatever happen and whatever I get made to do I want you to know I love you and I'm going to try my best to do good"

"I know you will, I love you too" I smile and kiss his head as he eats a cookie 


By the time we arrive posters about Harry are everywhere, as said by Ginny the trio has gone looking for the horcruxes. I sure as hell hope they find them all and manage to destroy them. Snape is the new headmaster and lets just say this year's welcome feast speech wasn't as long as Dumbledore's. There are these two people, the carrows and from what Draco has said they will use theCruciatus Curse on students. I know I'm staying quiet in their lessons, around them in general. 



"The carrows, they'll use the torture curse on students so please be careful around them."

"I will, Starting to wish I choose to stay at home now"

"You got put into Gryffindor for a reason, you're brave enough to do this I promise you it will be ok"

He nods ok and hugs me 

"Didn't I say to go to your common rooms?" 

We pull apart quickly and I left out a sigh in relief to only see it's Snape. 

"Off you go then" 

Michael turns and quickly walks off but I stay still and look at Snape 

"Yes Miss Star?"

"That spell Harry put on Draco last year, what would happen if someone was to put it onto a death eater?"

"Well the same as what happened to Draco"

"So they'd bleed to death unless someone nearby know whatever it was you was muttering to heal him?"

"That is correct, I know exactly what you're thinking too Miss Star"

"Well obviously because you invented it"

"If you're going to use it in the future make sure there is no other death eaters around, they'd kill you within a second otherwise" He gives me a strange look but it isn't a bad look. It could be classed as good luck or you may use it look. Anyway after he gives me his look he walks off and I go to my common room.  

I fell for the bad boy & he fell for me (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now