18 - Summer without you

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I got home last night and I'm currently packing my bag for Download, I'm so excited. Draco haven't talked to me but I have been avoiding him as well so I don't really care. Ok that's a lie I do care but I'm choosing not to think about it so it doesn't hurt as much. 


"This is amazing" I smile looking around 

"It's muddy" Michael whines 

"You're a Gryffindor, brave the mud and the mud is what makes the festival" 

Dad laughs and we set up our tent, it's enchanted so inside it's like a house which is great. I hate muggle camping with Michael. 

I look at the schedule and highlight all the ones I want in Pink luckily I don't have bands I like playing at the same time which is great. Michael does the same to his copy of the bands and times. 

"Two bands I like are playing at the same time"

"Time turner?" 

"NO" him and Dad say at the same time 

"why not?"

"No Magic outside of Hogwarts"

"Dad you're over 17" I smirk 

"No, it's muggles. Not risking it. You have to pick  which ones Michael"

I love this festival it's so fun, this has been the best weekend ever and even the best time of the year. Draco has really made me down this year but Download managed to really bring my mood back up.

Few Days Later

"Wow, your room is so beautiful" Luna smiles looking around my room 

"Thank you. So what do you want to do?" 

"What is there to do?" 

"Shopping, Bowling, Cinema, there's loads"

"What's bowling?"

"There's like a lane with pins at the end. you bowl a ball and hit the pins down" 

"That sounds fun" 

"Ok we'll do that." I smile

We go downstairs getting Lucy and Michael then we get the bus to the local bowling alley. Luna found the bus very interesting and fine as she's been on the night bus so it was similar to that just not as fast and mad.

"Michael you can go first to show Luna how it's done"

"Thanks sis for letting the pro go first"

"Pfft, you're rubbish" Lucy laughs

Michael ignores her and plays his go. Lucy goes next and gets a strike causing Michael's jaw to drop

"Though you was a pro Mikey" I laugh before I take my go, getting a strike

"You're up Luna"

"So I just get the ball to hit the pins over?"

"Yeah, test each ball first though as they're different weights"

She tests them and ends up feeling comfortable with the green one and she takes her go.

"Omg that was great. Well done" I smile hugging Luna who just got a strike.

By the end of the game Lucy won followed by me, Luna then Michael. We go to Nandos for food, another new thing for Luna then we head back home. Today have been such a fun day and I'm so glad Luna got to try muggle things and see how great the muggle world is.

I fell for the bad boy & he fell for me (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now