27 - Dumbledore's Army is back

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So the majority of the school, well everyone except Slytherin has set up camp in the room of requirement. It's awesome, there's hammocks as beds and everything, I feel like one of the lost boys in Peter Pan whenever I'm in there. Neville, Luna and Ginny restarted Dumbledore's Army and we even got new recruitment too, just like the users of this room. Everyone except Slytherin are members, However those 3 got caught by Snape trying to take the sword of Gryffindor and got sent to serve detention in the Forrest with Hagrid. Lucky it was Snape who caught them to be honest. Our mission was to sabotage the Death Eater's control of the school along with helping the trio any way we could. 

Draco knows about this reunion and actually said I should join back before I even got the chance to say I already have.

"Neville are you sure it's safe?" I ask as he opens the portrait

"Yes, Aberforth said it's safe too. Now are you coming or do I need Seamus to come with me"

"I'm coming"

He nods ok and we both step into the tunnel closing the portrait behind us and we walk quietly through the tunnel. We reach another portrait which Neville opens and we climb down ending up inside a house.

"I see you two have made it here safely"

I turn and see a man who looks very much like Dumbledore. "Are you related to Albus?" I speak up

"His brother, I thought you knew that?"

"No one ever told me your surname" I shrug as I go up to the window and sneak a look outside as Neville and Aberforth talk about supplies and things.

"Snape or the Carrows can't find out we've been eating and drinking other things though"

"These peppermints, eat them after and no one will be able to smell that you have"

I nod ok and use to wand to levitate all the things and we say bye before making our way back to the room of requirement.

I place the stuff down on the table then I leave the room and go to the library.

"Hey" I smile and hug Draco

"Hey Love, how are you?"

"I'm ok. I wish you could come to the room as well"

"We both know that won't work"

"I know" I sigh and sit on his lap "Why does this war have to happen?"

"Because you know who is a horrible man"

"Before he fully came back, in the grave yard. I got told he was little like some sort of alien baby. Couldn't he be killed then? He would've of been able to get more powerful and this war wouldn't be happening"

"That's a good idea but no one would stand up to him and do it would they"

"I would've"

"You should've been a Gryffindor"

"You should've been a Hufflepuff"

He looks at me socked and hurt, I chuckle and kiss his cheek. "You're friendly and kind. Well to me you are"

"But Hufflepuff though"

"Don't bad mouth the puffs, they're all nice people"

"Yellow isn't my colour anyway"

"Ravenclaw then, Blue suits you" I smile

"We better get to class"

I nod ok and get up, I hold his hand as we make our way to Transfiguration.

I fell for the bad boy & he fell for me (Draco Malfoy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant