28 - Luna Lovegood

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"what's wrong?" Draco asks taking a seat next to me 

I had a letter over Christmas, Luna never made it home because she got captured. Did you know about this?"

"Yeah" He sighs "But I don't know where they took her. I asked mother and she wouldn't tell me"

"She's my best friend, how am I meant to do this without her?"

"You got me, everyone else and I know you're strong enough to do this" 

"Do you know if she's going to be ok?"

"Mother assured me she is fine and won't be killed"


"Apart from that how was your Christmas? Did you like my presents?"

"I loved them thank you, what about yours?"

"I like them, I read that book too. It was good"

3 months later

  "All this time!" I scream at Draco 

"I only just found out"

"This whole time she's been in your basement! I've been there since she got taken. I've walked above my best friend not knowing she's trapped down there"

"She isn't hurt, I promise you"

"Why didn't you get her out?"

"I don't know how, I tried but they wouldn't listen to me and told me no"

I sit on the sofa placing my head in my hands "she's my best friend, has been since I entered that compartment on the the Hogwarts Express in year one"

"I know" Draco replies quietly taking a seat and wrapping an arm around me "she will get out unharmed, I don't know when but I promise she will"

"Why does this have to happen? Why can't everyone just get along and not be so evil"

"I don't know"   

"I want Luna" 

"You'll have her soon, I promise you"

"I'm going to go and do my homework" 

Few Days Later

"Omg I have missed you so much" I comment as I hug Luna

"I missed you too"

"Are you hurt? Did anyone hurt you?" I ask as I inspect her

"I'm fine, What have I missed here?"

"Nothing new has happened. How did you get back here? Did they let you go freely or what?"

"Harry Potter, he came with Hermione and Ron"

"Are they ok too?"

"Yes I believe they're going to arrive soon"

"Draco tried to get you to be released, he didn't know you was there until not long ago"

"I know, whenever they came down they wouldn't stop talking about why Draco is so desperate for them to let me go"

"You don't hate me do you?"

"No, I could never. You're my best friend"

"You're my best friend too" I smile and hug her again.

I fell for the bad boy & he fell for me (Draco Malfoy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt