14 - Ferret Malfoy

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"why are you sat in a tree?" I ask Draco as I approach the tree

"It's comfortable"

I turn and look behind me scanning the area "Potter" I sigh and look back up at Draco "Can't you two go at least a week without starting trouble?"

I don't get a reply as he looks over my head so I'm assuming Harry is coming towards our area 

"Why so tense Potter? My father and I have a bet you see. I don't think you're gonna last 10 minutes in this tournament, he disagrees. He thinks you won't last 5" he says jumping off the tree

"I don't give a damn what your father thinks Malfoy" Harry says stepping closer to him and shoving him "he's vile and cruel and you're just pathetic" he says turning away

Well, he is right about Lucius to be fair. Draco gets his wand out and goes to cast a spell but Moody appears from God knows where and turns him into a ferret, then uses the imperious spell making Draco bounce up and down.

"Professor moody, what are you doing?" McGonagle speaks quickly walking over


"Is that, is that a student?"

"Technically it's a ferret" then he makes the ferret/Draco go into Goyle's pants, not an image I'm sure no one will ever be able to get out of their heads. When the ferret/Draco manages to get out of the pants McGonagle uses a spell to transform Draco back into himself, na'awh I liked him as a ferret he was cute.

"My father will hear about this" 

Here we go again with this line, he uses it way too much. 

"Is that a threat?" Moody calls then chases him

And that's my que to leave, so I walk off. Only quickly afterwards to have Draco, Crabbe and Goyle to run past me into the castle. Oh how this will be my form of fun for the next few weeks.  

I fell for the bad boy & he fell for me (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now