6 - 2nd Year

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I close my trunk and smile as I stand back up "All done" I cheer as Dad takes it and put it in the car, Tomorrow I will be getting back on the train to Hogwarts for my 2nd year at Hogwarts and I can't wait. This summer has been the best, we went on holiday to Spain and I spent a lot of time with Draco too. Mum and Dad have finally got over the fact I'm friends with a Malfoy but made a point of telling me to be careful and not join in on the bad things at least 3 times a day before I left to see him and a further 3 times when I got back after integrating me to see if I did anything bad. 

Platform 9 & 3/4 

"Bye Sammi, I'll miss you"

"Bye Dad, I'll miss you too"

I say bye and hug my siblings then I hug mum "Bye Mum"

"Bye sweetheart, no getting into trouble and no letting Draco pressure you into doing bad things"

"He's actually an alright person when you get to know him"

I look at the time then I say bye one more time and get onto the train, I'm looking forward to being back at Hogwarts. It's going to be a fun year.  I walk down the train and eventually find the compartment where Draco, Luna and Crabbe is. 

"Hey, where's Goyle?" I ask taking a seat in between Draco and Luna

"Sweet trolley of course" Crabbe replies

"How was your summer?" Luna asks me

"It was great, how was yours?"

"Mine was good, me and father went to Africa"

"That's amazing, did you see elephants. please say you saw baby elephants" I smile

"We saw loads, and many other animals"

I squeal in excitement as Luna tells me more about the baby animals she saw whilst Draco rolls his eyes and talks to Crabbe and Goyle about god knows what


"I have missed the food" I smile as I add more roast potatoes to my plate

"Don't eat loads again, remember you got all the stairs to climb" Luna chuckles 

"I forgot about the million stairs here. Isn't there some sort of spell or charm to help make it more accessible I mean who needs a gym when you got the stairs in Hogwarts. 

After the long and painfully hard journey to the dorms, yeah I over ate again. I unpack my trunk then I get into bed wondering how much fun this year is going to be. 

I wake up at 7am so I have a quick shower and  get changed then I wait for Luna before we can go and have breakfast. 

"I wonder if Draco and Harry will get along this year" Luna speaks as we make our way down the stairs 

"Probably not" I chuckle 

"Sam, you got your time table?" Draco asks as we enter the hall 

"Not yet, you?"

"Yeah, Snape is in a bad mood as usual. Nearly got my eyes whilst handing them out"

I let out a chuckle and say bye and go to get my time table. I read it as we walk to the table and I take a seat, It doesn't look too bad this year"

After breakfast me and Luna make our way to Charms which is our first lesson with Hufflepuffs. Hogwarts year 2 have now offically started, lets hope it's going to be a good year. 

I fell for the bad boy & he fell for me (Draco Malfoy)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu