11 - Sirius & Dementors again

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The ministry still hasn't tracked down Sirius Black which is worrying me a lot, what if he gets into Hogwarts and get Harry? Yes I don't know Harry personally but I wouldn't want him dead and Sirius could kill anyone who's in his way which could happen to somehow be me and I sure as hell don't wanna die. 

"Sammi Sammi Sammi wake up wake up"

"I was having such a nice nap, what's wrong?" I ask sitting up

"Sirius Black broke in and attacked the Fat Lady portrait" Luna says panicked 

"is he still in Hogwarts?"

"We don't know, all Gryffindors are to sleep in the Great Hall tonight whilst the professors are to search the castle and grounds"

"Why would he attack the fat lady though?"

"Maybe to get Harry after all the fat lady is the Gryffindors entrance"

I get dressed and we make our way to the great hall which is now back to how it normally is. Luna walks over to see Harry whilst I go and sit at my table. 

"Did you hear what happened?" Terry asks 

"Yeah, I can't believe he would risk coming into the castle, that's the biggest mistake to make" Cho speaks.

"I somehow don't think this is all over with. He's gotten away with trying to break into the common room, he could do anything next." I reply before stuffing my mouth with pancakes. 

2 weeks later 

I take my seat next to Draco in the stands, it's Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff for today's Quidditch game. 

"Who do you think will win?" I ask 

"Hufflepuff" Draco replies full of confidence

"Nah, I think they'll loose. I mean they Gryffindor has Harry and he always manages to catch the snitch." I smirk 

After a while the weather begins to turn and begin raining. Me being the handy and clever person that I am pull out an umbrella out of my bag and cover shield myself from the rain. Thunder and lightening begins 

"The two seekers are going pretty high there" Luna speaks 

"The snitch never goes that far in the sky especially if the weather is bad" I respond as my worry for the seekers increases

The seeker for Hufflepuff appears but it's still no sign or Harry or even the snitch for that matter.

"HARRY" Hermione yells as everyone lets out blood curdling screams whilst witnessing Harry falling from the air

"Dementor" I whisper looking up at the sky in shock 

"What?" Draco asks 

I go to repeat myself but can't so I just point instead where if you look carefully you can see Dementors leaving.

"Come on" Draco speaks grabbing a hold of my arm and leading me back towards the castle

"Are you ok?" He asks when I take a seat inside 

I nod my head yes whilst I take the bottle of water off Luna and drink some. Stupid Sirius Black and creating the year of Dementors at Hogwarts

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