5 - 1st Quidditch Match

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This year is flying by, not long after Christmas Draco got himself yet again another detention. He was out after curfew spying on the 'Golden Trio' and got them into trouble which also landed him in trouble due to also being out after the curfew, lets just say he wasn't happy when I found the story funny and couldn't stop laughing when he told me he had detention. 

That detention turned out to be pretty rough, apparently him and Harry saw this figure un recognisable due to wearing a black cloak sucking a unicorn's blood which is such a bad and horrible thing to do. That poor unicorn. So now in present day it's the final Quidditch match of the year and Draco tricked me into saying I'll go although I find it extremely boring and dangerous so I've never attended any of the matches that's been held this year. 

Slytherin is playing against Hufflepuff today So I've decided to annoy Draco throughout this match. We're currently in the stands and as soon as Hufflepuff comes onto the pitch I cheer really loudly causing Draco to give me the death glare. 

"I can go if you like" I smirk

"No, you're staying" 

"Then you gotta out up for me cheering for Hufflepuff"

He rolls his eyes and goes back to watching the match which has now started. 

"Aww, cheer up Star" Draco laughs as we leave the stands

"You so cheated" I sulk 

"We did not"


We enter the hall so I say bye to Draco and walk over to my house table and sit by Luna who's reading a book. 

"How was Qudditch?" 

"Slytherin cheated, and won" 

"They always do, unless it's against Gryffindor. They're hard to cheat against" 


I start filling my plate up and ea my food then afterwards I go to the common room to finish my homework. I found the match boring to be completely honest, I shall not be attending a match again, unless it's the world cup of course. I hear they're meant to be good. 

about 45mins into my homework an Owl appears by the window so I let him in, and take the note from him. 

Meet me in the Library - Draco

I gather my things and make my way to the library. Finding Draco sat there frustrated with his homework. 

"Should've paid attention to the actual class instead of Potter then you wouldn't be stuck" I chuckle as I sit down

"Ha ha very funny, I'm stuck on Charms"

"It's easy" 

"No it isn't,how could it possibly be easy"

"Like this" I smile and begin explaining it all to him. 

And that's how my evening went just us two in the library doing our homework, pretty boring I know but it's better than him causing trouble with Potter. 

I fell for the bad boy & he fell for me (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now