32 - Back in Hogwarts

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I sign the letter then I send Twinkle on her way with it. I look at the ring on my finger and smile, Draco gave me a ring 2 weeks after the battle which is absolutely gorgeous. I choose to come back and complete my year at Hogwarts. 

"Hey Malfoy" Luna giggles sitting down next to me, Hermonie and Neville sitting opposite us.

"Hey guys and I'm still Star" I smile 

"When is the wedding?"

"Not for a long time"

"Who would've thought, Malfoy changing to a nicer person" Neville speaks

"You changed him Sammi, into a much better person" Hermione adds

"He's always been a good person. He just didn't have a choice, Lucius still doesn't like me but I'll never change him"

"Did they go to azkaban?" Luna asks 

"No they managed to avoid that, Lucius is being more of a father to Draco now which is good."

"Guys we got class now" Neville speaks again smiling 

We get up and leave going to the classroom. I take my seat and sigh, I always get emotional in this class.  After talking to Harry and finding out what really happened with him my whole perspective on him has changed. 

"You'll do him proud" Luna smiles nudging me

"Hello class and welcome to Potions" the professor speaks 

I zone out a little as I stare at the potions all stacked up on the shelves. I remember when I had to rearrange them in detention during my 3rd year, I asked about them which is how I managed to see a different which I now know as the true side of Snape. He made me even better at potions and helped me with the homework loads. 

"Well done Hermonie that's correct" 

"Five points from Gryffindor for being an insufferable know it all" I smirk imitating Snape's voice

Everyone else in the class including Hermonie laugh. It isn't the same without him here, It wasn't the same during our 6th year either when he was the new Dark Arts teacher 

"You're gonna be so like him when you're teaching" Luna laughs 

"Of course, we need to keep the potions master's legacy alive and I shall try my best to do just that" 

"Head of slytherin?" Neville asks

"Hell no, too much responsibility and I can't betray my own house" I laugh

I fell for the bad boy & he fell for me (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now