4 - Christmas

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Nothing eventful has happened, everything is going great. Oh except for Halloween where a Troll managed to enter the castle but hey Hogwarts got saved by the golden trio, also known as Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. We're going home for Christmas break tomorrow which I'm so excited for, my favourite lesson so far is charms and potions. I'm the only one except for Slytherins who seems to like Snape, ok yes hes scary but in a way he's a good teacher and certainly knows what he's doing unlike some teachers. cough Quirrell cough. I've already packed and had my lunch so I'm now alone as Luna has gone to pack after she finished her food. Surprisingly I don't have any homework during the break which is kind of annoying, Flitwick gave me some work to do and to help me improve even more at my charms skill which I was so happy with, just need to try and  get some off Snape which I will go and do now. I leave the great hall and make my way down the dungens and to the classroom. Luckily he's in the classroom so I stand by the door and gently knock

"Enter" he snarls then looks up from grading papers and stares at me

"Hi Professor, um I'm wondering if you could possibly give me any homework to do or something new to learn" 

"Miss Star you want to do school work over the holidays? how extraordinary" he stands up and walks over to the book shelves. 

"Potions is one of my interests besides  Charms so I'd like to be able to become as knowledgeable as possible on the topic and be able to become good at making potions" I smile 

he hands me a book and sits back down "This book will teach you about more advance potions, I expect the book to be in good condition not so much as a crease on a page when you return it"

"Thank you professor, I promise to take good care of it."

"Good now go, you're taking up my time"

"Have a good Christmas" I smile and leave the class 

I hear him muttering children under his breath so I let out a smirk and continue on my journey to the common room and pack the book.  

"Samantha, there you are" 

I turn around and see Draco walking towards me "Hey" I smile walking to meet him half way 

"I've been looking everywhere for you, anyway now that I have found you it's all good. What are your plans over christmas?"

"Go home obviously" I chuckle "Nah just spending time with family and seeing my friends"

"Would you like to visit me one day over the holidays?"

"Only if we can play hide n seek in the maze so I can prove you wrong" I smirk

he smiles and pokes his tongue out "Of course"

"I'll send you an owl to let you know what days I'm free"

"Ok, have a good Christmas" He smiles and hugs me then walks off

I sure hope I can visit him, I really wanna play hide n seek in the maze he has. I mean his house must be big if he has a maze in his garden.

Christmas Break

I finish drying my hair and I tie it up into a high ponytail then I get changed into my skinny jeans, ugg boots and my long sleeve Christmas shirt. I look under my bed and find the gift I got for Draco then  I finally go downstairs for breakfast.

Draco and whoever is coming with him to pick me up are due to arrive any minute, ding dong. now. Perfect timing. I run to the door before anyone else got the chance to and I open the door to find Draco smiling at me and stood behind him is his Dad I'm assuming, he looks like Draco.

"Hi" I smile

"Hi, This is my Father, Father this is Samantha"

"Ah, so you're the Samantha Star Draco has been talking about"

"It's nice to meet you Mr Malfoy"

"Well are you ready to leave?"

"Yeah, I'll just go and let my parents know I'm leaving."

I leave the door open and quickly grab the gift and say bye to Mum then I come back closing the front door behind me.

His house is big and I mean big. You could get lost here.  We go to his bedroom which is the size of probably the upstairs of my house, maybe bigger. He places my gift on his desk then he hands me his but I keep it on the chair for before I go home.

Few Hours Later

I take a seat on the bench as I catch my breath, running around a maze is super tiring especially when you get lost about a million times. We have some food then it's time for me to go home so I grab my gift off Draco and say goodbye to him and his parents then I meet Dad outside.


I place my gift off Draco under the tree then I go upstairs to watch a muggle movie called Dumbo. Have you seen it? it's a great movie.

This Christmas is going good so far, I know it's going to be a great year ahead of me.

I fell for the bad boy & he fell for me (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now