2 - Sorting

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"I'm going to miss you so much" 

"I know, you've said a thousand times" I chuckle pulling away from Mother

"Don't get into Hufflepuff" Father laughs hugging me

"Or Slytherin" I mumble into his chest 

Father is the one member of my family I will miss very dearly, I'm not afraid to admit I'm a daddy's girl cause I know I am and I like being his favourite daughter. 

"Well I better get on the train then" I smile 

Mother hugs me one more time then lets me get on the train. The door closes behind me and this is it, I'm finally on my way to Hogwarts. I poke my head out the window on the door and wave to my parents as the train leaves the station, once they're out of sight I go and find a seat. 

"Hello, can I sit here please?" I ask a blonde girl who's sat reading a magazine

"Of course, I'm Luna Lovegood" she smiles (pretend she's a year older)

"Thanks, I'm Samantha Star"

"Nice to meet you"

"You too, wait Lovegood I know that name. The Quibbler" 

"My father is the editor of it, do you read it?"

"Yeah it's my second favorite magazine after a muggle magazine I read"

The lady arrives with sweets so I buy some chocolate frogs, they're my favourite and I'm proud to say I have every card which took a very long time to collect. 

"Which house would you like to be in?" I ask 

"I like all the houses so I don't mind where I end up. you?"

"Gryffindor or Ravenclaw"

"That's great, we better put our cloaks on as we will be arriving soon"

I nod ok and grab my wand then I do a quick spell that changes my clothes. We arrive at Hogwarts to be greeted by a giant when we get off the train. And by a giant I mean a giant, you's need at least two of me maybe even two and a half to make his height. 

"First years follow me, I'm Hagrid" 

I like him, hes scarily tall but he's friendly which means he won't stand on me. I get onto a boat with Luna then we finally make our way to the castle which looks so pretty. The great hall was even more amazing, the floating candles are by far my favourite thing to see so far. 

"Hello" I smile to a boy with blonde hair as we stand at the front of the great hall

"Blood status?"


he smiles and holds his hand out "Hi I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" oh dear, I know that name

"Samantha Star" I smile shaking his hand 

He's one of the ones to avoid, he's a bad person. note to self. do not be allowed into the same house as him. He got sorted into Slytherin before the hat was even fully on his head, good he can stay in there with all the other snakes. 

"Samantha Star" 

I walk up to the stool and take a seat as the hat gets out onto my head 

"Ah, very intelligent and creative. Ravenclaw would be good for you although your loyal so Hufflepuff is an option. You're brave like your parents so Gryffindor would also do you good. It shall be.....RAVENCLAW"

I smile and make my way to the table as Ravenclaw cheer, I like blue. Luna smiles and hugs me, I didn't even realize she got sorted but hey at least we're together. After everyone is sorted the feast begin and I'm starting to get super hungry now so this is perfect timing. Once everyone is finished we go to the common room. 

"It's so beautiful" I smile looking around in awe

"It is, come on lets go to the dorm" Luna smiles grabbing my hand and running off dragging me with her. 

I'm in a dorm with Luna and two other girls called Chloe and Cho, they seem nice so that's good. I chose the bed which is against the wall and has the window with the fitted in seat next to it, it's the best bed in the room so I'm glad I managed to get it. I change into my pjs then I take my note book and begin to write with my new royal blue quill my brother got me.

Dear Mum, Dad & Siblings

It's amazing here and I love it already. The castle and everything inside is so beautiful, I've already become good friends with someone called Luna and I can tell we're going to be great friends. I got sorted into....RAVENCLAW. How great is that? I get to wear my favourite blue ribbon now. 

I miss you all and hope none of you siblings plan to swap bedrooms with me, also girls you better not try and become Dad's princess because I'm not afraid to hex you, once I learned how to do it. 

I'll write to you again soon but until then farewell and try not to miss my beautiful face. 

Love you all forever and always,

Sammi x 

I smile as I quickly turn the dot on the I in my name into a star then I place the letter in it's envelope and put it on my bedside table so I can send it to them tomorrow. I climb under the blankets and stare at the ceiling taking everything in, I eventfully fall asleep with a smile on my face excited for the lessons I'm finally going to start tomorrow. 

I fell for the bad boy & he fell for me (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now