29 - The Trio Return

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"Do you think they will be coming here?" Ginny asks 

"Yes, Draco said they all left with Dobby. To be honest I wish I was there because by the sound of it Dobby was pretty badass with the chandelier" 

"Samantha, come here. quick" Seamus calls in a panic 

I go over to him finding him and a Tim holding Michael up for support. 

"Michael? What happened?"

"The carrows" Tim responds as Michael hugs me tightly 

"I'm gonna kill them" 

"You can't, you will die too" Neville says 

"Then what am I meant to do? they hurt my brother"

"He will be ok in a few hours, trust me" a random Hufflepuff responds 

I walk Michael to my hammock and help him onto it "Go to sleep, you will be fine" 

He nods ok and falls asleep straight away. I turn and face Neville and Ginny "This war is going to happen very soon, Draco still doesn't know when but he knows it will be before this school year is over"

30 mins later Nevielle appears back from Aberforth's with a surprise who happens to be the trio. I make my way to the front of everyone and as soon as Hermione climbs down the ladder I pull her into my arms. 

"Are you ok? Draco told me what happened"

"I'm fine, it's starting to disappear now. I no doubt Draco told you what Harry did to his father"

"He told me everything, I have no idea how he managed to make out he didn't know it was Harry" 

"Neither do we. We was shocked he didn't say it was him"

"He doesn't want to be on their side. He has no choice" 

"There's something we need to find. Something hidden here, in the castle. And it may help us defeat you know who" Harry explains 

"Alright, what is it?" Neville asks 

"We don't know"

"Well this is great" I chuckle 

"Where is it?" 

"We don't know that either, I realize there's not much to go on" 

"That's nothing to go on" Seamus replies 

I fell for the bad boy & he fell for me (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now