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N and Leo from VIXX (OTP <3)


Yet again, Leo doesn't show much affection to our fans.. "Kamsamida, saranghae!" We scream, but Leo just stands there next to Ravi, he does wave at the fans tho.. But still.. Leo c'mon.. We've talked about it!

~ Throw back ~

"Can't you show our fans some more love?" I'm sitting next to Leo on the couch, we were cuddling before, but I had to ask him about this.. "I mean, like, blow them a kiss, or show a heart?" The other members were out, I'm lucky that I don't have schedules right now, so that I can be with Leo.. "Like us other.." I love him, but sometimes, he.. "Can't you?" How to say.. In a nice way.. He's like a cat.. Sometimes he's precious as God, then other times, he's just that cat who just doesn't want to cuddle.. Or show ANY affections! I don't know how to say this.. But I just want him to be nice to our fans! Is that too much to ask for?

Leo, as I expected, just sits there without saying anything..

"Never mind.." I lay back down in Leo's lap.

"No.. You're right.." I look up at him, "I mean.. I don't do much.. I've told you before.. I just don't feel so comfortable about those things.." I sight..

"I know.. Sorry" I look away.

~ End of throw back ~

That's what I don't get about Leo.. He shows the members much more affection.. Well it feels like it.. And not to mention that he lets me do all kind of things with him, and he.. Well he is my boyfriend after all..

I just feel greedy.. The fact that I can get love from Leo, and the fans don't even get a blink or a hand heart.. Isn't it unfair for the fans?

Maybe I should talk with him about how I feel about this.. I haven't really told him all..

"SARANGHAE!" We give our last goodbyes, before walking off the stage.

"Great show today!!" The casts says off stage, we thank them all, bow to them all, as we always do, before we go get changed, and greet some other idols on our way.

"Anyaseo" We greet GOT7, or GOT4.. Only Jackson, Mark, Bam Bam and Junior..

"Anyaseo" We greet Seventeen, well I think it was all of them.. So many..

"Anyaseo" Oh.. G-Friend, the members really love that group!

When we greet EXID, Ken goes and talks to Hani, looks like their having fun, so the rest of us just goes ahead, leaving him behind.

"There are a lot of groups here today.. Good thing we came early this morning, so we got to greet a lot" I say as we finally get to our 'room'.

None of the members here said anything, but I'm used to be the leader, I have to say all these things, so I never expect an answer from anyone.

We all got changed, and got into our own comfortable clothes, before we waited for Ken to get ready. He had been chatting with his friend Hani for quite long.

I took that opportunity to go talk to Leo in privacy. I swear to you, he changes a lot when we're alone together...

"Leo, can I talk to you for a moment?" He followed me without answering, and I went into an empty bathroom. Of course I checked if the doors were locked. I had to make sure..

As soon as I had made sure that we were alone, Leo hugged me from behind, without saying anything. But I understood that he wanted to know what I had the urge to talk about.

"I'm sorry for bringing this up again, but I need to know something.." Leo turned me around and looked at me, asking to go on. "I feel spoiled for having you as my boyfriend." Wow.. I said it. I really didn't expect me to have the courage.

Leo just looked at me, wanting me to explain myself, so I did. "It's just.. The fact that I can get all this love from you, and the fans think you're just not into it.. I know you can do it if you want to.." After a deep breath, "Isn't it unfair for the fans?"

I think Leo finally understood where I was going.

"You're right.." He hold a long break, where I was unsure if he would even add more to his phrase. In the end, he added, "As a leader, I understand you have that kind of worry for us members, and as your boyfriend, I beg of you, please, if you want to say those things to me, do it as my boyfriend and not as my leader. I know you always act like the perfect boy you are, but try, try to be less leader like when we're alone. Then I promise you that I'll do more for the fans." I was a little mad. How can he say that?

"Is that what this is about? Me acting like I always do when we're alone?" I think Leo could feel my irritation.

"I act differently, why don't you?" I don't know.. "Don't you love me?" I was shocked.

"Of course I do! I love you, you're my boyfriend, I'll always love you, as a member of VIXX and as my boyfriend."

"Then, what is it?" I don't know how to tell him.. I've never dated anyone before Leo.. Leo used to have a girlfriend, Ken used to have one too, but before we debuted, I think Ravi might have had one, but I don't remember. Since I'm the leader, everyone expect so much of me, but the truth is that I'm not sure..

"I've never been in a relationship before you." I told honestly.

Leo smiled creepily, as I almost never see him smile, he fanboyed and hugged me cutely. I've really never seen him act like this. Not even with his cat???

We kissed, and then I noticed the time, "We have to go back, or the others will worry.."

~ In the mean time ~

"They are really taking their time.." Ravi was sitting next to Hyuk and Hyuk next to Hongbin.

"Do you really think they are doing it?" Hyuk asked innocently.

"No they can't.." Hongbin makes a deep voice, as he accidentally pictured it.

"At least, if they do it, they won't do it at home.." Ravi laughs, as Ken walks in the room, finally done with his changing of clothes.

"You never know.." Hongbin adds

"What are you laughing at?" Ken asks as the tree other members are dead laughing.

"Our cute VIXX couple.." Ravi smiles.

"Here they come!!!" The members started cheering as N, followed by Leo, walks in the room.

"What are you all cheering for, let's get moving!" N speaks, as the manager comes in the room.

They then all get back to the dorm!!!


HELLOWW~~ I'm writing in the airport, on my way to Paris.. So.. Enjoy!! >*<

I'll possibly write some more, but I might have to wait to upload it to when I get back home..

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