Keo, part 2

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This is part 2, enjoy;)


We just got back to the dorm from the fansigning event. And I can't stop thinking about that male fans letter. I really couldn't wait to get to my room and read it!!

"You seem to be in a really good mood?" Leo asks me, he had been sitting next to me in the van on the way back.

"I got this letter at the fanmeet that I can'twait to read!" I give him a huge smile.

I wonder why his face got red?


As soon as we get to the dorms, Ken storms to his room and locks it. Ravi hurries and knocks annoyed "hey! It's my room too!" It should be mine...

"Just a moment! It won't be long!"

Wonder who gave him the mail? That pretty girl from V.I.P this afternoon?


I sit on my bed, and take out the letter that I've been keeping in my pocket.

I tear it open and read,

"Dear Ken-shi♡

I want to confess my biggest secret, because you are my number one idol, and I admire you the most!
I have issues at home because of my identity, and because of that I am now affraid of saying the truth to my mother, because she might quick me out!
I really don't want you to feel gross by this, or disturbed in any way. I write because I think you'd be understandable. If not, then I'm sorry I wrote.
I really like you and I admire you! But not only because of your talents, trust me you are talented thought. I like you because you are my male crush." I stop reading for a second. What does this mean?

I continue reading,
"And not because I admire you only, but because I like you. I like you a lot. I don't really know what this means for me yet, but I know that if I tell my mother, she won't like it. I sometimes wonder what you would do if you were in my situation, because you are my idol. So I decided to write to you. I have never felt anything for a girl before, what does it mean?

Sincerely, your fan, Antho."

I don't say anything or think anything for a long while. I just stare at the wall in front of me. Is he gay? Is that what he is trying to tell me?

I mean if we talk about man crushes, then I have had one on every member in this group! I mean.. just look at them???

But is he like.. in love? With a man? Like men are with women? I don't mind that? I mean it's not a big deal right? It's just a sexuality? I could possibly be... no... I don't think I am... bi? Pan? I don't know... I don't really care either... why is he affraid of telling his mother? Is she requesting him to marry a woman? He looked so young, he was definitly still in high school! He shouldn't worry like that!!

I should ask my members what they think about sexualities.


We're all chilling on the big sofa in the big room, all looking on our phones, being 'super social' as we call it, when Ken finally walks out of his and Ravi's room.

"Finally!" Ravi says looking up from his phone. He stands up, but Ken stops him from going anywhere.

"Could you sit down? I have a question for all of you. A topic I want to discuss with you." He sits next to Ravi. I'm not jealous!

"What is it?" N asks sitting between Hongbin and Hyuk. He sounds concerned as we probably all are right now... this sounds serious.

"What are your thoughts on homosexuality?" It gets all quiet.

"What do you mean?" Hongbin breaks the silence.

"What if there was a male fan who was to be completely madly in love with one of us? Would you be okay with that? I mean it's just like our female Starlights, just a boy instead." He explains. The members don't seem to be disturbed by the thought, but no one still says anything.

"How did you get that idea? I mean was it at the fansigning event yesterday? Did someone do something?" N asks still sounding too conserned for the matter.

"No one bothered me at all. I just received a letter from a fan. He was really nice to me. I just read his letter, and he confessed that he liked me." N tries to smile, but no one really shows emotions. "I mean it really doesn't bother me at all! I just want to know your opignon about it." They all start to defend themselves,

"Well it really doesn't bother me either to be fair! I mean it's a compliment right? I'm hot enough for a gay guy to like me! That's kinda cool." Ravi laughs.

"Right, right! It's totally fine!" Hyuk says.

"Did you worry we'd say something else? That we wouldn't agree?" I ask. Everyone looks at me.

"Maybe?" Ken just looks me directly in the eyes, and for a second I forget time. It's not before Hongbin cut the silence that I look away,

"Homosexuality is really not a big deal! I don't get why it's illegal in Korea... I mean it's just a preference, right?" He says. And I stop thinking. I'm in shock. Is it illegal?


Illegal? Really? What? "IS IT IllegAl?" I'm in shock... no wonder he was affraid of telling his mother...

I look at Leo, then I look down.


I sit in my room, thinking about the conversation earlier. I hear a knock, and Ken walks in and sits next to me.

We don't say anything, we just sit. Enjoying the silence. I knew we had to talk, and that we had a lot to talk about, but for now. We enjoy each other's presences.

Ken is the first to break the silence.
"What do we do?"

I don't answer, because I really have no clue.

"Should we tell the others?"

"I had absolutely no idea that it was illegal." I just say. (A/N I know it's not really illegal, people just look down on it..)

"We didn't know... I mean... It would be different if we actually had feelings for each other..." he pauses, before saying, "but we don't right?"

I suddently feel sick, and I don't feel like talking anymore. It really meant nothing to Ken? Nothing?

"Just friends with benefits, right?" He continues, since I still don't answer. "Nothing else." He doesn't even look at me. I don't know what to do, I panick, so I just storm out of the room, take on my shoes, take my jacket and storm out of the dorm.


What just happened?

Tell me if you want a part 3, and I'll write one!! But are you starting to get it?? ;) I really hope you like the story!! Tell me if you want more! ;)

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