eunwoo x moonbin

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I don't know Astro that well, I've followed them since before their debut, but not that much... I just fell for their cuteness, and randomness I guess... but these two! I swear... omg <3

Eunwoo POV

He's so cute.. lying with his head on my lap.. my crush. Why did I have to fall for him? Can't we just stay as we are? But he's so cute. Like a puppy.. but like a kitten as well.

We've been the closest two in Astro, before and still now, after our debut.

I know that Moonbin is bi, so it's not that I don't stand a chance. I guess the reason we're this close, is because we secretly came out to each other. But at the same time... I fell for this boy. Oh my! Why can't you choose who to fall in love with? It would be so much easier...

"Eunwoo-ah" Was I staring at him? Ups.. I look away. "Why were you staring?"

"Nothing." Moonbin rolls his eyes before he moves to lay on my lap, in a more comfortable way.

We're in the waiting room, and I'm sitting on the only sofa in the room, with Moonbinnies head in my lap. I play with his hair for a while before,

"People, soap couple, ASTRO! Wake up!" Jinjin yells loudly along with MJ, our happy virus. Why so loud?

"Hmm.." Moonbin moves his head closer to my body.

"We need to get up" I tell the still half asleep boy.

"Okay.." Moonbin get's up, and as soon as he takes his head off from my lap, I feel the coldness, without Moonbin's heat on my lap.

"We have to perform in 10 minutes, so we better get going." Jinjin inform us. "You all ready?" We all nod, get up on our feets, and follow our manager out of the waiting room. On the way, Moonbin takes my hand.


After the performance, we still had to wait for the final countdown, only to stand in the background and congratulate the winners, since we weren't nominated top 2 of the week, sadly. I hope it could happen one day tho, but I guess all idols dream of that.

"Why the face down?" Moonbin ask.

"Just thinking haha" Moonbin smiles, and grabs me from behind to give me a backhug. He's so cute.

"I've been thinking too." He whispers in my ear. I can feel my cheeks burn slightly red. "I'll tell you when we get back to our doorm, we'll be alone then." Okay NOW I'm definitely going out of my mind. How can he just say that and expect me to just act normally? I'm probably burning red right now, but what do you expect?

"..." I just try to nod and act normal...


When we were in the car, and on the way back to the doorm, Moonbin didn't even sit next to me. He always does.. why am I getting jealous?

"What's wrong hyung?" Sanha asks me. I feel like I can see Moonbin laugh quietly from his seat...

"Nothing, I just need some sleep." Sanha nods, and lays his head on my shoulder to comfort me.


When we finally get back to our dorm, I go directly to my room without saying anything even tho Jinjin keeps asking if I'm okay.

I lock the door and lean my back up against it.

I hear a knock, followed by a voice, "Eunwoo-ah, lock me in"

I unlock the door, so Moonbin can enter, and he locks the door after him.

He immediately hugs me up against the door. "You okay?" He whispers, "is it my fault?" He grins a bit after asking. Really?

"What did you want to tell?" I push Moonbin a bit, for him to move aside, but he doesn't do so.

"What color would you say is ASTROs real color? Yellow? Blue? Green?" ...

"You didn't seriously tell me to wait for you to tell me this?"

"Ask! I asked you a question." He can't be serious?

"Well.. blue is my favourite colour?"

"Do you like boys?" WHAT?..

"Uhm.. how did this become an interview?" Moonbin is just grinning at my reaction.

"You know that I'm bi, so... do you like me?" Wha-.. how? How does he know?

"How.. ye.. maybe..." how come I can't be honest with him.

"Be honest. Haven't I practically comfessed now?" Moonbin's expression changed from teasing to worried. "I like you.. please tell me you like me back."

I'm.. I... I don't know how to react. I... my biggest dream is in front of me..

"Yes... I like you too." I look down before I add, "I like you a lot." I whisper.

Moonbin grabs me into a hug, and I hug him back tightly. "You got me worried there." He whispers in my ear.

He starts to tickle me like crazy, and I laugh and cry till I'm laying on the floor with him on top of me. He wipes my tears on my cheeks, and peeks the left on real quick. I blush at the sudden peek. I know it was just a peek, but it was cute. We both look away blushing from embarrassment.

"You're so cute." I say, and we both become even more embarrased.


I'm laying on Moonbin's bed with my head in his lap, and Moonbin is caressing my head.

"So do you like boys?" Moonbin asks me.

"I don't know.. I don't think so tho.." Moonbin gives me a confused look.

"How do you like me then?"

"I don't know. You're the only boy to catch my eye. I don't think I could like others. I mean... Can I be attracted to only one person, then everybody else don't matter? I didn't fall for your gender... I just fell for you."

Moonbin puts in cuteness and fanboys at my comment, "awwwwww that's supa cuuuuute xD" I laugh.

I'm so happy that Moonbin-ah feels the same way. He's so addorable, I don't think I could ever live without him <3

You heard iKONs teaser? I'M SO EXCITED!!! even tho it comes out the day before my exams... cry ... everything's reminding me of exams lately T^T

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the fluffiness<3 (this couple is seriously adorable)

Please support ASTRO, they debuted recently, and they are part of the newer kpop generation, but they are super cute (I don't usually like cute concepts, but these... omg) and my bias is Sanha<3 (the maknae)

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