MOBB Part2

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Part 2, enjoy ;P !!

Bobby POV

"Ya! Seriously!? What is it?" I kinda yell at him. He stops to undress when he's just about to take his boxers off.

"Get in the water! And I'll tell you." He finally undresses, and goes in the water himself. I join, waiting for him to start talking!

"What?" I just look at him kinda annoyed. "I can feel there is something that you're not telling me!"

"We were all really.. really drunk yesterday... you know that.." I nod, giving out a short yes, kind of leading him to continue. "You kissed me.." I look at him for a second, not really getting what he is trying to tell me...

"I kissed you?" What's the big deal? I mean.. we're like brothers...? He couldn't possibly feel THIS awkward after just a kiss? He nods.. "There is more.. there is more to this story.. tell me... did I really do something stupid? Out of my normal stupidity?" He doesn't even dare to look at me anymore.

"Well.. you ran around almost naked and screamed your lounges out that you were bisexual... and that's when you kissed me, and told me you loved me..." WHAT?!

I couldn't get myself to say anything.. I mean.. I am bisexual, but I've never told anyone.. not even Hanbin? "I told you that I loved you?" I can't even face this right now.. I mean we're naked in a bathtub right now...

"Well you said it like 'I love you man', not that it necessarily meant anything..." I can't believe it...

"Was it in front of everyone?" I just ask.

"Well the running around yelling 'I'm bisexual - I'm bisexual! - f*** the haters!' Yes..." He now looks at me, and I don't even know how to ask the next question. He senses it, and Minho just responds "no.."

I sight in relief.

"I'm really sorry man... If I kissed you.. I never meant for you to feel disturbed in any way..." I try to defend my actions. "I mean, I was drunk! I was clearly not myself.." I smile awkwardly.

"I know..." Minho says calmly, I am really thankfull that he is so chill about this.. I mean I did kiss him right...? I wonder if I'm a good kisser?

Mino POV

I should've known better... I mean it's Bobby for goodness sake... I shouldn't have had my hopes up like that... but, it just felt so right. I know it only lasted a couple seconds... but, it felt so good!

"So.. I mean.." I start, trying to shake off my awkwardness, "Are you..? Are you bisexual?"

He just looks at me, blanc, like I just used a word that didn't exist in his dictionary.

"I mean... you don't have to answer, if you're not ready..." I try to act calm.

"No.. no, you're right... I should be telling you guys about it... just, get it off my chest!" He says, his face lighting up a bit. He takes a deep breath, and smiles. I don't know how I felt in those short seconds. But seeing that beautiful smile, of pure happiness. It made me want to kiss him. I didn't of course, but I'm pretty sure I stared a long time. But I don't think he noticed, because he is talking about his sexuality. "...around when I was 16 or maybe at 17? It took me some time to actually take notice.. right? I mean, I may have just known it always.. but I feel like lately, men warm me up a lot... you know? Like when you look at a girl?" I just nod. "I mean.. I've always, always had feelings for girls! And I still do! But now... when I look at a naked dude's body... I don't know... but it just turns me on...!" I can totally relate... but I don't say anything. I just nod. And he keeps on talking about how he started to watch gay porn just to see how his body would react to it... he talks a lot.


We're playing ping pong around the table and I just lost for the first time today...

I sit on the edge of the rather big sofa we have, where Donghyuk and Seonghoon also are fast asleep.

Yunhyeong comes out of his and Donghie's room looking like a big mess, "..hey!" He says... with a very cracked voice. "I'..m takn' a bath.." he says, almost impossible to understand.

"Sorry man, MOBB are taking a bath, gotta wait for them to be done." I stand up and give him a hug. "Urhh. But you need one for sure."

"How long have they been in there already?" Junhoe comes to us and asks. "It's been over an hour for sure!!"

"ONE AND A HALF !" Jinwoo yells from the game.

"You think they are doing it?" Junhoe asks without shame.

"Hey! You can't just ask like that.." I say embarrassed. But... what if they are?

"Let's spy on them!" Yunhyeong says, suddently having a less hoarse voice.

He pulls Junhoe and my arm to the bathroom door, and we glue our ears to the door. Jinhwan and Jinwoo noticing our actions, follow us. And soon, all five of us are gluing our ears to the bathroom door.

At first we only hear the sound of a little splashing water. Then it grows more intense and the splashing gets louder. Then. I swear! We all heard some kind of weird sound... ASSUMED to be moaning! We all quickly move back to the sofa. We all sit and hold our little "MOBB-shippers" meeting.

"Okay! So we all agree! We heard a sound!!" Jinwoo starts. It's a little weird.. because he's the oldest in WinKON, yet he acts like Chanwoo?

I look at Chanwoo, he's putting the plates on the big table, while I hear Seungyoon yell for him to help him in the kitchen. I wouldn't say they act like father and mother, it's more like mother and son... still weird, since Chanwoo is always too lazy to help us around the dorm, but when Seungyoon is around?

"So was it a moan?!" Jinhwan asks exitedly, which brings me back to reality.

Mino POV

Jiwon turns around so I can wash his back. I take some soap and spread it on his back with my hands. I lean backwards, and to my surprise, he leans to relax on top of my body. So there I sit. Naked. In a bathtub. With Jiwon, also naked, leaned up against me. Calm down.

"Massage me." He says.

"...okay?" I try to move a little and he does to, and I start to massage him.

"Hmm" he moans "feels good." He adds.

I don't respond, just try to massage him more. He turns around, almost so that I fall back and hurt myself. There he is, almost laying naked front on me, looking me in the eyes.

For a long time, I glare him in the eyes, and he does back. We don't move.

We finally move a bit closer, and Jiwon holds his hand behind my neck, and, while we still look each others in the eyes only, I slowly close mine as he pulls in closer. I feel his wet lips on my own. We press our lips together, and I slowly start rubbing my hands on his back as the kiss gets deeper.

We pull back for air, and for a second we just look at each other like 'wtf just happened?' But since none of us seems to be complaining, I end up smiling.

"Was this what our first kiss felt like? Cuz then I feel bad not remembering it..." Jiwon smiles back and pulls in for a short hug.

"Well.. honestly I only remember feeling shocked at that moment. But it definitely didn't last as long as this one." He kisses my lips and smiles at me.

"Let's get dressed."

I am always up for any WinKON ship!! So just make some request!! ;)

Anyway this was part 2, with an open ending.. (kind of) Hope you enjoy my stories :D

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