»» Something Great

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Harry's character actually is pretty sad.

It's been a while has it not? x

Wtf 80k thank u .


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You're all I want so much it's hurting.


Louis thinks things couldn't be more perfect.

They truly, truly couldn't. It's like everything couldn't be better. Not his friendship with Zayn, or Liam, or Niall. Everything was perfect. He wants to cry really, after so many months of complete hurt and sadness, he was finally happy.

There were moments though, when things faltered.

Like when Harry would disappear for a few days for business reasons which left Louis a worried mess. He always speculated that this time Harry would go back to his old ways, that he'd come back with marks that Louis didn't make. But, then Harry does come back, and he embraces Louis tightly and Louis discretely checks to see that Harry is clean, that Harry is okay. He always is.

So besides that, things are perfect.



It's not like Louis ignored him, on contrary their friendship burned more and more with each passing day. That's all it was though, friendship, and both Louis and Matthew know that.

Harry doesn't think so though. If anything he wants to sock Matthew in the face whenever he appears. He doesn't though. He puts up with him for Louis' sake.

Though, Harry surely doesn't miss out on the way Matthew tries to repeatedly get closer to Louis on every occasion and chance he gets.

Louis tells him he's crazy. He's allowed to have friends. He's allowed to do whatever he wants, and he makes this clear to Harry.

Harry steps back a bit but not really, he's pulled Matthew aside on more than one occasion thus warning him to stay back. Matthew only laughs at him, a few time's he's said, "Hey, don't worry about it okay? It's not like I could hurt Louis any worse that you already have right?" Which really is a slap to Harry's face. Harry doesn't talk to Matthew after that, instead choosing to depict his anger in glares and snarky side comments. 

It started out with a call from Louis' mum asking him to come home for a couple weeks in the summer seeing as they were going to celebrate Lottie's 18th birthday. Louis wanted to tell his mum that he didn't have the funds to be traveling to Spain at the moment. Harry overheard the conversation and offered to pay for expenses. Louis calls Harry ridiculous, already knowing the trip will cost thousands of pounds. Harry rolled his eyes and grabbed the phone from Louis' hands. 

"Hello? Mrs. Tomlinson?" Harry spoke into the phone. Louis made a grab for the phone but Harry only put it on speaker and raised it above his head. Scowling softly Louis turned away. 

"Who is this?" His mom's soft toned voice asked. 

"Harry...Harry Styles?" Harry said confusedly. 

"Oh, wait, Harry Styles? What are you doing with Louis' phone," His mom now sounding more confused than ever. Louis looked at him with wide eyes and motioned for him to shut up, but Harry ignored him.

"Louis is my boyfriend, surely he has informed you?" 

"NO, he has not!" She exclaimed in annoyance. Louis buried his head in his hands and groaned.

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