Chapter 14 - Party Plan

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(Throwback picture lol)
      Grayson's Point of View
   It made me feel pretty awkward just standing around watching Ethan be with Jenni. As awkward as it was, I wanted to be Ethan. Ethan was always the one getting the girl and I never got anything. I was tired of it and I really wanted change it. As much as I wanted to change it, I couldn't put more stress on Jenni like that. I would just stay friends with her until I felt I could finally tell her.
   Ethan and Jenni were still hugging when I remembered me and Ethan had to plan for our 16 birthday party today.
    (I know there already 16 but just go with it :])
" Hey Ethan, weren't we supposed to plan for our party today?" I asked and he let go of Jenni.
  "Oh shoot I totally forgot. But I can't just leave Jenni."
  "Oh I'm sorry, if I need to leave I can it's fine," Jenni said.
  "No no , it okay you can stay. You would never be a bother," I responded and smiled.
  "So what are we doing?" Jenni asked.
  "Well were going to go rent tuxes, see how much pizza we can order for that day, and some decorations, not much since its still a month away." I responded.
   "Oh my gosh, lifetime of pizza at the party! Can't wait! let's go then!" Jenni said full of excitement. I was going to ask her if she could be kind of like my 'date' to the party but Ethan interrupted.
  "You should be my date to the party," He said .
  "Of course I will," Jenni said and they hugged again. I couldn't believe it. Ethan was so lucky. I knew I shouldn't steal the girl he liked but I couldn't help it. Jenni was just so perfect.
Ethan's Point of View
     We were going to go party shopping with Jenni. And honestly I was so hyped up for this party because Jenni would be my date.  I was planning to ask her out again at the party but I wasn't quite sure yet.  We got in the car, and because I wanted to sit next to Jenni, I sat in the back. I've noticed that whenever I'm with Jenni, Grayson starts acting weird. Like when we sat in  the back together, I could start to see him getting mad but trying to hide it. "I think he's just kinda upset he's still single," I thought.
    First we stopped at UPS to print the invitations. I already had the way we wanted the invitation on my phone so we just told her to print 250 of them. Since it would take awhile, we went to the Starbucks that was right next to it.
   Jenni got a Passion Tea, I got a Java Chip Frappuccino, and Gray got a S'mores Frappuccino with a cookie.
   "I really like cookies!" Gray said and smiled really wide. He then dipped his cookie in the frap and was going to put it in his mouth when Jenni leaned over and bit the cookie.
  "Hey! That was my cookie!" Gray screamed. 
   "I really like cookies too," Jenni responded and took a sip of her tea. 
  We finished our drinks and went back to UPS. We walked in and our copies were finished. Then we went to go rent our tuxes. 
  We walked into the store and both me and Grayson just picked a random tux that fit us.
    "Um, what are you two doing?" Jenni asked pointing to our tuxes.
  "We're going to go pay for them," I said and pointed to the register. Jenni then took both of our tuxes and hung them back.
  "No that's not how you shop. It's you 16th birthday, you need to look nice," Jenni said.
   We both let her pick our clothes. We gave her our sizes and soon enough she came back with two tuxes better than the ones we had before.  She got me a black one and a nice light gray for Grayson. 
   "Wow Jenni. You are insanely better at picking out clothes than me and Ethan are," Gray said.
    "I know I know. Now go try then on," she said and pushed us into the fitting rooms.
   We came out and I really liked the black tux Jenni picked for me. I looked at Grayson and I could really tell he liked his tux too.
  "Damn bro, we look good," Gray said. I couldn't believe it but we really did look nice in tuxedos.  
  "How do we look?" Gray asked Jenni.
   "You both look really hot,"Jenni said. I saw Grayson smile at Jenni. I noticed that was the same exact way I smiled at Jenni when she didn't know I liked her yet.
   "Oh god." I thought," Grayson likes Jenni."
   I couldn't believe it. Gray likes Jenni and he didn't tell me. He knows I like her so why would he start liking her. I started to get so mad at Gray, I just wanted to fight him then and there. Jealousy rained over me again and I couldn't stand the thought of Gray liking her. "What if Jenni starts liking Grayson instead of me?" I thought.
   I couldn't help it. I walked up to Jenni, smiled at her a bit then smashed my lips into hers. I could tell she was surprised because I heard her gasp. We continued kissing and from the corner of my eye I could see Grayson's face. I saw the sorrow in his eyes. I knew he liked her just as much as I did but Jenni was going to be mine.
     "Woah Ethan. What was that for? " Jenni asked as we pulled away.
   "Just to show how much I like you," I said and smirked.
       We paid and walked out of the store holding hands. Grayson looked so mad. I think he knows I found out he likes her. But I didn't care, I had to show Grayson that this was going to be my girl not his.
   We finished getting the decorations and dropped off Jenni at her hotel. I kissed her goodbye and she said bye to Grayson. As soon as she got out of the car, Grayson punched my arm.
   "What the hell bro! You know I like her why can't you just let me have a chance!" Grayson yelled.
   "Hey it's not my fault she likes me more."
   "Just because she likes you doesn't mean I can't get her to like me," Grayson said.
   "I met her first, so I get to date her first," Ethan said.
   "That doesn't mean anything. She could also like me but I wouldn't know because you keep taking her away."
   "Fine. I admit I do kind of take Jenni away. Jenni can like whoever she wants to. But lets not fight over her okay," Ethan said. 
   "Deal, no fighting."
   Hope you like this chapter :)
Tried to make it longer since I didn't update yesterday
  I just really want to write the party chapter but its still like 2 chapters away
  Anyway really like how this fanfiction is going
   I'll update tomorrow .^. Bye

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