Chapter 16 - Dinner

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Grayson's Point of View
I was so happy that Jenni liked me back. I just wanted to announce it to the world that I loved her. So I got my phone and went on twitter.
'Got so much love for her <3' I tweeted.
I just couldn't stop thinking about her. I was just about to leave her house when I looked in the rear view mirror and saw her bags were still there. Since she forgot them, I decided I should take them to her inside.
I got her bags and walked up to her porch. I rang the doorbell and it looked like her mom that answered.
"Oh hi. You must be Jenni's parent. nice to meet you." I put out my hand for her to shake.
I cleared my throat and continued talking. "I'm Grayson, I gave your daughter a ride back from LA. But anyway, she left her bags and I just wanted to bring them back. So I guess you could just take them and-"
Her mom cut me off by saying," You know what? You can just take the bags to her yourself, come in." She gestured to go inside with a smile on her face.
I walked inside. "Wow, this place is really nice. And what is that I smell? Is it mashed potatoes?"
"In deed it is, were having mashed potatoes with chicken for dinner," Her mom answered.
Then her mom started to walk up the stairs and yelled, "Jenni! Your friend Grayson is here."
Jenni came out of her room and started to walk down the stairs as she saw me, but her mom stopped her.
"Jenni quite a keeper you have there," here mom tried to whisper but I heard anyway.
"Mom stop" Jenni said and came down the stairs.
She saw me with the bags and started laughing.
"Oh sorry I left the bags in the car. But thanks for bringing them." Jenni smiled.
She hugged me and I hugged her back, but stopped when I noticed her mom watching.
"Um well I guess I'll be going now," I said and started to walk towards the door.
"Wait Grayson why don't you stay for dinner, seems like you really like mashed potatoes," her mom said in an inviting tone.
"No no I really don't want to impose-"
"It's fine, I'll set another plate for you," her mom said and started toward the kitchen.
"Well I guess you eating chicken today then." Jenni smiled and walked toward the door.
"Okay let's go eat."
Jenni's Point of View
We were eating and Grayson just kept eating the potatoes as if he hadn't eaten in days.
"Dang Gray, just finish all those potatoes already."
"Sorry, there just really good. Thanks for making enough Mrs. Jenni's mom," Grayson said mouth full of potatoes."
We finished eating and Grayson took out his phone.It had a lot of notifications. Before Grayson could speak I stood up.
"We'd like to be excused please. Cmon Gray let's go to my room."
Grayson followed me to my room and I just left the door open.
"So why so many notifications on your phone?" I asked.
"I don't know let me check."
Grayson check his notifications and I saw that they were all toward his most recent tweet.
I then took out my phone to check what he tweeted.I saw his tweet and I couldn't believe it.
"Grayson I saw your tweet, and do you really love me?"
"Of course I do Jenni, Your seriously so perfect to me."
"Aww Gray your really sweet."
Gray checked his tweet and saw so much fighting on there.
"It's probably about that one girl Ethan was with!" Said one tweet.
"You can't just steal Ethan's girl!" Said another.
I'm so sorry Gray. I just cause problems.
"No Jenni, if anything this is my fault, but it is kinda your fault for making me like you," Gray joked.
"Well still now your going to get so much hate and I just really want to fix it but I just tend to ruin-"
Grayson cut me off with a kiss. Honestly that would have been the only way to keep me from talking. I honestly did love him too, but I still couldn't just go with Gray right after I broke up with Cameron.
I had to get my feelings straight first.
"That's just what I needed, Thanks Gray."
"Anytime, now let's resolve the little problem we had."
Grayson made another tweet to kind of fix up the problem with the other one.
After he tweeted that tweet, it just caused more drama on my account.
"I don't care what people say, you can like me all you want."
"All I know is that I'll never stop liking you."
"Jenni! Come help clean up!" Called my mom.
"I'm so sorry, I'll come back."
I walked downstairs and helped my mom clean.
"So what were you two doing?" My mom asked and had a curious smile on her face.
"Mom stop,he's just a friend."
"Okay okay, when is he leaving?"
"Oh shoot, mom can he stay,he lives in LA and I don't want him to drive late."
"Okay fine he can stay on the couch."
"Thank you thank you,I owe you one mom."
I ran up the stairs and jumped on Grayson's back.
"Looks like your sleeping over."

Decisions// DolanTwins And Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now