Chapter 33 - Caught

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Jenni's Point Of View
Ethan was home and I couldn't be happier. He would be back with Grayson, and Grayson could be happy once again. In the days that I have seen him, he looked so stressed, but now he couldn't be better.
We walked out of the hospital ready to take Ethan back to where he belonged, home. I opened the car door, and was about to get sit up front when Grayson suggested that I go in the back with Ethan so I could look over him. I agreed and moved in the back to sit with Ethan. Grayson sat in the front and started driving back to the house.
As we were driving I noticed Ethan was acting a little weird. He kept looking around, as if he was confused by something.
I moved forward a little to whisper to Grayson and ask him what was wrong.
"Hey Grayson, why does Ethan look a little confused?" I whispered.
"They gave him the laughy gas stuff, and he doesn't remember what you told him before so just go along with it." Grayson responded. Since he didn't remember anything that I said, I figured that we could start over.
I turned to Ethan and began a conversation with him.
"Hey Ethan," I said as he turned around looking surprised.
"Hey, who are you?" Ethan said sounding funny.
"Remember I'm Jenni."
"Jenni? Oh I know a Jenni, she's really pretty," Ethan said throughout multiple laughs. It seemed like the laughy gas was making Ethan talk in a weird way, but I found it amusing.
"I think I'm the Jenni your talking about," I responded laughing a bit as well. He turned his whole body and looked me in the eyes this time. He touched my hair and spoke up once again.
"Guess it is you. Your really pretty," Ethan said constantly laughing. He started to unzip his seat belt, and I was a bit confused.
"Uh, Ethan, what are you doing?" I asked. He didn't respond, he just kept laughing like a crazy person. Once his seat belt was off, he started to move closer to me, which got me even more confused. He started to lay down on me and I couldn't help but laugh a little.
"You looked really comfy," Ethan said smiling as laid on my thighs.
"Ethan, your such a goof," I said. Ethan was acting really different now, it made me forget of all those other times he hurt me.
"Seems like you guys are really getting along now, everything is perfect." Grayson said and I saw his cute smile through the rear view mirror.
"I'm glad me and Ethan can be friends again, I kinda missed his dorkiness," I joked.
"What about my dorkiness?" Grayson pouted playing along.
"Stop it Grayson, you know I love you." Grayson smiled again and blushed a bit. I couldn't stop looking at his adorable smile until Ethan interrupted.
"Don't you love me?" Ethan asked.
"Of course Ethan, I love you." I said joking around again.
"That's radical," Ethan said constantly laughing again. Grayson must have like my joke as well, because he started laughing as well.
"These next few weeks with you guys are going to be so awesome." Grayson said.
We arrived at the house and the laughy gas on Ethan seemed to be wearing off. He stopped all the constant laughing but he seemed to forget everything else that he did too. We walked inside, and because Grayson was in his suit still, he wanted to change. I didn't mind, I was just going to wait until went to bed to change. So, I sat down on the couch and went on my phone.
Ethan went into the kitchen and grabbed a juice first then came to sit down next to me, and he was really close.
"Jenni?" Ethan asked.
"I just wanted to apologize for all those times earlier. I don't remember much but what I do remember is that I pushed you, almost causing you to die, and I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have let you die because you are one of the best things that has come into my life, but if you wanted to be with Grayson, I should have accepted that, and shouldn't have let the jealously get the best of me. I promise, and I know I always promise, but it's real this time. I promise that I won't ever get jealous or hurt you ever again, because who ever you choose, I just want you to be happy. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?" I couldn't believe it, Ethan actually felt sorry. I haven't seen him this way for a long time. Seems like his concussion made him realize a few things, and what he did was wrong. It touched my heart to see Ethan this way, the old Ethan was starting to come back.
"Of course I forgive you, you just have to gain my trust back. I'm really glad the old Ethan is back." I said and smiled at him a bit.
"Man, you don't know how long its been since I've seen that smile, I missed seeing it."
"Aww thanks Ethan," I said, couldn't help but blush. I noticed that Ethan kept staring at me, but I didn't know why.
"Ethan, why are you staring?" I asked, but he seemed to ignore me.
"I really missed those lips as well," Ethan said. Before I could do anything, he crashed our lips together. He was so close to me that I couldn't move anywhere, but I didn't want to. I wanted to stay there, with Ethan. It was like seeing this old side of him again, brought back all those old feelings. His light, soft lips reminded me of the first time we kissed at Disneyland. Ethan really cared about me and I really cared about him too.
Ethan lips kept moving on sync against mine, how much I missed his lips. He grabbed my face and I tugged in his hair and our kiss soon escalated to a makeout. We were still kissing when I heard foot steps. I didn't mind them and neither did Ethan so we kept kissing.
"Jenni! Ethan! What the fuck do you think your doing?!" I looked up and saw Grayson standing before us, his face turning red with anger.

Decisions// DolanTwins And Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now