Chapter 25 - Back to LA

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       Jenni's Point of View
         (Day before the Party)
       I was in my last period of the day at school. We were studying to take our finals, but I didn't care. I just wanted school to end so I could pack and go to LA and see Grayson again. I honestly didn't care about Ethan anymore. Grayson the one I've been really starting to like. He's helped me get over Cameron, and I can count on him for anything.
     I haven't seen Grayson for over a month, so that's why I was so excited. I knew he liked me, and I really liked him too. He sent me the forgiveness gift and I loved it so much, he was too sweet and adorable. When I was at their party, I was planning to ask him out. I know that the guys usually ask the girl, but I just think that it would be so sweet. 
       Since I knew he was into sports, I wanted to buy him a Nike sports bag. Inside the bag would be a card that would have a small note, and me asking him out. I was so proud of my plan that I couldn't stop smiling.
     As I was daydreaming about the plan with me and Grayson, my teacher called on me.
      "Jenni, so are you prepared for finals next week?" She said in a strict tone. 
    "I guess," I replied.
   "Well if your not so sure, then you might want to quit daydreaming and start studying." I blushed in embarrassment and grabbed my notebook and began to take notes.
    The period ended, so I quickly threw my stuff in my bag and ran out the classroom. As fast as I could, I ran to my car. I jumped into the back seat, I literally could not wait to go home, in a couple of hours I would be in a hotel in LA awaiting the party. 
    "Whoa, Jenni why are you so happy?" My mom asked because she saw me all excited.
   "Well I just can't wait to go to LA today," I replied with a smile growing on my face.
   "Who said your going to LA?"  My mom said jokingly.
    "Mom stop, you know I'm going to LA again for the twins party."
   "Alright, but when are you and that one twin going to go out? You two are always face timing and texting." She said sounding curious.
   "That one twin is Grayson, And we both really like each other but-"
  "But what? I see no problem, You like him, he likes you, just go out."
  "I know but what if his brother tries to stop us from going out?"
   "Sweetie, you can't just hide your feelings from Grayson just because of his twin. You do what you want."
 "Thanks mom, that really helped." I said and gave a sincere smile.

    We got home and instantly started to pack. I got a suitcase and first packed all my chargers. Then I packed my headphones, and a brush. Because my hair was naturally really curly, and Grayson has never seen me with straight hair, I decided I should pack my straight iron too.
    I thought I was almost done packing when I totally forgot I had to pick out an outfit. I walked to my closet and looked for some fancy clothes. I didn't know what color to wear, so I just decided to go with something either black or white. I found this black and white high low dress which I really liked and it would look nice with my straight hair. There was also this other short dress that had black lace on top and the bottom was a sleek white skirt. I tried them both on and decided to go with the short dress.
      I packed the dress in the suitcase and then decided I should pack some high heels. I knew my mom had some high heels and we were the same size, so I decided to go get some of hers. I walked to her closet and saw many high heels. There were gray heels, red heels, black heels, and white heels. I was having trouble on which ones I should choose when I saw these perfect nude color heels and they looked like they would match the dress so I took them.
     I packed the heels, and because I also wanted to wear makeup, I took the makeup Grayson bought for me.  Then I finished packing and changed into a fresh outfit and fixed my hair into a ponytail. I walked downstairs when I was ready.
   "You ready to go?" My mom asked.
 "Yup! I can't wait. Oh shoot, mom I want to buy a Nike bag as a birthday present for the twins." 
 "Okay we'll pass by the store, before we leave."
    We went outside and I put my bag in the backseat and sat In the shotgun. We started to drive and a couple minutes later, we stopped at a parking lot of the mall. My mom took out her purse and pulled out two twenty dollar bills and handed them to me.
   "Here go buy the birthday present, and just the present." My mother said.
   "Okay, but aren't you coming?" I asked. 
   "No, I'll stay in the car."
  I got out of the car and walked into the mall. I walked to the Nike store and started to look for the sports bags. I found them and decided to pick out a black one that had big white letters with the Nike logo and white stripes. I paid for it and walked over to the Hallmark Cards store so i could get Grayson a big card where I would ask him out.
   I walked inside and had to find a card that would fit in the bag. I found a card of the perfect size and i bought that and a small black sharpie.
 I walked back to car and we continued our ride to LA. Since I didn't have anything to do, I decided to write in the card while we got to the hotel.
    I took out the sharpie and I was going to begin writing when my phone dinged. It was Grayson. I smiled at myself because I was almost going to see Grayson. 
   "So what's Grayson saying?" My mom asked suddenly talking to me.
   "Wait how do you know its Grayson?" 
   "You never smile at your phone unless its Grayson."
  I opened his text.
Grayson: You need to come to LA faster. I miss you.
Me: Aww I miss you too, I just want to be in your arms.
Grayson: Just a couple more hours, then I'll be all yours <3
   I couldn't help but blush from the texts he sent me. Every time he texted it was as if I loved him more and more. I was going to respond but then I remembered I had to get the present ready, so I put my phone away.
   I got out the sharpie again and started on the card.

         Dear Grayson,
    You are one of my best friends and will forever be one of them. In this short time we've known each other, I feel like I can already  trust you more than anyone. Yeah I know that I could get annoying at times, but you put up with me, and I appreciate that. I remember the day we met, even though I liked Ethan at the time, you were still a good friend. Now, I can always rely on you to help me with my problems, or whenever I feel down.  I know that would never hurt or leave me like most people have, i know that you would never leave me or hurt me, because you like me. I should feel weird that you like me, but honestly I'm glad you like me because I like you too You may have already known, but I don't care. I like you Grayson Dolan, and I think about you non stop.  I have gone so long without telling you, but for the longest time, I've always thought of us as a couple. Now I want to make it a reality. It would make me so happy if you could be not just my bestfriend, but also my boyfriend. Will you go out with me?

I finished writing and I honestly could not wait until Grayson read it. I think he would be so happy with the present and we would be so happy as a couple.
   "Woah Jenni, all that for Grayson?" My mom said as she looked down at the card.
   "Its for both the twins, Mom," I said trying my best to lie.
   "Oh come on, I know that it's only for Grayson."
   "Fine, it is only for Grayson, I really like him, and I want to ask him out." I said and started to blush at the idea of me asking out Grayson.
  "Well I think it's pretty sweet, but you might want to start packing that up, were almost at the hotel." My mom said as I saw we were almost in the Hotel parking lot.
   Before I got out of the car, my mom took out her purse again and took out one hundred dollars this time.
  "For your room, and anything else you want to get."
   "Thanks mom, your the best."
 "Remember to be safe and tell me how it goes with Grayson."
  "Will do Mom love you bye," I said and got out of the car.
   I texted Grayson again because I didn't  want to go into the hotel yet.
   Me: Guess who's in LA!
 He answered back quickly.
Grayson: Your already in LA! Where are you?"
Me: I'm at this hotel, where I'm going to be staying. 
 Grayson: NO what do you mean hotel, your staying at my house.
 Me: No Grayson it's fine, you really don't have to.
 Grayson: I'm coming to pick you up.
  A couple minutes later I saw Grayson come in his truck smiling as he saw me.

Decisions// DolanTwins And Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now