Chapter 31 - Anger

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Grayson's Point of View
       Because Jenni was fine, she was able to check out of the hospital and the nurse said she should still be with me, just until she got her memories back. It was Sunday, and I knew that Jenni had school tomorrow, but she couldn't leave, I wasn't letting her. She had to stay with me until she remembered. 
     Once we were done checking Jenni out, I led her to one of the waiting chairs to go and sit down.
   "What are we still doing here? I thought I was fine." Jenni asked a little confused.
   "Well, remember when I said you hit your head?" I asked her. She nodded in response. "You didn't just hit your head, actually you fell off the roof, because someone pushed you. And we're still here because the person who pushed you got injured, a lot worse than you did."
"If they pushed me what are we doing waiting for them?" Jenni asked getting mad. 
 "It's cause I'm really worried about them, or him. Because the person who pushed you off is my twin Ethan."
  "Oh, I'm sorry, didn't mean to get all upset..." She stopped.
  "What's wrong?" I asked.
  "Sorry, I was going to say your name, but I don't know you name."
  "I forgot, you don't know me, I'm Grayson, and your name is Jenni."
  "Jenni?" She thought about it for a second. "I like it." She smiled. She looked too cute when she smiled. Even on the worst times, she could always make me smile.
  "Didn't you say that you're my boyfriend?" She asked.
  "Yeah, I asked you out and you asked me out yesterday," I responded.
 "I have an idea, how about instead of waiting here to see what happened to Ethan, we go on our first date?" She smiled at the thought.
"I would love to go on a date with you." I said and took my hand in hers.
After I was thinking about where to go, I decided that we should go bowling. We were driving to the bowling place when I heard something vibrate. I thought it was my phone, but I never keep my phone on vibrate. I then realized it was Jenni's phone. I looked over and saw that Cameron was calling.
  "Jenni, aren't you gonna answer your phone?" I asked her.
  "I have a phone? That's so cool." I realized that she had amnesia, so I answered it for her.
   "Hey Jenni." greeted Cameron.
  "Not Jenni, Grayson."
"Oh, well is Jenni around?" Cameron asked.
"Yeah, but she won't remember you."
  "Wait what? Is it because she fell?"
 "Yeah she's fine, just some amnesia."
 "Just wanted to tell her that I'm almost off tour, and wanted to see how she was doing."
"Well she's fine, I'm taking care of her."
"Better take good care of her."
"At least I won't break her heart and make her feel like nothing."
"What happened in our relationship isn't any of your business."
"Well at least now Jenni can be happy."
"She was happy with me-"
"Yeah, until you decided not to care about her." I said cutting Cameron off.
"Whatever, when Jenni gets her memory back tell her to call me." Cameron finished and hung up. 
   Jenni didn't seem to be paying attention since she didn't ask who called. She stayed silent until we reached the bowling alley.
  "OOO, What is this place?" Jenni asked excitedly.
  "It's called a bowling alley."
"What is bowling?"
"You'll see," I said and smiled. I started walking toward the entrance, but then I noticed that Jenni wasn't moving.
  "Jenni, what's wrong?"
"Well, we can't just go in there, we have to at least look like a couple." Jenni smiled at me and wrapped my arm around her. She looked so adorable, she looked so happy to be around me, even when she didn't know who I was.
  We walked inside and paid for three frames. We found an empty alley and put our names in the machine.
  "One on one, this is going to be so fun!" Jenni exclaimed. It was my turn first. I didn't really bowl, but when I did, I was pretty good. I took a blue ball, swung my hand back and let go. To my surprise, I got a strike.
  "Is that good?" Jenni asked confused.
 "That is actually really good, and I'm way ahead of you now."
"I can catch up," Jenni said as she picked up the ball," Only if I remember how to play."
  "Don't worry babe, I'll teach you," I said with a smirk.
  "Woah, you just called me babe, I love having a boyfriend." Jenni said and blushed a bit.
  I got behind Jenni holding on to her wrists so I could guide her.
 "Okay first, your gonna want to put your fingers in through the three circles on top. And once you've done that, your gonna swing the ball back, and then release." I let go of her wrist to let her throw the ball. I was shocked when she got a strike.
  "I did good!"
 "You sure did! You learn quickly."
"Maybe because of my teacher." Jenni winked at me as she said that. I couldn't help but think that she was getting her memory back, she seemed to be getting more comfortable with me now.
      We were on our last frame when Jenni spoke up again.
  "Oh, I forgot to ask, Who were you talking to in the car?"
 "It was just Cameron."
"I need to call him back! I never finished talking to him the other day!"
"Wait, when did you talk to him?" I said confused.
"Remember, at your party?"
"Wait, you remember what happened?"
"Some of it. I just remember that you just finished asking me out, then I went to go talk to Cameron, and the rest is just a blur."
"Omg Jenni your back!" I got up and hugged her really tight.
  "Gray, I can't breathe." Jenni said.
"Oh sorry, just got really happy your back."
"Back? What do you mean?"
"Well you know how you said that at the party how you went to go talk to Cameron, and you forgot the rest?" She nodded. "What really happened was that Ethan pushed you off because he was jealous and you got amnesia, but your fine now."
  "Thank god I'm fine, but I can't believe Ethan pushed me off."
  "He was jealous of how you didn't talk to him."
 "Speaking of Ethan, where is he?" I had completely forgot about Ethan, what if something had happened? I needed to go and see.
  "He's at the hospital, he jumped off the roof right after he pushed you off. Long story short, Ethan is really injured and the doctors are trying to fix him right now."
  "I need to go talk to him." Jenni took me by arm and led me out of the bowling alley and we began to drive back to the hospital.
We got back to the third floor where Ethan was, and already there was a nurse looking for us. 
    "Are you looking for news on Ethan Dolan?" The nurse asked and I nodded. "We have good news, the doctors were able to heal the nerve, for now, you may come see him, but be calm."  I noticed she kept looking at Jenni, then I realized that since Jenni wasn't family, she couldn't go and see him. Then I saw that this was a different nurse, and didn't know that I was dating Jenni, so I lied.
  "Sorry mam, family only."
"She is family, she's our sister."
 "Well alright then follow me." Jenni seemed to go along with the plan, because she didn't say anything. We reached the room, and the nurse opened the door and then she left, leaving us with Ethan. He looked better than before, just not perfect.
   "Hey Ethan, guess who's here?" I said.
  "Jenni? What the hell is she doing here?"
 "I came to ask why exactly you pushed me off the roof," Jenni said trying her best to stay calm.
"You don't to anyone except for me."
"Well can you blame me? First you literally busted into my room, and then you push me off a roof, and you still wonder why I don't talk to you?"
"I just wanted  to get closer to you, I wanted you to like me again, like how you used to."
    I felt really weird being there just in the middle of Ethan and Jenni arguing. I wanted to leave, but I knew I couldn't, I was staying there just in case something happened.
 "Ethan the past is in the past, I'm with Grayson." Jenni said, and Ethan didn't respond. I noticed that Ethan's heart rate began to rise up.
  "Ethan calm down," I said trying to get his heart rate to go down.
  "It's easy for you to calm down, your the one that has Jenni!"
  "You made some bad decisions which made Jenni stop liking you."
 "Well if I've made my decisions already, lets let Jenni make a decision right now. Jenni, who would you rather be with? Me or Grayson?"
  "Ethan, you know I have to choose Grayson." 
  "I hate you Jenni! We were always supposed to be together, until Grayson ruined the whole thing. I can't believe I could ever like someone as inconsiderate as you."
  "Ethan, you hate Jenni, yet in reality this is all your fault, if anyone, you should hate yourself."
I hadn't noticed that Ethan's heart rate had gotten higher until I saw Ethan's head going down again, just like the first time. I knew what was happening, and once again I had caused it. Doctors and nurses rushed in as Ethan's heart monitor displayed a straight motionless line.

Decisions// DolanTwins And Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now