Chapter 32 - Home

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Jenni's Point of View 
   I was shocked at what had happened. I killed Ethan. If I had been more careful, this wouldn't haven't happened. Now, this was the second time that Ethan's heart has stopped and I was pretty sure this was the last time because for him to live was a really small miracle.
   I was worried for Grayson, and how mad he was going to be since I had just killed Ethan. I felt so bad, but I just couldn't be near Grayson. It hurt me too much to be around him, I felt that even if he saw me, it would remind him of Ethan, and how I caused him to die.
   We were escorted out of Ethan's room and once again he was in surgery. Grayson tried looking for me, but I avoided him. Even though Ethan had been a real bitch to me these last few days, I still wanted to be here, I wouldn't want to be in a world without Ethan. When he wasn't mean, he was actually really nice and sweet. If he didn't make it, that would mean that I caused his niceness to leave my life, and it would also mean I caused a really important part of Grayson's life to leave as well, and I could never live with that guilt.
   I immediately started to speed walk to the elevator because I just wanted to leave the hospital, staying there would make me feel even worse. I reached the elevator and clicked the button for it to go down. I was waiting when I heard someone running towards me. Grayson.
   Instantly seeing Grayson made tears form in my eyes, I couldn't help it, I thought he would be so mad at me. The elevator came up, and Grayson was still trying to catch me. The elevator started to close but Grayson caught up and it opened again, letting Grayson in. No one else was in the elevator, leaving us alone.
   "Jenni, why are you trying to ignore me?" Grayson asked looking confused.
"I couldn't help it I thought you would be mad at me."
"Why would I ever be mad at you?" Grayson asked as he held my face for me to look up at him.
  "Because I caused Ethan's heart to stop, I thought you would hate me for making someone as special not be in your life anymore." Tears started to run down my cheeks, and Grayson noticed so he brushed the hair that was in my face away, and lightly wiped my tears with the back of his thumb.
   "Jenni, don't stress about it, you didn't do anything. If anything, I was the one that caused his heart to stop."
  "No Grayson, don't worry, he will make it, he will stay here for a long time, he deserves it." I said and gave him a slight smile for reassurance.
  He kissed my forehead lightly as if to reassure me that I hadn't caused anything either. Being able to talk to Grayson made everything so much better, I felt so safe to be around him.
  We both agreed to stay at the hospital no matter what, just to always be there to check up on Ethan.  We had gotten food from the cafeteria and took it to the waiting room. We sat down, waiting impatiently to hear from Ethan. 
  Grayson and I were eating our food in silence until he spoke up. 
      "I'm really sorry you have to miss school because of this, I would drive you back, but I'm pretty sure you want to stay here with Ethan."
  "Grayson what are you talking about?" I asked very confused.
  "School. aren't you missing a lot of days?" I thought it was really cute how Grayson actually really cared about me, and made sure everything was fine, made me feel happy. When Grayson asked about school, I got even happier because he reminded me that I was just on winter break.
   "You reminded me! I'm on winter break." He looked up and smiled at me.
  "Well that means you get to stay here longer, we get to spend lots of time together," Grayson said and smirked. I loved the thought of us getting to spend time together, I absolutely loved being with Grayson.
    "Wait, I can't stay here that long, I only packed enough clothes to stay here for the weekend, I mean look at me, I'm still in a dress." I said gesturing down to my dress that I had been wearing since the party.
  "Don't worry babe, I'll buy you as much clothes as you want." Grayson said and pulled my face close to his.
 "Aww Grayson, you really don't have to," I said. I didn't care about all the people around us, the only thing I wanted to do was kiss him. Grayson pulled my face closer to his and gently whispered in my ear, "I'll get you anything Jenni, I love you." Then he finally pulled out lips close enough and kissed me. Our lips moved in perfect sync and it was as if nothing could disconnect them. This kiss felt so passionate it made me feel safe, as if Grayson telling me everything would turn out okay. 
   We were interrupted by the nurse, who walked up to us, and we hadn't even known was there because we were kissing. Our kiss must have been a spark of luck because the news she gave was unbelievable.
"I would like to give you news on Mr. Dolan. Mr. Dolan is a very lucky young man, his heart stopped, but it wasn't as severe as last time. The doctors fixed it, but he just needs to take daily medicine, to keep his heart going." I was full of relief, like a wave of stress washed over me. I looked over at Grayson, who looked happier than anyone I've ever seen.
  "Also, he will be able to check out today once we give him his medicine for the day." The nurse added. I almost couldn't believe it, Ethan was coming home, and Grayson and him could be back together.
   "Thank you for everything, I really appreciate everything you did." Grayson said to the nurse with the smile still on his face.
  "Your welcome, all part in my job," She smiled back and walked back to the desk.
Grayson's Point of View
    Ethan's was coming out of the hospital alive and I couldn't be happier. I had been here for two days constantly in stress, and now it was over. Life couldn't get better, I get to finally spend time with my girlfriend, my brother's okay, everything could go back to normal.
   Ethan came out of his room in a wheel chair. We checked him out of the hospital, and they said if we needed anything, just remember to call. They also said that they gave Ethan the laughy gas stuff so he hadn't remembered what happened before his heart stopped. Full of relief, we walked back into the elevator, and back to the car, to drive back home, where we could all finally relax.

Decisions// DolanTwins And Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now