Chapter 2: School and friends

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When I woke up in the morning Dalton was sleeping on the other side of the bed and snoring. I frowned. He usually waited until I fell asleep and then went to his room. But I guess this time tiredness got the best of him. I wanted to shake him to wake him up, but I flinched when he snored very loudly. Thankfully he only used to snore early in the morning. It was like he had an alarm clock inside of him that only made him snore at certain hours. That's why I presumed it was early in the morning.

I slowly grabbed my phone, trying not to wake him up. It was 8, so I was right. It was early, at least for us. When we didn't have to go to school (weekends, holidays, summer) we usually woke up around 10. We were definitely not morning people. Except for Ian, he was. He used to get up around this time - 8 or even sooner. Dalton sometimes got up early too, but then he was grumpy the whole day.

That's why I tried to get out of bed as quietly as possible, trying not to wake him up, but I was never too good at that. Dalton opened his eyes and a small smile appeared on his face. I returned it and he said:''Already up? It can't be more than nine. I was sure I was gonna wake up before you.''

I grinned and said:''Yeah well, I'm not tired anymore. But it sure looks like you could use some more sleep.''

He chuckled and said:''Which is why I'm gonna go to my room and continue doing what I was doing before you woke me up.''

I gritted my teeth and said:''Well you were the one who fell asleep on my bed.''

''And you were the one who had a nightmare. Speaking about it, were you OK later? Did you sleep well?'' He asked and I nodded.

I practically shooed him out of the room when I said:''Now, c'mon, time for you to go, I gotta get ready.''

He nodded and left the room. Today I felt surprisingly rested and good. Until I remembered I had school today. It was some kind of science day, so we didn't have to be in school until 9. I didn't love these science days, cause laboratory work was not really my thing. I was good at it, not perfect, but didn't really love it. I was more of a literature and language kind of girl. You know, imagination, poems, books, art, languages, translating.

I brushed my hair and teeth and put on a purple sweater and white jeans. I didn't always wear make up, cause I thought I looked pretty without it. Actually the truth is, I often didn't have time to put it on, or I just didn't feel like putting it on. But now that I had an hour left I had to do it. So I grabbed the eye liner and mascara. When I was done I headed down stairs.

In the kitchen I ate some of my cereal. Dalton and Ian, like I expected were already awake. I was a little surprised when I saw Dalton, so I said:''I see you didn't go back to your den, you big, chubby bear.''

''No, I decided I needed to stretch my legs. I sleep too much anyway.'' Dalton responded sarcastically.

''So the heavy sleepers, beside you of course, are still in their man caves?'' I asked. I was talking about Peter and Brian.

''Yep, if you wanna wake them up go ahead, but do that at your own risk and don't come crying to us later.'' said Ian. He didn't mean the crying thing, he was joking. But my brothers would never make me cry, so I decided to take the risk.

I remembered one day last summer when Ian woke us all up with a horn and asked:''Hey Ian do you still have that horn?''

He smiled evilly and said:''In the garage, in my tool box, but remember what I said.''

I nodded and said:''Mhmm.'' I ran to get the horn and than ran back upstairs. I opened Peter's and Brian's room and honked the horn. I heard a loud thud and knew right away that was Peter. He had a strange habit of falling off bed whenever a loud sound appeared.

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