Chapter 16: Me, the detective who's worth it

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When I came home I wrote Jake a message:''What was that girl's name that you and Brian liked?''

''Sally something. I don't remember her last name. I think it was something on L.''

''OK, I'll try to look her up on FB.''

''K. She had long blonde hair back than.''

''Any other features?''

''Not really. None that I can remember.''

But what I found on Facebook was more than five Sally Ls with long blonde hair. I had two more possibilities, but both of them were risky. I could ask Brian if he remembers anything more or ask Dalton to investigate as he's a cop. But they would both get suspicious and curious. Brian especially. I decided to go with Dalton.

I went to the living room and fortunately found Dalton alone. The others were in their rooms. I sat down next to him and said:''Hey we need to do this investigation or project for school and I was wondering if you could help me.''

He looked up from his computer and said:''Sure, what do you need?''

''Well I need some more information about this girl. I know her name is Sally and she has blond, possibly long hair. Or at least she did. And her last name starts with the letter L. She used to be a student at our school, but she moved about 5 years ago, I think.''

''OK, I can look into it, but I bet there's a lot of Sally Ls with blonde hair.'' He said and raised his eyebrows.

I shrugged and said:''I know, but she's from here. That narrows it down, right?''

''Yeah. Why do you need it? I mean why this girl?'' He quickly became suspicious, like I knew he would.

''Oh, it's just a project, don't worry about it. It's for school, 'cause she used to go to our school. We're like looking into the history of our school, finding everybody who ever went there and did something unique or memorable. I found the information I gave you in the school's archives, but nothing more.''

''OK, but you know I shouldn't just be giving information away, so don't spread it around.'' He said and I felt pleased that he was willing to make something not allowed for me, his little sister.

''No problemo, don't worry, it's just for this project. Only our teacher will see it and even he doesn't really care about our projects.'' I made up a lie to try and make Dalton feel less guilty in case he felt that way.

Then I went back to my  room. 'Well that went smooth.'

On Sunday ALL of my brothers went somewhere. Dalton was at the station finishing up some work, Peter and Brian were out with some friends and Ian went to his friend's barbecue. So I was alone. Dalton said he trusted me to be alone. They left just like that. I never saw that day coming. Wow.

I wrote Jake a message saying I'm home alone. I hoped it didn't sound too implicit, 'cause I didn't want anything more but kissing. Not yet. I didn't want to spend this day alone and it was the best and the only opportunity for Jake to see our house and my room. Only fair, 'cause I've already seen his.

After 20 minutes I heard a knock on the door. I went downstairs and opened them. When I saw his face I smiled. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. He looked around and said:''Wow, beautiful house. One can clearly see this house has been run by boys.'' 

We both smiled. I looked around and realised it for the first time. We didn't have any flowers or a lot of photos in the house. Things were kinda messy and it wasn't clean. I figured it needed a light woman's touch, so I decided I was gonna clean it up...later.

When Jake entered my room he smiled. He said:''Beautiful. Well, one can certainly see that a woman has been in charge of this room. It has that tenderness. Just like you.''

I had cleaned the room before he came of course, but it wasn't that messy anyway. I smiled back and said:''What's up with all the grammatically correct language and that style?''

''Well, yours is just fine too. You've just proven that.'' He replied and I smiled. 

We sat on the bed and he slowly started kissing me. It started as a light, gentle kiss. But then it became passionate and long. I straddled him and didn't even notice it until later. I did it subconsciously. It was like my body took over. My heart took over. Because my heart wanted him, but my head yelled that I needed to stop, that it's too much and that I'm not ready. So when he reached under my shirt, I listened to my head and stopped him. I really did want him with all my body and soul, but I needed to wait, I wasn't ready yet. I pushed myself away from him, but just a little bit. Our faces were now only inches apart. I said:''I've know...'' I was a little embarrassed to say it, but I didn't have to, cause he said it first:''Had sex?''

I nodded as my face turned red. ''I'm just ... not ready yet.''

He took my chin into his hand and lifted my head up, so that my eyes met his. ''Babe, it's okay. You're only 16. I get it. We don't have to do anything you don't want to or you're not ready for. K?''

I nodded and kissed him back, when he added:''Plus, I would wait forever for you if I had to. It's worth it. You are worth all the waiting in the world.'' 

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