Chapter 5: The new me

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''So, guess what; Greg asked me out on another date. We're going tomorrow.'' Nicole squealed happily.

She, I and Eva were sitting on my bed and talking. Greg was the guy Nicole had been admiring for a long, long time. He was very handsome, but neither my or Eva's type (we would never like the same guy, cause we had very different tastes in men). Greg was 19 years old and played basketball. She was so in love with him. By the way she described their first date, we presumed their affection was mutual. And now she dropped the second-date bomb. 

When she talked, she made it sound so sweet that I couldn't help myself but to think about Jake. I certainly was a hopeless romantic. 

But I still didn't want to tell them. Something was holding me back. I had a feeling that I would have spoiled a big romance if I had told them about him too soon even though I knew there could be no romance.

I mean how could a guy like him ever fall for a girl like me?

On Monday I wanted to find Mike to talk to him about his project. To tell him that I was willing to do it. But I didn't have to look for him because I met him in the hallway. 

''Hey, Mike!'' I yelled, running towards him.

''Oh, hi Kailynn. How are you?''

''I'm good, thanks. Hey that project that you were talking about, um are you still doing it? Cause I changed my mind, I wanna do it, if you still do.''

''Oh, yeah, sure. I am still doing it and still haven't found anybody else. That's amazing, thanks so much for doing it. Um, so I have to describe you and your life and do an interview with you. I mean on paper, not on camera.''

''All right. I can do that. But where are we gonna do it and when?''

''Well, the dead line is next Wednesday, so I think we have more than enough time. We can do it where and when ever you want. We could do it at your house or at mine.''

It would've been weird if I had brought home a skinny nerdy boy who was younger than me. It was not worth explaining to my brothers that it was just a project. It would've taken too much time and I was just too lazy to do it. So I said:''Let's do it at your house.''

''Great, when are you free? Oh and I presume we're gonna have to meet two or three times.''

''Yeah, yeah no probs. Well if you're free we could start today. Give me your address and I will be there when you say.''

He nodded and took out a small piece of paper and a pen. He wrote something on it and said:''Here's my address and also my number in case the plan changes.''

''Ok, well thanks. I will be at this address, we say, five o'clock?''

''Yep, five's perfect.''

''Ok, see you then. Oh and Mike. You know, you don't have to be that polite just cause I'm older and a girl. Unlike some girls at this school, I'm not a stuck up bitch.''

He smiled, nodded and then walked away. I heard footsteps approaching me and when I turned around my sight stopped on Nicky and Eva. They had these funny smirks and their eyes were wide open. They were squeezing their mouths together. 

''Oh oh oh, what have we got here? Kailynn Baker talking to a younger nerdy boy? You are a naughty, bad girl.'' said Eva and put her arm around my shoulders.

I rolled my eyes and said:''Ok, come on now, calm down. It wasn't like that.'' 

I knew it looked a little weird, but did it really look like I was talking to him as if I was interested in him? Oh no, maybe he was talking that way to me. Well I gotta let him know I'm not into him and would never be for many reasons. Most of all, he is, like Eva said, a younger nerdy boy, plus he has curly hair. I don't know why that's a reason, it just is.

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