Chapter 8: The talk

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Whenever I did something wrong or there was something going on with me, my brothers would wake up early to discus the topic on their own and make me waffles as a way to bribe me or suck up to me. When I came down to the kitchen, there would always be waffles placed in the middle of the table and all of the guys would sit around it.

It was no different this time.

I sighed when they all looked at me. I sat down, took a waffle and leaned back on the chair. I rolled my eyes and sighed again.

''All right, throw it at me, c'mon.'' I said knowing that they always started the conversation. I wouldn't know how to anyway.

''Kai, we were very worried yesterday and we were scared. Who knows what could've happened to you?'' said Dalton surprisingly calmly. 

Okay, so this conversation was gonna be between Dalton and me. This is how it usually was. The brother that started the talk also led it and finished it. To be honest it was mostly Dalton, cause he was the oldest. Sometimes it was Ian, but the other two ... they were like excessive, unnecessary decorations to the talk, making a remark or an observation here and there. And even these were not too smart and really uncalled for. They were to tired to talk anyway. They were not morning persons, remember?

''Nothing happened to me. I'm fine. Why do you think that something is gonna happen to me? I'm just a teen having some fun with my friends. I didn't know that was a crime if we rule out the alcohol and drugs, which I don't touch, let alone look. I think I am entitled to some freedom. Have you read the human rights? I'm pretty sure that's on the list. You don't have to be worried about me. I'm gonna be fine. Besides, I know how to protect myself. Trust me, if someone tried to hurt me, they'd have a black eye for a loooong time.''

''I know. I know you're not defenceless and I know you're okay. But we had an agreement. You lied to us. You've never lied to us before. Why was that?''

''Look, I'm sorry that I lied, I really am. I just ... I guess I was scared you weren't gonna let me go. I mean just look at how pissed you were yesterday when I came home.''

''Yeah, that's because we were worried and because you lied to us. Not because you were hanging out or partying with your friends. I'm sure if you had told us, we would've agreed or at least made a different deal.''

''Yeah right. Not that I was at a party, because I wasn't, even though you automatically assume I was, but let's be honest - you would never let me go to a party alone. But you can't keep me safe forever. Eventually I'm gonna fall in love,''

'If I haven't already'

''and I'm gonna get my heart broken and I'm gonna get hurt because that's life. I already know pain, I know suffering ... those are no stranger to me. And I know that you're just trying to protect me, but ... you can't keep me in that shell forever. You gotta let me go at some point.''

''You don't think we know that? We are well aware of that. But let's not skip ahead. The point that I'm trying to make here is that if we agree that you come home at a certain hour you do that OK? We can decide on the hour together. And if you hang out with friends and go to a party, which we will let you do, just tell us, so that we at least know where you are, so we can pick you up. And I get it, you're growing up. Everyone has been through that faze, even Peter.''

I looked at Peter and laughed. He was supposedly the slow developer. He didn't hit puberty until he was like 15. Even though he was now 19, he was still in puberty with his stupidity and all. And his next action just proved that, or maybe he was just too tired, I don't know. He said:''Ah? What? Me? Did you say anything to me?''

Dalton rolled his eyes and continued:''We understand that as a teen you wanna enjoy, we did too. And you can. Have a good time. I don't doubt that in time you'll fall in love and try alcohol, just don't ever try drugs, OK? But that's a topic for another day.'' I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. I was never gonna try drugs. Or was I?

Dalton still wasn't finished:''As long as you don't lie to us, you tell us where you are and as long as you stick to our agreement, we're fine. You can have a good time and enjoy with your friends. Even if we might not know them.'' I felt a bit of hesitation and dislike in his last sentence. The truth was, if he could, he'd probably interrogate everyone I hung out with, specially the guys. Not that there were any. 'Until now.'

Dalton was now finally done with his speech.

'That's all he demands? I can live with that.'

I smiled and said:''Okay, I can do that and again I'm sorry.''

''It's OK. As long as you understand I'm - we're - just doing this 'cause we love you.'' he said and put his hand on my shoulder. I smiled to him and nodded.

That was not so bad. It was actually the best  morning talk we'd ever had. It had never before ended as positively as this one, meaning with both ''parties'' in agreement or at least on the same wavelength. Actually, I don't think it had ever before ended that way. I guess there's a first time for everything. It showed I really was growing up and they were willing to make compromises and let me go into the world a bit more.

Peter looked at Dalton and said:''Are we done?''

Typical Peter. I don't even know why Dalton forced him to be present at these talks if the matter didn't concern him. I guess he wanted him to learn a few stuff. It was a lesson for everyone, not just me. 

Dalton was a bit disappointed as he said:''You know you could pay a little attention when we're talking about family stuff. When're talking about our little sister. Or are you maybe not a part of this family? In that case, why are you at this table?'' 

Peter looked quite ashamed when he said:''Sorry man, I've got a lot on my mind. Besides, Kai can take care of herself. I mean, look at her. She can kill anybody with that ugly face.''

He laughed as he stood up and started running so that I couldn't catch him. I was shocked, but I knew he was joking. Despite that I wasn't just gonna let it slide. 

I ran after him, but I didn't catch him, he was too fast. He got away once again, but I promised next time I was gonna get him good.

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