Chapter 6: Talking to a GUY, and a very special guy too

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We climbed the stairs and walked into a room. Probably his. 

''This is my room.''

'Yep, his room.'

There were car posters all over the walls and some boy band stickers. But it was surprisingly neat for a guy's room. The sheets were grey and so were the pillows. Simple, but cool.

Jake climbed out of the window and sat on the shelf. He offered me a hand, but I wasn't sure to take it. It was dangerous.

''Come on. I don't bite, I promise. You're not afraid of heights, are you?''

I shook my head and took his hand. I slowly stepped on the shelf and looked down. 'I think I'm starting to be afraid of heights.' It had to be the spell.

But the minute I sat down and he put his hand around my shoulder for a second the fear was gone. I relaxed. I didn't care where his hand was, I enjoyed it. Ok, I did not mean it like THAT.

He said:''When I was little my grandma died. I was 8. I know that's nothing compared to what you've been through, but I still lost a loved one. I still miss her. I miss her apple pies. They were so delicious. My mum's can never match with hers. Mum thinks they do, but ... I don't want to disappoint her.''

I smiled and looked him in the eyes. There was this strange warmth in them. He did not seem like a wizard at all. More like a god.

''You don't talk much do you?'' he said after I didn't respond. 

I smiled and said:''Oh no I do, I even talk too much, I'm just not used to ... this.''


''Well you know, being alone with a guy and dating and all.''

'Dating and all, seriously?'

''So you think this is a date?''

'Well here come the consequences.'

''No, no, I didn't mean it like that. I don't think this is a date. It could never be one, I don't think it's romantic enough; well, maybe. But anyway, I just think, you know...''

I was silenced by his finger.

'Oh, he put a finger on my lips. That feels so good. I want to lick it. Oh, c'mon Kai, stop those wild, dirty thoughts. Seriously, what is wrong with you Kai?'

''You do talk a lot.'' He said and I smiled at his words.

'Yeah, now we got that cleared up.'

''It can be a date if you want it to be. I mean it does resemble a date a lot.''

I smiled again and plucked up all my courage to say:''So what's with the boy band stickers?''

''Oh, that, yeah, I'm, um, a singer. Well not exactly, it's kinda my hobby. I play the guitar and sing, you know. I used to play in a band, but all the guys moved, so we kinda fell apart.''

''Oh, I'm sorry. What was the band's name?''

''The JEDI Masters.'' He said with a smirk and I burst into laughter.

Still laughing I said:''Wow, how did you come up with that name?''

''It's a long story.'' He said, still smiling. ''But I'm glad it amuses you.''

''Well, we've got enough time.'' I pointed out.

''Didn't you say you have to be home soon?''

''Not for another 45 minutes,'' I said looking to the watch on my phone. ''Didn't you offer me a ride?''

''All right, I like this Kai better.'' he said smiling widely.

'He just called me Kai, oh how sweet.'

I returned the sweet smile. Then he began the story of the crazy name:''Well, there were four of us, four guys in the band. Me, the singer and guitarist, Evan, the drummer, Derek, the bassist and Izaac, another guitarist. We were all huge Star Wars fans since we were little and our names perfectly spelled out JEDI. So we became the JEDI Masters.''

I was very close to bursting into laughter again, but instead I just smiled a little and said:''That's cool. And creative. Original thought ... not so much.'' 

I laughed a little again.

''Well, it was kinda handed to us on a silver platter, so you know, we had to take it.''

''Yeah, I get it.''

And that's how the conversation continued. I totally forgot about time, and I had an awesome time. At some point he asked:''How come I've never met or saw you before?''

I shrugged and answered:''I don't know. Probably 'cause there's so many kids in our school, plus you're older.''

And that's when it dawned on me. 'Oh no, he's the same age as Brian. That means they're probably in the same class. What if they even hang out? Shit, if Brian finds out ...'

I guess the concern showed on my face, because Jake asked:''You okay?''

''Yeah, I just remembered something.'' I tried not to make it a big deal.

''Is it a secret?'' He said with a smile and looked at me in a suspicious-kinda way.

''No,'' I said, but it kinda was ''Are you class mates with a guy named Brian?''

''Yeah, but we're not friends anymore. Why?''

''Anymore?'' I say, a bit afraid of the answer.

''Yeah, it's a weird story. We were best friends for like the shortest period of time, like a couple of months. We had a bizarre friendship. I didn't even know his last name. We met when we were 12, when his family moved here. We clicked really quickly, you know, but then we had a fight and never spoke to each other again.''

''What happened?''

''Oh, it was this girl that we both liked and then we fought who would get her. It was like we were best friends in one moment and mortal enemies in the next. Because of a girl. We kinda had a war going on for some time, but then she moved and we both got left with no girlfriend and no best friend. Stupid, I know.''

'Great, I'm falling for my brother's enemy. Wait, I'm falling for him? Shit!'

I probably had a horrified expression on my face, because he leaned closer to me and asked again:''Are you sure you're okay? You seem ... worried.''

''No it's just that ... Okay, I guess I gotta tell you. You deserve to know.''

''Tell me what?''

I took a deep breath and said:''I'm Brian's sister.''

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