Chapter 19: A night full of stars

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In my room I found Jake going through my stuff. I jumped at him immediately and pulled him away from my desk.

''What are you doing? I thought I said no touching anything without my permission?'' I yelled quietly. I really didn't want to alert my brothers.

''Sorry, I thought you gave me permission when you said it.'' He said awkwardly. I could see he truly was sorry. I mean, I guess now that we were together, we kinda did have permission to go through each other's stuff and know each other's secrets. Not that I had any. I still wasn't a hundred percent sure about him, though. 

''And I'm so nice, I bring you food up here.'' I rolled my eyes.

''Oh, thanks, you're the best. I didn't see anything, OK? I was just looking around and I only found this.''

He pulled a box from behind his back. My Love box. 

''Give that to me. Give it back.'' I yelled (whispered) as he stretched his arm up, so that I couldn't reach it. But eventually he gave up and gave me the box. He sat down and I put it back into the drawer. He said:''It's really nice what you have in there.''

My Love box was for my family photos. Moments that we had and will never have again. Pictures of my parents and my brothers having fun and enjoying themselves. Priceless moments that became timeless the instant they were caught on camera and were now safely stored in my Love box.

''Yeah, I want to remember those moments forever. I'm afraid I'm gonna lose them.'' I said quietly, sadness enveloping my voice.

''Who, the moments or your brothers?'' He asked quietly, proving that he knew me completely. How come we'd only known each other for a few weeks and he knew so well ... like he'd known me since forever.

''Both. I already lost my parents. I want to remember them the way they were on the good days. Happy, relaxed, smiling. I'm scared I'm gonna forget my mum and dad. That one day they're just gonna slip out of my head.'' I said looking at him. I felt like I could tell him anything, like I could confide in him completely.

''That's never gonna happen. You know why? Cause they're here, not here. Always. And they can't slip out of there.'' He put his finger in the middle of my chest, pointing out my heart and then moved it up, to my head and then back down to my chest. I smiled. I knew it. They were always with me.

I told him about the dreams. He saw and understood what kind of connection I had had with my mum. A deep, unique one. The more I was with him,  the more I felt a connection like that. Just another kind.

I stepped to the drawer and pulled the Love box out. I opened it and took out a photo. I gave it to him and said:''This one's my favourite.'' 

It showed all of my family in front of our old house, happy, embracing each other.

''I remember that day as if it happened yesterday. It was sunny and a light breeze was blowing. It was summer and all the trees were green. The grass was high and the birds were singing. I was 9. It was just a few months before the accident. We had a great time. We played around the house and screamed and yelled and chaos ensued as always...'' A small smile spread across my lips and a tiny tear rolled down my cheek, but Jake wiped it away. I added:''Sometimes I wonder why them? Why just my parents? I mean in a fire like that, we should have all died, or at least some of the kids. But all of us kids survived and our parents died. I don't get it.''

''I guess God or the Universe wanted it like that. Destiny. It was meant to happen.'' He said in a calming, reassuring voice.

''Yeah, that's what my mum said, but why?'' My voice cracked.

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