Chapter 30: The date

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Sally and I hanged out a lot after that. So did Jake and I. Our relationship was becoming deeper and our bond stronger. He invited me over to his house one day. He said his mom and Mike were going to be out and so we were gonna have the house all to ourselves.

It was Friday evening. I was supposed to be there around eight, but I came earlier because I had nothing to do. I walked round the corner and 100 meters away was his house. But I stopped for a minute when I saw there was a black unknown car parked in front of the house with no registration plates. It was a little suspicious. I hid behind a little bush when I saw some guy walking out the main door. I didn't think anything was wrong, but I was cautious. 

The guy wore a black T-shirt and grey trousers. It was getting dark, so I couldn't really see anything else. Then Jake came out the door and shook the guy's hand. After talking for a few seconds, the guy sat into the black car and drove away. Unfortunately, he drove into my direction. I stood up, so it wouldn't look suspicious. I looked through the windshield of his car directly into his face. He looked up to me and we locked eyes for a second. I wasn't scared, as he didn't look so terrifying. But I did get chills down my spine, for his look was scary. Then he drove off. 

When I reached Jake's house, he had already entered. I knocked and he opened in a second. I asked him about the guy and he said it was just a friend of his. If Jake had friends like that, I better started preparing myself. 

We went into the dinning room and I was surprised when I entered. It was beautifully decorated. The table was set for two with an amazing tablecloth and decorative cutlery. There were candles on the table and a bottle of wine. 'Oh my, I hope he doesn't plan on getting me drunk. I say a lot of nonsense when I'm drunk.'

The lightning was just right and Jake opened the radio. Soft, romantic music filled the room. He motioned for me to sit, then he poured us two glasses of wine.

I did not expect such a dinner, but I loved it.

''I hope you like it,'' He said, a little awkwardly, as if he was a little bit scared.

''I mean, the date and the food,'' He added. 

I giggled and said:''Jake, I'm sure I'll like the food and I already love how this date's going. You don't have to try so hard, you've already impressed me.''

''Well, I'm relieved to hear that, but I still need to take care of you,'' He said and went to get the food.

It was more than delicious. It just melted in my mouth. I didn't know who could prepare such amazing dishes. Halfway through dinner he admitted it was his mother who had made them. I laughed and complimented her again. 'Of course it was his mother and not him haha. Only women have such delicacy to make such amazing dishes.'

After we finished eating we we went to his room, well, actually to his roof to watch the stars. After talking for I don't know how long, we started kissing and I got that feeling in my stomach that you get when you're in love. I pulled away from him and blurted out: ''I'm ready.''

I realized I was. I trusted Jake enough and I loved him enough. I was finally ready to have sex with him for the first time. At least that's what I thought, and you know that the mind can deceive us sometimes.

We went inside and slowly took off our clothes. He said: ''Are you sure? I want it to be special for you.''

I nodded thinking that I loved him completely, even though I hadn't said it yet. We hadn't said it yet.

''Yes, I'm absolutely ready. Just be gentle.''

He nodded and said yes.

And then it happened. It was special, because it was my first time, but it felt so weird. Like I'd done it a hundred times before. Like it wasn't special at all. When it was over, he laid to my side out of breath and I gazed at the ceiling. Why did I feel this way?

He asked:''Was that OK? Was I OK? Did it hurt?''

I pushed the negative thoughts away and looked at him. I told him the truth: ''It was perfect.'' But it felt like I was lying.

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