Chapter 26: Attacked ... again!

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When I checked the watch it was over 9, and it was too dark outside to walk home. Just as I exited the building I received a call from Dalton.

''Hey, are you coming home any time soon?''

''I thought we agreed on 10 p.m.'' I cringed even though I knew he couldn't see me.

''I know, I'm just checking to see how you are,'' He said casually, but I could hear a hint of worry in his voice. Dalton always worried way too much. Well, maybe this time his worry was actually legitimate. 

''We're done. But it's dark outside. Can someone pick me up maybe?'' I asked him.

''Didn't you say you were coming home with Eva and Nicole?'' I could practically hear him becoming alarmed and more worried.

''Yeah, but they already left. Eva had a family emergency and she had to leave early and Nicole left with her boyfriend. I didn't want to interrupt them making out.'' I pointed out sarcastically.

''Nicole has a boyfriend?'' Dalton asked in disbelief, still ignoring my request. I could really picture him cringing in that moment.

''Yes Dalton, as a matter of fact, she does, but that's not what's important right now. Can someone pick me up, please?'' I repeated my question hoping it wouldn't fall on deaf ears again.

''Yeah, yeah, I'll send Ian OK? He'll be there in 10 minutes.'' Dalton said, now reassuringly. I was kind of surprised he didn't volunteer to come to get me himself, just to make sure right away that I was alright.

''K, tell him I'll be in front of the supermarket,'' I added.

''Sure, see ya.''


When I hung up the phone two men walked past me and we exchanged looks. Their evil looks hit me right in the heart. If Sally's aunt had the angriest and the most bitter face I've ever seen, they had the most evil ones. Their eyes were black and harsh. Their bodies tall and jacked. But these men were similar to Sally. They had the same facial features and similar hair and eye colour. I guessed they were her brothers, so I looked away, but I could feel their looks on me, even after I walked further down the road. 

When I finally disappeared behind a corner I leaned on a concrete wall and relaxed. It was night and I was in the most dangerous part of the city. I knew I wasn't safe. What was I thinking coming here? I had to get out of there. I put on my hood and continued walking down the street, towards the supermarket, with my eyes fixed on the ground.

I felt all the looks, heard all the whistles and men screaming behind me if I wanted some fun. I slowly started running. I was scared, even more, I was terrified. I ran all the way to the supermarket. It had already closed, so there was no one there. I sat on a bench and waited. 

After a few seconds two men strolled down the road and saw me.

''Hey girl, what you doin' here all by yourself?'' One of them said in a drunken way. It was obvious they'd both had a few.

'Not again.' 

What was it with me and the men who walked by? Was there something on me that attracted their disgusting, sorry asses to me? I really didn't understand.

''Look, I'm waiting for someone. I don't want any trouble,'' I tried to stay reasonable and polite.

The two men then exchanged looks and laughed.

''Well, we don't want any trouble either, sweetheart.'' When that last word came out of one of the men's mouth it sounded disgusting. No match to how my mum said it. 

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