Chapter 29: The promotion

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After I told Sally about my mum, she looked at me confused. I didn't tell her everything about the deaths of my parents, but it was time to do so.

So I did.

''I had nightmares for a long time. I couldn't let it go. I blamed myself for too long. But now I realize that that's what mum wanted me to do. To save myself. I couldn't save her, but I could save me. What good would it do, if we both died?''

''No good,'' Sally nodded in understanding.

''But this is different,'' She added.

''Not so much. Maybe you can try to save your aunt and sister, but you risk going down yourself. If you only save yourself, well, I know it's selfish in a way, but they would want you to do it. Maybe it's time for you to let them go.''

''No, no it's not. I can't leave them here. I just can't,'' Her voice almost broke when she said that and the look in her eyes was sad.

I looked at her seriously and told her: ''In that case, I'm afraid there's only one option left for you. You need to turn you brothers in.''

She looked at me, a shocked expression on her face, and responded to my suggestion: ''I can't betray them. They're my family.''

''Yeah, they are. But if you can't let your aunt and sister go, then you have to let your brothers go. Otherwise, you'll become just like them. Is that what you want? Isn't that what you're fighting against?'' I asked her.

She was quiet, so I continued:''Look, I can't imagine letting my brothers go. That's gotta be hard as hell. But your brothers ... are they still your brothers or do they feel more like something else to you? Something bad?''

A tear rolled down her cheek as she responded:''Something else. Not bad, but ... destructive, hopeless. But I don't want to let them go.''

''I know, I know,'' I said and hugged her.

We exchanged numbers and she agreed to meet me again. After that she offered to take me home and I let her. She dropped me off a block away from my house, like Jake, so no one would see me getting out of her car. It would be too much to explain to my brothers. 

When I entered the house, I heard happy yelling and screams. My brothers were celebrating. I just didn't know what.

When I came to the kitchen, Peter said:''Oh, finally, the last member of the Baker family. We've been waiting for you. We have some news to tell you. More specifically, Dalton has some news to tell you.''

'Oh no, did he tell them? No, no way, they wouldn't be so happy if he told them.'

''OK. Can I hear the news?'' I asked. I noticed a bottle of champagne on the table. It was almost empty. 'Of course. My brothers, the drunks.'

''I got a promotion. You're talking to a detective.'' Dalton expressed very happily. 

I smiled and went to hug him. ''Congrats bro, I'm so happy for you. And proud of you.''

Peter poured the little champagne that was left into a glass and looked at Dalton. ''Let her have a drink. It's not that much, plus it's only champagne. We don't get to celebrate very often, and this is truly a unique opportunity.''

Peter sounded like a politician. And his speech worked. Dalton allowed me to drink that little amount of champagne, but it wasn't like I'd never drunk alcohol before. Me, Nicole and Eva, we had some secret stashes of stuff. Yeah, stuff, but we didn't really use them, or eat them or drink them. Just sometimes, you know. Of course, my brothers did not know that.

After that Dalton came to talk to me alone and he asked me about the school project or Sally, who he referred to as 'that girl'.

I lied to him again, saying that I am working on it.

He was concerned, but I reassured him that everything was going to be alright. I basically told him that I was going to finish it on time.

I was really happy for him. I knew he had always wanted to become a detective. It was his dream and life goal and it finally came true. He was where he wanted to be in his life. 

The next day, I met up with Jake and I told him about Sally and what she had told me. I left out parts, I only told him the most important stuff. I didn't tell him everything about Sally, like about her sister and aunt stuff and I didn't tell him about the drug trafficking ring. I didn't want him to be too worried. He was worried enough about me going there alone.

I realized I now agreed with Sally and I knew the choice was hers. I wanted her to turn her brothers in at first and I'm sure that if the situation was reversed she would be too. She just thought that her brothers were too strong to be stopped. I didn't think so, though. I thought that if she choose to stop it all, she could. But then there was another issue of them being her family. I couldn't even imagine how I would react or what I would do in a situation like this. But thankfully, that would never happen with my brothers. I realized how grateful I was for brothers like mine. But regarding her and her brothers ... I really didn't know what to do.

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