Chapter 17: Finally, I found him

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''No one's ever said anything like that to me.'' I said blushing hard.

''Well, now I have.'' He said while smirking and gazing into my eyes, with his deep ones.

''Thank you.'' I returned a sweet smile.

''Well, it's not that big of a deal. I care about you.'' There were honesty and truth in his voice. In his eyes too.

But to me it was a big deal. ''I know. It's just... All my life I've been surrounded by four men and all they ever did was tell me what not to do, what to stay away from. They kept me safe. So I never looked for boys or dated. Because they said boys were trouble. And I was kinda scared what my brothers would do to them, but I was also pulled away from that world by my brothers. A little, scared, shy nerd with a lot of trouble and four older brothers. I mean who would like that? Who would want that?''

''Me,'' Said Jake and looked into my eyes. I smiled and continued:''I know. But that's not the point. But you know I always secretly wanted to meet that prince charming. My prince. Who would love me and respect me for who I am. Who would understand me and who would love me the most of all people in the world. Who would take care of me, keep me safe - and yes, from my brothers too.'' I chuckled at that thought. In a way I meant it. Then I added:''Someone who would make me feel special, free and like I can be anything I want to be. Who would bring so much happiness into my life. I never thought I'd end up with you, though.''

''Ohh, right, 'cause I'm that bad.'' Jake scoffs and frowns. But there's a small smirk on his lips.

''No, you're even better. You're everything I hoped for and even more. I didn't think you'd come by, down my path and mess up my world in the best way possible.''

''Well I'm glad I did that. But brace yourself for even more mess. 'Cause it's approaching. Fast.'' He said in a serious voice, but I noted the sarcastic tone.

I laughed and replied:''Oh, really?''

''Really.'' He picked me up with his strong hands and turned around so that I was the one laying on the bed and he was straddling me. Then he started kissing me passionately, almost desperately. He lay down on me, his firm, athletic body pressing against mine, but still gently enough not to squeeze or hurt me. The kisses soon became ever more passionate. I can't say I didn't enjoy it. I did. A lot.

When I was with him I felt like a hole in my chest was full again. Everything that I'd been through was gone just like that, all the pain, the sadness, the suffering, everything. He made me feel free and whole again.

At one point I moved away from him and my heart started beating very fast. He gave me a concerned look and asked:''Everything alright?''

I nodded. I felt it, but I couldn't say it. Not yet.

He looked deeper into my eyes, and smiled. That smile was the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. 

All that I could think about was:'Finally, I found him. The man I dreamed about and waited for. my whole life.'

We lost track of time (AGAIN!) and all of a sudden we heard a car pull up in our driveway. I looked down and saw Dalton's car. ''Shit, Dalton is here. You have to hide, there's no time to run. Hide.''

When I heard the front door open and close I panicked. Jake just smiled and said:''OK, Jesus, calm down.'' I pushed him into the closet and heard steps from the hallway. Dalton looked into my bedroom and I acted like everything was normal. 

''Hey, what are you doing here so early?'' I asked him.

''I'm not early. I'm actually late.'' he smiled and I looked at my phone. He was 10 minutes late. I was just lucky that all the others hadn't come yet. 

''Sorry, I must have lost track of time.'' Dalton nodded and asked me: ''Where are Brian, Ian and Peter? They're not home yet?''

I shook my head and he nodded again. ''Well, I'm sure they're gonna be here soon. I'm gonna make dinner if you wanna join us in half an hour or so.''

''Mhm,'' I nodded and he said:''Oh, right, I almost forgot. I have a file on that girl you asked me about. Here.'' He handed me a folder with a piece of paper in it. ''Kailynn, I mean it, don't give this information out, it's delicate. I shouldn't even give it out to you. Just be careful with it, OK?''

''Yeah, I promise.'' I said as he walked out. Jake came out of the closet and we looked into the folder together.

Name: Sally Lockhart

Date of birth: March 2nd, 1996 

Age: 20

Residence: Fifth street 11b

Parents: Monica Lockhart (deceased) ; George Lockhart, 50

Siblings: Michael Lockhart, 23 ; Jean Lockhart, 24 ; Brad Lockhart, 24

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