Chapter 25: I understand now

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'What?' I thought to myself, but apparently I was thinking out loud, because Sally said:''Yeah. We were in a love triangle. I know I made them fight, 'cause they were both in love with me, but ... the one I truly liked was Brian. I was in love with him. It may seem stupid or unreal since we were just kids, but I couldn't stop thinking about him. Not even after we moved. I haven't forgotten him. I kept him in my heart all this time, till this day.''

I was even more confused than before. ''So why did your brothers beat him up?''

''Well, for one, they didn't want anyone messing with their little sister,'' Sally says and shrugs.

I knew that one. Very well.

''Secondly, it was all a joke. At least for my brothers it was.''

''A joke?'' Now I had no idea what she was talking about or what was gonna come out of her mouth next.

''When my brothers found out two young boys were fighting over me, they decided to turn it into a prank. It was stupid, they were stupid. They made them become enemies. My brothers were a little bit older than us and they thought it was a good idea to have a little fun with their sister. I was young, weak and naive. They had all the power. They controlled me. They knew I was in love with Brian, so they messed him up, made him believe it was Jake who ordered them. Brian hated him and me after that. They didn't just mess with him or beat him up. They ruined him for a long time. I knew it was horrible for him and he felt alone. He liked me, but he lost his best friend because of me and he lost me. We never spoke again. But I know he was in love with me. Before my brothers found out, we had gone on a couple of dates. Well, we were young, so I don't know if you can call them dates, but anyway... Nobody knew about it, not even Jake. When my brothers found out, they lost it. I'm sorry for what they did to him. I had no way of stopping them. I know he suffered because of me.''

I understood it better now. Sally's brothers had been two stupid teenagers who had decided they were gonna play a little game with love and people. I never thought about how Brian felt. I never considered that he was hurt. I didn't know he was really in love with her.

I totally understood her, so I said: ''It wasn't your fault. I don't want to make any accusations, but from what you told me it was only their fault. I understand how it is to have overprotective older brothers who don't want to see you with boys. I have four older brothers. And I also know how it is when you have secrets. When you're in love, but you need to keep it a secret. It's OK, I understand. It wasn't your fault.''

She nodded and came closer to me. ''Listen Kailynn, you seem like a great girl. Don't come here anymore. You have the answers you were looking for, now go. Don't ever return. Don't let my world suck you in.''

''Your world?'' I asked, confused.

''The world of deceit, lying, drugs, alcohol. My brothers, they do dirty stuff. Illegal stuff. They got involved with it when they were too young and they pulled every single person they knew with them. Including me. They run the underworld here. And since I'm their sister I have to help them. It's not nice, it's not safe. Coming here in the first place was a mistake. You shouldn't have come. You should have stayed away. Far away. You don't know what kind of people live here and you don't want to know.''

She was warning me. I knew it was dangerous, but I needed the information for which I came here in the first place.

''Sally, I need you to talk to Brian and tell him the truth; tell him what happened,'' I almost begged her.

''I'm sorry, but I can't do that. What makes you think he'll even believe me?''

I had a feeling he would, because of the bond they shared back then, but I just said:''I don't know, but you have to try, please.''

''I don't know, Kailynn. I don't think I can. If my brothers find out, they'll kill me. Nobody messes with them, not even me. They're possessive. They control everything. If they order you to do something, you do it; if they say you're not allowed to do something, you stay the hell away from it. Don't you get it? They run our lives. My life.'' She said desperately.

''I'm sure there's a way to get out of it. Out of this world.'' I insisted.

''Yeah, my sister tried, and you know what happened? She ended up as a junkie. No matter how badly you try to stay away from this world, it sucks you right back in. You can't escape. I can't. I'm stuck here. Talking to Brian would mean to provoke fate. I'm in no position to do that.''

She got up and added: ''You need to go now. My brothers will be back soon.''

''Then let me talk to them.'' I said decisively.

She smiled and stepped closer to me. ''You really have no idea what and who you're dealing with, do you?''

I looked at her confused as she opened the front door of the apartment.

''Go, now. If they catch you, trust me, nothing good will follow.'' She said and what accompanied her warning was a wary and alert look in her eyes.

I stepped through the front door and the last thing she said to me was: ''I'm really sorry I can't help you. I really like you. If the situation was different, we might even become friends.''

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