Chapter 10: The party

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The next day I was nervous and scared all day. When the evening finally arrived I went to Mike's and Jake's. Mike just had a few questions left and I helped him make some corrections. In the end he thanked me and I left. When I was walking down the hallway somebody grabbed my hand and pulled me into a room. 


''You have to stop doing that.'' I said and he looked confused.

''Doing what?'' He asked, but I knew that he knew.

''You know what. Pulling me everywhere like that. Seriously, stop.'' I said as seriously as possible.

He smiled and said:''Alright, alright, I'll stop. So what's the plan for tonight? You haven't texted me anything.''

I sighed and said:''I'll go, but my brothers will only let me if ... Brian goes too. So we're both coming.''

He sat down on his bed and sighed:''Well, I guess I'm just gonna have to steer clear of him. But I don't think he remembers me anyway. Besides, you're worth it. You're worth showing up at the same party as my enemy.''

I smiled and sat down too. ''But I'm gonna have to go with him you know. So I gotta go home now. Although, now that I think about it ... Maybe I can get him drunk and then he won't see what's happening and we can elope.''

''Elope?'' he said with a smirk. I returned it and repeated:''Yeah you know, somewhere else, not like permanently. Just somewhere where other people won't bother us.''

He smiled. 'Oh that smile. It still makes me shiver and melt.'

The next minute I regretted using the word elope. I knew its definition and it wasn't at all what I had in mind. 'Jesus, Kai, do you have to be so awkward and embarrassing?' 

''Maybe escape is a better expression.'' I said nervously and smiled.

He stood up and stretched his arm. ''C'mon, I better give you a ride home. You don't wanna be late like the last time, right?''

I shook my head and smiled. He left me off at the same spot as the last time. Before he drove off, he said:''See you, Kai. I can't wait.''

After 20 minutes, me and Brian took off, heading for the party. But not before Dalton gave Brian a small speech on how to keep me safe, away from alcohol and drugs. 'I think he should be the one to steer clear of alcohol, not me.'

When we got there and stepped out of the car Brian looked at me, put his arm around my shoulders and said:''Your first party. Hahaha.'' 

That laugh was fake, but also mean.

Now I had to find Jake. We entered the house and loud music spread all over. There were people everywhere. 'How the hell am I gonna find Jake?'

The floor was dirty and here and there there was a puddle of vomit. It smelled like vomit mixed with sweat everywhere. Some people were dancing, some talking, some making out. Red cups were everywhere and there was alcohol bottles in every corner. I had to find Jake.

A dancing body came towards us, screaming our names. I could barely hear him. Tommy, Brian's best friend came rolling through the hall. ''Hey guys, finally, I thought you'd never come.''

Brian and him did their weird greeting and then he turned to me and asked:''Enjoying yourself already, are you?''

I faked a smile and nodded. I turned to Brian and said:''Hey, I'm gonna go find the bathroom.''

He nodded and said:''Just don't wander off. Me and Tommy are gonna be right over there.'' he pointed his finger at a green sofa. On each side of the sofa sat a girl. One of them was Sasha, Tommy's girlfriend. She gave me a small wave and I returned it with a smile. On the other side of the sofa sat a short brunette. I'd say she was about 20 years old. She was wearing a blue, sparkling sleeveless top that resembled a corset and a pink mini skirt. So Brian type. 

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