Chapter 24: Talking to the devil, who is really just a nice young girl

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''I see you kept the long blond hair.'' I said, when I remembered that Jake told me that back then she had long blonde hair.

She looked at me amazed and said:''How do you know I've had long blonde hair before?''

She stepped over to the kitchen and said quietly:''Tea?'' I nodded as she took something out of the cupboard.

''Actually that's why I'm here. I want to know more about you.'' I replied to her previous question.

''Not until you answer my question.'' She insisted. I sat on an old, green, worn out sofa and said: ''Look, do you remember two guys from primary school? Jake and Brian. They were best friends, but then they both fell in love with you. They started fighting over you and became rivalries. Ring any bells?''

She looked at me and I noticed she seemed almost ... frightened.

''What? How do you know about that?''

''I'm Brian's sister.''

''You're Brian's sister?'' She asked astonished, with her mouth agape.

I nodded and said:''And Jake's girlfriend.''

She opened her eyes widely and stared at me.

''Jake's girlfriend AND Brian's sister? Oh my, that's gotta be hard. You really have to be either a strong and persuasive or smart and good at keeping secrets.''

''That would be the second one.'' I chuckled to muself a little.

''Ah, I see. So Brian doesn't know. Or neither of them knows.''

''Jake knows, Brian doesn't. But I want to tell him. That's why I need you.''

''You need me to tell your brother you're dating his enemy?''

I chuckled and shook my head saying:''No, but I was hoping you could shed some light on the situation.''

''And how do I do that?'' She walked out of the kitchen and put a tray on the table. There were a kettle and two cups on it. She poured some tea into one of them and offered it to me. I took it and quietly thanked her.

The tea was rather good, better than I expected it to be, giving the way the apartment looked like, all dirty and dusty. Like no one has ever taken care of it. So I thought the tea has got to taste bad. I know, very stereotypical, but what can I do. But the tea wasn't bad at all, it was actually good. I was surprised.

''I know it's not much, but it's something. I would offer you some coffee, but giving that it's late ... you probably wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.''

''No, it's fine; It's great.'' I told the truth.

''Well I'm happy you like it. So how may I help you? How do I shed light on the situation?''

Before I could answer the question, the middle aged woman came out of the hall. She looked at us and then at me. Right into my eyes. She seemed as if she had never smiled in her life. Her bitter face and sore eyes made me scared. She looked back at Sally and said: "I'm going to the market. I'll be quick.''

''At this hour? The market closes in ten minutes.'' Sally said an her aunt replied: "I know, that's why I have to be quick.'' And with that she walked through the apartment door and slammed it behind her.

''Does she always slam the doors?'' I asked, feeling kind of afraid of her.

''Oh, don't be sacred of her. You have to excuse her, she's a little ... unstable. She doesn't like visitors.''

I smiled thinking that I've never seen a person so angry and bitter. I shrugged and said: "Well listen, about me...''

I told her about how Brian had been beat up and how he thought it had been Jake who had ordered it. And how they stayed enemies for all their lives and how Jake was sorry and that he hadn't ordered the beat up. And how Brian had never listened to him and how he couldn't forgive him.

''Hm, so you finally found out. I knew they couldn't keep it a secret forever.''

''What are you talking about?'' I inquired curiously.

Sally sighed, looked me in the eyes and said: "Jake didn't lie. He didn't order anyone to beat your brother up. My brothers beat him up.''

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