Chapter 18: Jake's trapped in my house

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So she did have two brothers and a sister. We saw down below that she had trouble with the police, it was nothing confidential. I don't know why Dalton was so afraid of giving me this. There were no secrets here, just a description of her life. But I knew he would get in trouble if his superiors found out. 'That must be why he's worried.'

We read the whole file. Sally was just an ordinary girl who liked to party and so got caught drunk on a few parties. But that was it. She got arrested a few times, but was out quickly. It was never a big felony. Just minor offence. But then we looked even further down and saw that she started having trouble with drugs when she was 17. She spent one year in juvie, just like her brother. They were a troubled family. Their mother died of an overdose and all of her kids seemed to walk down that same path. They all had some kind of problem with the police, whether it was because of drugs, alcohol, stealing, even dealing... They did it.

So it wasn't that innocent and ordinary after all. They seemed like true criminals. Nobody wanted to mess with them. Jake broke the silence saying:''I didn't think she became that troubled. Drugs, alcohol... She seemed like a nice girl back then.''

''She probably was. Who knows what happened to her...'' I trailed off in thought, a thousand theories in my head.

That's when we heard even more cars pull up in the driveway. Laughter of my brothers spread across the street.

''Great, now there is no way for you to get out of here.'' I sighed. 

''Maybe I don't want to.'' He said in a deep, husky. I slowly turned my head towards him. That annoying smirk of his was spreading across his lips.

I smiled and replied:''Well I don't want you to go either, but if they find you-and with they I mean Brian... You don't want that, trust me.''

''I know, but what are we gonna do?'' He looked at me, again, with that smirk-like smile of his as if he was having fun. He was having fun.

''Looks like you're gonna have to wait. I'm gonna go down for dinner. Don't worry, I'll be quick. And then we'll wait until my brothers fall asleep-which isn't gonna be until two in the morning-and then you'll jump out and run away without getting noticed or caught. OK?''

He smiled and said:''Sounds like a plan.''

As I was walking out of the room, I said :''Don't worry, I'll grab something for you to eat too.''

When I was at the door, I turned:''Oh and don't make a noise. And don't touch anything without my permission. Got it?'' He nodded with a smile on his face and I left.

When I walked into the dining room, the dinner was already on the table with all of my brothers around it. It smelled so good. Roast chicken with french fries and vegetables. Amazing. I loved Dalton's dishes. He was an amazing cook. Just like mum. He got that from her. Maybe I've said it before, but I need to point it out again. It was like each of us got something after our mum.

I sat down the table and breathed in the smell. Ian said:''So, did you have a good time? You know, all alone in the house for the first time?''

''Yeah, were you scared? Of ghosts and spirits? Lost souls that haunt this house?'' Said Peter.

''Oh please. This place, haunted? We've been living here for a long time now. Plus the ghosts would haunt you first. They would be nice to me, 'cause I'm the only nice one in the house. They would feel sorry for me. They would actually probably save me from you all. I would finally be free.''

Brian smiled and said:''Jesus, that's what I call exaggeration.''

''Oh yeah and Peter wasn't exaggerating?'' I hissed at him.

Dalton calmed us down by saying:''Can you stop please? I just want to have a nice family dinner. Can we do that without fighting?''

Peter said:''Hey don't look at me. I'm just the observer with a comment.''

''Yeah, don't look at me either; they're the beasts.'' Said Ian, looking at me and Brian.

They all looked at us and Brian said it first:''Sorry.'' Wow these days were strange. I never thought Brian would apologise to me, and even be the first one to do so. I guessed if he said it, I'll say it too.

''I'm sorry too. Not just for this, for all of it. You know the party and the fight and everything.''

Brian sighed and replied:''No, no, I'm sorry. I stepped over the line. I said things I didn't even know. Like I said, I shouldn't have accused you or beaten up that guy or gotten drunk or be mad at you. Sorry.''

'Oh-oh, he said THAT GUY. That can't be good; if he doesn't use his name, but knows it very damn well.'

''It's OK,'' I said ''I know you didn't mean it. You were drunk. It was their mistake to send you with me. I mean c'mon have we ever seen you sober at a party?'' I pointed him out and gave my other brothers a questioning look. Especially Dalton.

They shrugged and I continued:''And for the mad part. I was mad at you too. But not anymore, since you apologised. Even the first one to do so, which is surprising. But we're good.'' I smiled and he smiled too.

''So you forgive me?'' He gave me puppy eyes. He-gave-me-puppy-eyes. 'He actually just have me puppy eyes! What is going on in this house?'

''Of course I do, you're my brother. Well not the only one, or the favourite one, but you're still OK.'' I said.

''OK?'' He looked confused. I knew it was just a joke, 'cause he knew I meant it as a joke too.

''So just out of curiosity-who is your favourite brother?'' asked Peter.

''You know Peter, curiosity killed the cat.'' I said back.

''Yeah but, I don't think it will kill us.'' he replied.

''Yeah who is it?'' asked Brian, getting curious himself. 

''You are all my brothers and I love you all the same, OK?''

''Well, you are our only sister and we all love you the most.'' Said Ian in a extremely over-the-top, cheesy sentiment. I wasn't surprised though, not if it came from Ian.

I finished eating and grabbed a slice of bread. I put some fries and chicken on it and said:''New invention. Gotta try something new.''

Then I got up and Dalton said:''Where are you going? You're not finished yet.''

''Oh c'mon Dalt, please?'' I gave him the puppy eyes which always worked. Including this time. 

He nodded and I walked out of the room. But before I walked through the door, I turned around and said:''If you must know...if I had to chose between all of you...I'd say Dalton's the best.'' 

I turned around and glanced at their faces. All stared at me in shock, only Dalton was chuckling quietly, but profoundly, cause he knew what I meant. He was the only one who didn't mess with me, plus he was the oldest and the wisest and the nicest.

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