Chapter 21: He knows

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I was completely dumbfounded and unnerved, so I just stared at him and stuttered:''W-w-what g-guy?''

''The one that was in your room last night and you let him out. The one that drove you home once. Is he the guy from the party? Was Brian right? Did you lie?''

He knew, he knew everything. I had no choice but to say:''Please don't say anything, especially not to Brian. Dalton it's not how it looks, it really isn't. Please, if Brian find out...''

''Yeah... he will kill him. I would too. What he did to Brian...'' Dalton trailed off, lost in thought. He pursed his lips in anger, annoyance and probably many other things.

''No, it wasn't him OK? It's all a mess. You don't understand, you don't know.'' I pleaded with Dalton.

''Then tell me, help me understand.'' He responded in a strict, but understanding voice.

I sighed and began:''Fine. It all began one day when I bumped into Jake, that is his name...'' I decided to tell him the whole story. I didn't have a choice. I wouldn't get away with it, not so easily and I couldn't lie anymore. So I told him everything. Even about Sally. 

He didn't blink or nod or say anything. ''Please say something.'' I finally whined.

When he finally said something it was simply:''You should have told me sooner.''

''I'm sorry. I thought you were gonna be pissed. All of you. You don't let me date. Especially not the enemy of one of you.'' I pointed out in a sad voice.

''Well, we don't know if he really is the enemy. Brian believes it, but what you said now ... You believe him and trust him. And Kai, we never forbid you to date. Yeah, we joked about boys who would dare to look at you and how they'd end up ... but not anymore. I think you're old enough to date. You're gonna be 17 in a month and in a year you're gonna be an adult. At least according to the law. You're gonna have to learn how to live your life and depend on yourself. We won't always be there to guide you. I don't know how the others think, but I'm OK with you having a boyfriend. BUT if he hurts you, I will kill him. We just don't want you to get hurt. That was the point of the whole not-letting-you-date thing. I'm sorry if we made the wrong impression.''

'Wow, he is actually OK with me dating? He agrees with it? Um, is this Dalton standing in front of me or has an alien infiltrated his body?'

''OK, wow. Are you sure you're not sick? Are you feeling well? Like who are you and what have you done to Dalton?'' I said, fully aware I was pushing my luck. But I just had to say it, I just simply had to. 

To my even bigger astonishment, Dalton just smiled and shook his head.

''So that's why you needed the file about that Sally.'' Dalton figured out. I knew he would eventually. He was a cop, after all.

I nodded. He understood. I never saw that day coming. But like I said a million times, these days were strange. Something really, really bizarre was happening. But I loved it.

Dalton continued:''Look if you really like him and trust him, I will look into it to find out the truth.''

I shook my head and said:''Dalt, I don't think you understand. I don't like him. It's more than that. We're together, he's my boyfriend. We're in love.''

He laughed quietly and said:''So quickly? Are you sure you're not rushing with this?''

I shook my head and replied:''No, I know I'm in love with him. I know it's quickly. But the first time I saw him I knew we were meat for each other. We were created for each other. We were born to be together. His eyes told me everything. I know it. It was love at first sight.''

Dalton sighed and said:''Kai, I just don't want you to get hurt.''

''I won't. I trust him. Please Dalton, trust me. Help me.'' I said in a kind voice.

He nodded and smiled. When I left the room I felt so good. I immediately wrote Jake telling him everything. 

'My oldest brother knows.'

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