Chapter 22: That's what friends are for

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I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Dalton knew about me and Jake, but I had to get it off my mind. I had to get everything off my mind. And a day out with my friends sounded like a good opportunity for a distraction. 

Eva and Nicole met me in front of my house at 6 p.m. We decided to go to the cinema and then for a walk. We watched a romantic comedy, typical for cheesy, hopeless-romantic type of girls. We weren't that cheesy, but then again, where can you find a girl that doesn't cry during a heartbreaking story or say 'ohhhh' and also cries during a happy, romantic one?

When the movie ended, we went to the park. It was almost night when we sat down on a bench. Not a lot of people were there at this time of the day.

''So how's everything? And by that I mean Jake.'' Asked Nicky.

I replied to her with a question:''How's Greg?''

''Hey, don't answer a question with a question.'' Said Eva. I guess she was on Nicky's side. Great.

''Yeah, I asked you first.'' That was Nicky trying to get what she wanted. And she got it.

''Fine. He's fine, we're fine. Everything is fine.''

They kept staring at me like I was gonna say something else.

''We want the details. C'mon, spit it out.''

I sighed and said:''There are no details. He asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend and I said yes. And that's it. It's not like we're having sex. Jesus.''

Nicky and Eva smiled and I pointed out:''Your turn, Nicky.''

''OK, fine. We've gone out on a couple of dates. We kissed every time. It was so awesome. And yesterday he asked me if I would be his girlfriend. And of course I said yes. So now, it's official. It's so great. Didn't you see us in the morning? By the cafeteria kissing?''

''Nope, missed ya. Gonna have to see it some other time.'' I said, making sure she heard my sarcasm. But she decided to ignore it.

''Well, there's gonna be plenty of moments to see us, just don't stare, OK?'' She added instead.

I nodded and we all laughed. Nicky seemed to be happy. But her relationship was going so much slower than mine. Was I rushing? Was I going to fast? I didn't feel like it.

''Well, Eva, now there's only you left.''

''What do you mean?'' Eva said, pretending not to know what we were talking about.

''Well, single. We need to get you a boyfriend.'' Nicky exclaimed cheerfully.

''Nah, I'm just fine without one. Besides, why would I need one, when I have two best girl friends?''

''Oh c'mon, we know you want one.''

''Well I suppose it wouldn't hurt, so...'' That was a yes.

''Don't worry Eva, we've got you covered. After all, that's what friends are for, right?'' We laughed and went for a walk through the park. It was really dark now, the sun had gone down and the twilight had fallen over the city.

We walked and talked, but then it became chilly, so we headed home. We had a 30 minute walk back home. But I had other plans.

''Guys you head home OK? I just have to do one more thing.'' I said.

''What? Are you kidding? We're not gonna leave you here alone. It's dark.'' My friends said in concern. I was so grateful that I had friends who actually cared about me and worried for me. 

But in this moment I really needed them to go and not worry about me. ''Look it's fine. I'm just gonna go to this shop. I'll be right behind you. My brothers are not expecting me till 10 anyway, so...''

''We can go to this shop with you. We're not gonna leave you here alone.''

I knew I was never gonna get rid of them, so I just lied:''Look, I'm meeting Jake and you know my brothers don't know. Don't ruin everything. Just go, please.''

''Well you could've just said you're meeting Jake.'' Nicky shook her head and said:''C'mon Eva, let's leave these two love-birds to do what they gotta do.''

I smiled at them as they left. I was left alone in the dark, freezing cold in a big city. They trusted me, so I guess they thought Jake was coming to get me any minute now. But he wasn't.

I pulled a small piece of paper out of my pocket. I unwrapped it and looked at it.



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