Chapter 7: I like my brother's enemy

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''You're what?'' he said, moving slightly away from me. 

''I'm sorry. Don't hate me, please. It's not like I can help it.''

He smiled like everything was okay. But I saw a little bitterness in his eyes, which were always so perfect. He put his arm around my shoulders and squeezed them.

''Don't worry, it's not your fault. I don't hate you, I could never; I like you. I really like you. I hope you don't mind that.''

'Mind that? I would never mind that haha.'

''I don't. 'Cause I actually ... like you too.''

We both smiled and I said:''You know, he's not my only older brother. I have four. Dalton, Ian, Peter and Brian. I've never dated before, never really shown interest in guys in front of them, so I don't know how they would react if I told them about this. Me hanging out with a guy. You, no less.''

''Would? You're not gonna tell them?'' He sounded almost disappointed. And I was surprised. Okay, maybe not that much.

''They don't even know I'm here, they think I'm with my friends.''

''Well, am I not your friend?'' He said with an amusing voice.

''Yeah, but you're not a FEMALE are you? And to add a cherry on top, you and Brian are enemies. Being with you is probably off limits for me. I mean, not that I'm implying that we're gonna be something more, but ...''

Then he shut me up again. But this time not with his finger, but with his lips. His kiss was so soft, so gentle. Maybe it was a little early for a kiss, but at that moment I didn't care. I just wanted to kiss him. But I still pulled away after a few seconds. 

He gave me a wondering glance and I answered it:''I don't wanna go too fast. And given all the circumstances we probably shouldn't. Besides, we've only like, really known each other for a couple of hours.''

''Then why do I feel like I've known you forever?'' He kissed me again. He had a point. I felt that way too.

That's when it struck me. It was like a lightning of love or the Amor's arrow.I think it struck us both. We couldn't help each other, it just happened. 

That was my first kiss. It was perfect, even though it happened in complicated circumstances. It was freezing outside, so I was trembling and got chills all over my body. 

Jake, the gentleman he was, took his jacket off and put it around my shoulders without saying anything. We were interrupted by the ringing of my phone.

I looked at the screen. ''Oh shit, my brother Dalton. It's almost nine, fuck, he's gonna be pissed.''

I picked up the phone and he immediately started to shout:''Where the hell are you? You were supposed to be home 20 minutes ago. Do you have any idea how worried I was?''

''Well, except I'm fine. I'm with friends, I told you.'' I tried to lie, but to no avail.

''Yeah, I called Eva and Nicole and they said you were there, but when Ian went to pick you up you suddenly disappeared into thin air.''

''Okay, okay, sorry, I'm with ... other friends. Look, I'll be home in ten all right?''

''You better be or I'm calling my unit. Oh and you're grounded young lady.''

''I'm not a young lady!''I yelled into the phone angry and covered my mouth in the next moment, realizing I was VERY loud. I hung up the phone and said:''You still willing to give me a lift?''

Jake nodded and I wanted to go back inside when he pulled my hand. He stepped on the roof. His window shelf was a part of the roof of the lower side of the house. He jumped from the roof. I looked down and saw there was grass underneath. It wasn't really that high.

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