This can't beat..

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👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 Tess
"I'm sorry, Ted?"
"Tess, Tess Rowling ma'am.."
I innocently looked at the mid thirties receptionist peering back at me...
"Miss Tess you are a whooping-"
"20 mins late, yes but well traffic you see.."
I cut off the apparently very offended looking lady..
"Miss Tess, I will NOT tolera-"
"Lateness.. Yes I'm not new to that, but please point that out to New York hustle.."
"Whoops, i think I should've just skipped this, just thought I should practice apologizing to people but since you seem rather 'off' today miss *peers at nametag* Wolinski, I will head over to class while, *reaches over ever so casually for late slip* taking one of those.. Hope you let another person perhaps make your day better!"
I waltz away from an open mouthed, gaping Miss Wolinski..
Wow Polish people and they're egos will be the death of me.. Remind me why I even wanted to do this early in the morning anyway..
I immidiately sprint to class when I look at the time..
Usian Bolt time..
I literally zoomed through classes, as I rode my skateboard through the corridor..
Yes, I rode my motorbike to school and carried a skateboard for the corridors..
Yes, I am 'rebellious much'...
As I bang into the science room door, apparently startling the ever so youthful Mr.Wade, I look across the room to glance at my partner in crime who's surprisingly staying awake and even more surprisingly NOT bunking..
I mouth a silet 'hello' and turn
back to a fuming Wade..
I internally wince, he went for the last name kill..
"Mr. Wade?"
"Again, in english please?"
He inhales and exhales forcefully before beckoning me in with a flick of the finger..
"We will have this chat after class miss Rowling?"
"Do I have a choice?"
"Then why was that framed like a question?"
The class sniggers while I bite my lip before the game falls apart...
Mr.Wade smirks before replying..
"I want to know the joke when you stay in after college hours.."
I internally groan, I seriously wanted to hangout with my mates after uni...
I frown, furrowing my eyebrows..While raising his..
"Mr. Wade, not to sound too, let's say 'cocky' but I have a meeting with Ms.Wolinski after hours.."
His glint drops, but then returns with more force..
"'Oh then me and her would just have to collab then wouldn't we?"
I scream internally..
Think think think..
But then this what friends were invented for..
"Mr. Wade, what Miss Thang meant there was that she will bunk your class, one way or another, that was just a lame way of saying 'sorry, but I'll slip out when you're drooling like a dog on that plastic chair..'"
Awwwww two rebels in yearning..
He gapes before he goes beet red..
She cocks her eyebrows and nods her head..
"LOOKS LIKE WE HAVE TWO VIGILANTES ON OUR HANDS HERE.." He grins before waving me away to my seat..
I fake sadness, completing the look by hanging my head and whatnot..
But even the retard snoring away in his seat with his eye open at the back knew this was allll foreplay...
It's just that Mr.Wade was either too blind, or too blinded by his childishly sought out plans.. That sucked dick may I add...
Mr.Wade was a good teacher, but a very bad observer..
He really loved to judge books by covers and seriously ignore the content... Which was sad considering he could learn a lot just by reading the last page.....
I mean for example, me and Lisa were his best pupils, but he still judges us by our looks and always marks our papers extra harsh in the fear of plagiarism..
Which we didn't partake in at all..
We just had exceptional brains and brawn..
That's it..
And we did a little participation of illegal stuff..
That's it...
Nothing to judge about..
But while I was sitting there, gazing at the board, wondering how we could make our getaway and join that frat party Ryan 'the royalty' was talking about.. A thought hit me like a boulder..
Mr.Wade's coffee..
My sleeping pills..
Combined with a quick sneakout to the drug store and showing our heads to the local Jack Daniels..
We could ace this shit..
I smirked to myself, already loving it..
"What's going on, in that perverted mumbo brain land of yours?"
Said a raspy voiced Lisa..
I quickly angled my body and looked deep into the scrutinizing, heart stoppingly blue eyes of hers...
"I have a getaway plan.."
She immidiately inched closer to me, her blonde/white hair spilling all over the table..
I leaned over her shoulder to shoulder to talk about our escape..
"He always has his coffee in his hand, and with two 'vigilantes' to take care of after school, he'll definitely need a re-fill and that's where 'Voltarin Retard and Jack Daniels' join the party..
(I know how the name Voltarin Retard sounds like, but it's actually a medicine..)
We put it into his daily 'sunshine' and stir, the first is translucent but the second addition should be tricky as it's brown colour..
So we need to mix it after his coffee's been stirred..."
I see a look of befuddlement and utter concentration towards the plan sift through her face..
While Mr.Wade's face looks towards us..
"What is the answer to that?"
"Sexual reproduction.."
We were learning that scarring topic but I immensely enjoyed myself smirking at the gaping-like-an-orangutan Wade..
He thought we weren't listening..
You see? We were absolutely flawless love children of Avril Lavigne..
Not a neat comaparison but she looks rebellious and
Anyway, clearly the whole class was used to me showing up all the tecahers who thought they caught me red-handed because some were yawning, trying to end the school day already..
He looked taken aback, but regained his composure, grunting in response..
Lisa was still working it out.. Furrowing her eyebrows deeper, forming an 'almost there' unibrow..
I chuckled silently cause this was the time when she froze in utter thought and skill planning...
She slowly starightened from her hunched position and smiled, a creepy one, slowly widening..
"We could distract him, and no, not through sex or some other shit I bet your thinking, (get your head out of the gutter), I meant, we can blantantly come up to him and start arguing or start causing ruckus that we're so good at causing and once we have him charmed, one of us can slip out and start stirring.. I bet the old watch won't even remember if he stirred or not as obviously he'll be too busy muttering under his breath about 'cat fights' and 'teenagers these days'...."
She wiggles her eyebrows and gulps for air at the same time, making me giggle snort and nod all at the same time.
Evile genius..
Stands for evil and vile geniuses..
"Wow we need actually think up a mission impossible 4 for simply reaching over and stirring a goddamned coffee cup!"
"Well life is complicated mate.."
"Spoken like a boss.."
We both start laughung, aloud, again blatantly ignoring the six feet under glares we were getting from Mr.Wade..
Once we finally stop I regain my composure and stare back at Mr.Wade..
But before he can come up with something else, I beat him to it..
"We'll tell what was so funny during after hours Mr.Wade.. Because this can't beat!"
I spurn out some classic 'teenager slang' that I know doesn't make sense to the most 'gangsta' of teens but hey! i just wanted to get Mr.Wade's panties in a twist..
The entire class snorted and erupted into giggles when I said that...
Mr.Wade looked glum when he saw us two just fooling around.. But I have to say, I did see a shadow of something resembling a smile make his way on his face..
But it soon disappeared, leaving that half dead, I'm-old-don't-judge look on his face again..
That was beat....

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