Bunch'a what now?

38 3 2

Chapter can come in varied lengths, be ready..
I just sat there, memorizing every last drop of important information on Economics when I heard the doorbell ring...
Wow, that's a bit early for mum..
I padded to the living room and peeked through the keyhole, to find a Connor smirking directly through the keyhole..
I guess he guessed that that's where I'll look..
His charm floats in right through the timber..
I slowly but surely opened the door, adapting a more dominant position the more the door opened..
"What are you doing here, Marksen?"
"Juust passing through town.."
"What brought you here? The children are next door..."
I smirked, standing like Johnny Depp.
He chuckled before turning serious and dropping his voice like he was telling me a national secret.
Not saying it wasn't hot though...
"Soooo.. I came by to see you.".
"Figured, since cougars aren't your thing.."
"Tess, I apologize.."
"Well, I didn't expect much anyway.."
It was wrong on so many levels..
But I noticed how his gaze dropped, his expression woozed..
But he gritted his teeth..
His reply was curt, his nod acute, but he still didn't leave..
"Didn't think I'd want to explain why to you anyway.."
"Yeh, I'm pretty untrustable.."
"Mhm.. Anyway, whatever Tess, thanks for your precious time, better get back to sexting.."
"We will never know.."
But my voice dropped, I lost my charisma when he said that..
But I wanted to do something ordinary for once, something so cliché, people'll wince..
"But where do we stand Connor Marksen?"

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