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I couldn't move, and my neck was in a brace for approximately 5 months..
All a while, Lisa had apologized and I had cleared all her queries..
But she had yelled 'Screw them, I'm really sorry for putting pressure on you for worthless information!!'
I had hugged her...awkwardly while calming a wailing Lisa down..
And somehow, everything seemed a bit more relaxed although it took my neck to break to get there..
Klein? Well, Klein disappeared after Connor got suspended for strangling him..
I had to go to his house everyday afterwards, to talk to him about it..
"Tess, just.. You can not tell me what I did was unreasonable!"
"We knocked him out, why do it again?"
"Well.. Because.. The pain you're going through (teeth gritting time) you don't deserve it.."
"Welll.. Sometimes life thr-"
"I dont give a shit, I feel happy everyday Tess.."
I sighned, well the real reason I'm here is because...NO MORE DT'S! For you or me, I talked to the princie about it and used the pity vote.." I pointed to my brace before sincerely looking him in the eye.. Which sported dark circles now..
"We're okay, I'm okay!"
"Well, fine! And.. C'mere!"
He hugged me so close, I felt good..
I could get used to this..
5 months later..
"AHHHHHHHHH, everyone's near my line of sight instead of me pushing my eyeballs outta their sockets! To look at ya!"
Lisa and Connor laughed while I breathed..
We had agreed to go as a group to Cape's point, somewhere far away from home and it's miseries...
"Tess, I.. Your smiles are as captivating as ever again! You, you're better and quite frankly so am I.. Can't say I don't miss the brace though!" Connor winked at the last part as I noogied him..
Lisa nodded..
"Yeh he has a point, we never really could see your smile from up there.."
I chuckled before just laying on the blanket, staring at awe at the stars sprinkled above me, not leaving enough room for the night sky!
Did I forget to mention that this was also star's peak?!
Pretty soon Lisa and Connor joined me and I had never felt so content in my life, and since I had photographic memory,this would be in a loop for a long time..
"Sooo uhm..
Liza coughed and suddenly she just ruined it..
By saying..
I should be going, ya' know?"
I just shook my head contemptuously..
"You seriously gonna ditch me? Lisa you just ruined OUR moment."
"Well sorry you didn't notice Connor's hungry stares directed at you!"
I just rolled my eyes before looking at Connor, who was seemingly embarrassed and about to play the 'I need to pee' card..
"Alright.. Fine Lisa, you win, see ya!"
I told her with a pleasent smile and then yanked her closer towards me..
"Don't you DARE think this is over! WE are gonna come here on a double date in the near future and I SWEAR, YOU won't be slipping out unless you both are feelin' lucky? Kapish?"
"Mhm.." Lisa let out a strangled noise as she gulped.. I could be real threatening when I wanted to be..
I winked at her before she air kissed me..
Then she jingled her Merc's car keys and sped off, revving her engine..
I just chuckled at her antics and innuendos...
Connor smirked at me and I just cosied up in the blanket, with the blanket..
"Seriously Tess?"
"Well then.. Suit yourself.."
This couldn't go wrong, not by a long shot..
But oh, fate was a bitch, and Cape's point was just a funny trick..
I was punching the sandbag's sand out, every hit registering that sight..
I had seen the unseeable..
After Connor and me had packed up after Cape's point, we had gotten into the car, and before we got out, another car skidded in, and out climbed up, Furdswood....
Connor was already manning up, but I placed a hand on his arm and hurriedly started stuffing the items in..
But he just grabbed out a girl and started..
I tore a hole before I heard John's desperate cries about his "3rd bag in a day"...
Sand was trickling around me and since my arms were sweaty, I looked like friggin' Sandman..
"Tess would you? OHMYGOD!"
"Relax, I'll pay for it!" I yelled back..
And before I noticed, I finally saw Connor stop dead in the background, dropping his workout bag..
I gave him my signature 'uneasy wave with wide teeth' smile and continued explaining the situtaion to John..
"Tess I've told a million times, don't come to the gym when you're high on anger!"
"I am NOT angry!"
"Oh yeah? Say that to arrogant miss Merryl Streep and the sand leaking on the floor and coating your skin!"
I just let out a huge sign as my arms fell limp around my hips..
"Tess I-"
"Right, save it!"
I held my hand up signaling him to stop, for the first time EVER being rude to John...
Before blowing away blockading strands of hair and shoving past Connor..
I kicked the door open and stormed out..
Connor was soon behind me as I was putting my stuff in the boot..
"I'm sorry Tess.."
"Stop apologizing Con.."
"I just-Why are you so angry? Cameron? Is that the name that's in your-"
"Please DON'T remind me of him! This has got nothing to do with him!"
"Then WHY do I think it does?!"
"You're asking me?"
"I just, Tess... I think you still-"
"Stop. Right. There.."
I stormed towards him, breathing hard against his face..
"Don't finish that sentence, in fact, I'll give YOU the novelty to dump me and walk away like you don't know me.."
I knew if he did that I would jump out of a window..
Connor sighned before grabbing me by the waist, tight..
"No! I can't do this without.. This."
He surveyed me top to toe, looking pleased...
I mean, tight pants and sports bras were just so in right about now..
"Listen Con, I don't like him, anything but.."
My pulse raced.. My nerves on end..
"But, everytime he steps in front of me, I just get reminded of year 7 him, with floppy hair and a conceding attention span..
See? The guy who gave my perspective a makeover! So when-when the glass keeps shattering, everytime he just keeps developing into a more and more ugly person, I can only think about-about how-how he's changed and-and that.. That he.. I was.. And then he just changed and then..
And then suddenly I became a stuttering muttering Kim Kardashian..
And he knows I'm not happy and he knows that I trying to work this through while I know that it's not!"
Connor started vibrating with laughter, his voice booming off everywhere..
"Wow! Well done, never saw that plot twist, you can't ever be SERIOUS can you?"
I smirked back.
"Nope babe, I hate him, and I hate seeing him ruin other girls when he basically created m-"
"NOPE! You're your own person.. You're funny that way.. And no one can ever tell you who you are.. You see down in Central park, I saw this lady feeding a nut to squirrels but who am I to say who you are.. Geez, goddamit I messed up didn't I? See? I can't plot twist like you even after I told the movie's name! You're one of a kind, and you don't need Furdswood to make you.. Cause your-"
I chuckled so high pitched it made him stop and raise a mock eyebrow..
"Alright alright Owen Wilson, we get it.. Stop tryin' and kiss me.."
Kiss me he did..
And fall I did..
But this isn't romance..
It's life..
And I learnt something that day..
That even if after a couple of weeks we broke up..
After a couple of years we got married..
Because backwords and forwards is only a two way street...
And everyone's walked down it at some point.....
                       The END..
Whew.. There wasn't a warning was there?!
Well.. Next chapter is epilogue and I'm calling it a day!
Thanks for zero views or votes...
Fuckin fantastic...
But if I do get a lotta of'em later, ignore this message..
Thanks ya'all
And it's TJ signing off!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😏🎯🎯🎯🎯💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋

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