No shit

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Speak of the devil and he might just join you for lunch!
"Taken Klein." I growled out..
"Whoah! Alright then tiger, I ain't lookin for trouble! I'm wavin' the white flag!"
"Shove it up your ass instead, how 'bout that?"
"Woah, woah,WOAH!"
Lisa stepped inbetween us and shoved our shoulders backwords from the middle..
"Time OUT folks! And YOU!
(She pointed a threatening finger at me while mouthing "Bitch you fucking OWE me an explaination!")
ARE gonna calm down! I mean seriously! What's going on with you two?! Wayy to many secrets ya'all! Listen and listen well..
She swivelled around to face Klein.
"Stay the FUCK away from her man! You DONT wanna stay here when her boyfriend finds ou-"
"Too. Damn. Late."
All heads turned around to see Connor striding into the cafeteria, wearing a dangerous look..
Did I forget to mention the live broadcast happening here?
I felt pretty pissed, everyone stepping up for me to ward off Klein off my case..
I seriously hated this, but somehow right about now, even though this was MY personal issue, I felt the need to back up my friends and boyfriend..
"Listen Klein.. I spat out the word like venom..
You're OBVIOUSLY causing a lotta unwanted drama, I would say, as I LOVE repeating! Back. The. Hell. Off.. We wouldn't want nasty things to go viral here, and perhaps, reach your precious... Furdswood?"
I posed the threat as a question which made Klein grit his teeth..
"By the way, has the nose fixed yet?"
Klein made a growling sound before he took a step back..
I think everyone around thought that he was backing off but in reality, he was about to swing a punch..
This wasn't going to be my 'TOO LATE!' moment.
This was going to be my, 'I SAW IT COMING' moment..
It slowed a little bit though..
Because sometimes, everyone won't listen to their mommas warning them about 'not' hitting a girl..
Especially if she supposedly injured your cheating cock sucker of a best friend..
Well.. It's game time, enough with the dramtics..
He took a step forward, knuckles in show, but of course, Connor would take a step forwards and get him in the ear..
He would stumble, but not before I get him in the nose..
This was my predicted gameplan..
And there was one little tweak to it..
I shoved Connor, noticing his eyes glaze over with fury at Klein's moves..
I shoved while ducking the swinging arms, successfully shoving Connor and nudging aside Lisa..
I go for his gut instead..
He wasn't ready! (shoutout to Kevin Harrt!)
He stumbled backwords, his mouth in a 'O' form as he hit the table behind him, spilling 'Blueberry Brûlée' all over his expensive looking Burberry jacket.
Too bad though, I had really liked this guy..
The whole cafeteria gasped as Ronney and Alaska (the people at that table) got up while he fell into it..
Did I forget that he was carrying a tray too?
Yeup, he face planted into it..
Three seconds ticked before the entire hall burst out laughing, chuckling and pointing at the clown Klein..
Let's just say, his 'bad boy' and 'Greek God' rep had been torn to shreds...
Right there..
Connor just stood back, crinkling his forehead while Lisa winked at me..
Whispering a small 'take care' and then backtracking pointing at me and Connor and signaling us to 'talk it out privately'..
Then she made kissy face signs and exited the cafeteria..
Somehow, she would return, demanding what the eff I was doing with Klein, and what was the link between him and Cameron..
But that could wait..
What I didn't notice was that when I was thinking through all of this, Klein had picked himself up and yelled a war cry, and before I could snap out of my thought process, I was the one being shoved aside by Connor, holding Klein's arms above him and then kicking high kicking him in the gut..
Somehow, Klein didn't fall backwards, but just just stood there...
And that's when I knew what was gonna happen..
The reciprocation...
When he was about to, I hit him hard with my elbow..
To his gut..
The Brûlée made his hands slippery so he weaseled out of Connor's hold and almost pulled my hair..
He did pull my hair with vigour, and suddenly I was being taken down with him, to he floor, because I had been underneath the guy's pretend "London Bridge is falling down" stance..
My neck snapped and I was itching to soothe that, but I wouldn't be able to 'cause I was now in a chokehold..
Oh HOW the tables have turned now..
Connor placed his foot on Klein's face while yanking me out of his hold..
I looked like my hair had been lathered with shampoo, but most importantly my neck was as straight as cardboard, and it suddenly started really pulling..
I was massaging it, and that's exactly when the principal steps in, yelling..

"So mom, all in all, a pretty great day!"
"I can see THAT honey!"
Yep, after that whole episode, the principal had called my mom, requesting some 'private' time with her..
Afer I'd said 'Hell no!' *wink wink* he had ordered for me and Connor to be sent to a lifetime of detentions (three months to be accurate)
So there we were me, and Connor, bring ushered out of his office, while I trying to rotate me neck to avoid a freakin' COMA...
"That jerk!"
"Yeup, couldn't have said it better."
You see, when the princie had stepped inside the hall, the first sight was Connor repeatedly kicking Klein, and me, calmly trying to pull him back, but failing because my neck was killing me..
So Con's dad was the first one to be called..
Klein on the other hand, had begun to spurt up blood with all that kicking, and that's when students FINALLY rushed to help..
Harvard never got enough entertainment, but we're all smart people, so after a while, we know when to stop..
Connor DID'NT, so after a lotta persistence and once-overs, we were finally going out to regular classes..
I was massaging my neck, while Connor was being the massager..
I kept groaning several times, while he just smirked with danger..
Guess he wasn't in a good mood at all, and would only snap out of it if Klein was lying dead....and we were returning from his funeral..
"I hope he gets kidney failure"
"He had brain damage already, let's go a little easy on him.."
"He.. I can't believe this Tess, and you had the audacity to push me away!"
"I was counterplaying his moves! Of course, you and Lisa were being an obstacle!"
Lisa rounded a corner, waving her hand about..
I started laughing but I couldn't even bend my neck fully..
Connor was such a killjoy, he just kept up his worried face and started really masaging my neck..
"Tess I'm sorry!"
"Why? You didn't do anything!"
"Shit, not even your laughs the same anymore!"
"Well, huh?"
"Man, Klein though.."
He gritted his teeth again, really making me worry for his enamel...
"Chill, he's already at a hospital, I just escaped with a crick!"
"Keyword, 'could've' but didn't.. I'm still here.."
I replied, signing..
"Ahem? Hello??? Lovebirds, I ain't invisible.."
"I know, gosh I'm sorry there's just soo many things going on!"
"I know, and I understand, but these days Tess.."
Lisa sighned, which almost made me want to cry..
Because her sign felt so given up.. So 'I'm tired' and the sad part was, I had been there, and she had too, but I was being a bitch cause she never let me hanging and I would blowing a tantrum by now for her ditching me..
"I.... "
I was so annoyed I just looked up at the ceiling, and my neck snapped..

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