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I watched in awe as she twisted that girls legs over, making her topple and spilling what was left to not-see outside..
Her black hair splattered everywhere, but for once, I wasn't looking at that dumb chick, I was looking at the purple one..
Tess surely knew how to fight, that was for sure..
As we walked out of the cafè, it couldn't have been more clearer..
Tess was sooo my type..
But then my phone rang, grabbing my attention, and when I checked it out, my eye caught the timer.. Which made me grin..
Shit today was the last day of uni before a 2 week holiday...
I showed Tess and she smirked, I mean, she actually smirked..
"Guess that now all we have is boxing and more boxing lessons huh?"
I nodded, because I just couldn't wait..
Boxer's High..
After I had gone home, I had slumped on my bed, slipping off my shoes and shirt, promising to meet Tess in an hour's time at the ring..
Man, she fascinated me to no end when she moved like that around the ring...
I figured I needed a cold bath, a very cold bath..
As I stood up to enter the washroom, my phone buzzed, showing my mum's face on the 'caller' screen...
I winced slightly, I had barely paid any attention to my mum as of late..
What could I say? She was divorced with my dad and I had picked Jimmy over her, she didn't care either way..
She only ever called if she finally remembered me amongst all her other clogs...
"Hey CON!"
"Hey mum.."
"Listen, how're you doing as of late?"
"Good good, and what about you?"
"Good my son, juuuust dandy.."
"Well it was f-fun catching up, right?"
"Sure, sure was.."
The phone clicked, ending the call..
I let out a small sign, my mum wasn't much of a conversationalist..
More of a weird sound maker..
She was the boss of a small town iron-pellet factory, I couldn't really say she had her hands full, but they were kinda brimming as she was busy with the finances of the company...
She rarely called me, and I guess she was only sweet talking me for alimony from my dad, who was a huge project manager for Apple enterprises..
Yeh, two polar opposites..
So polar they drifted apart..
I heaved a heavy sign and went into the shower, clicking play on 'X gon give it to ya' (Deadpool) soundtrack..
I quickly stuffed my bag with all my equipment and needed boxing gear..
As I rushed down the banister, I saw my dad down, lounging on the couch and surfing through the channels..
"Hey dad!"
"Sup' son?"
"Just heading to Boxer's High.".
"Alright see you around 8?"
"Alrighty then.."
I smirked to myself and headed out, clearly choosing to omit the fact that my car wasn't in the driveway..
"Oh, and son?"
"Yeeeh?" I held in a breath, wondering if I was exposed..
"I know, I wasn't born yesterday, and it's alright, there's always insurance..."
I exhaled and waved, grabbing my Harley and getting ready...
Because after all, backup was always key...
As I sped off and parked at the 'High, I couldn't help but hear the noises of effort that Tess made inside..
Drove me crazy...
I smiled and rushed in, plopping my stuff on the floor and joining her in punching the sand outta the sandbag...
"You alright there tiger?"
"Never been better sunshine.".
She smirked before she roundhouse kicked her figure..
I lowly whistled in awe, I wouldn't want to be on her bad side...
We practiced punching but when it actually came to sparring, we picked different partners..
I absolutely refused to hit her.. Again..
Like as if the first time wasn't a guilt trip on it's own..
I watched as she spoke to another extremely built guy who tried touching her ass..
My fists immidiately balled up..
Woahhhhh since when do YOU give a fuck huh Con?
I wriggled myself out of such thoughts and forced myself in the opposite direction, teeth clenched..
But guess who had to enter the gym just then?
To put it simply, she was one of my flings, literally like a 5 minute one, but now, here she was, flaunting her ass like it wasn't all plastic..
She stalked me for weeks or even months and whoever I got it on with someone, they got violent threats online or some reallly deeps cuts to the skin....
Yeh, Alyssa was borderline or even full on creeptastic..
And the fun fact is she has all the boys at her feet, yet she still comes for the one she can't get..
I immidiately swirled around on the balls of my feet when her eyes landed  on me..
I slightly winced when I heard her sharp, skrill screech..
I was about to backtrack when I got shoved forward as someone simultaneously caught me from behind, literally suspending me mere inched from the boxing mat..
"You a'ight there pal?"
Came a very western accent..
It was (thankfully) John, grabbing onto the collar of my sweatshirt..
He winked at me before hoisting me up and grabbing my shoulders...
"Young lady, this man is not available as of now.."
He said in a forced stern accent, clearly catching on to my nearly escaped- escape..
She slightly pouted but seductively made her way towards us, making me cringe with every twirly step she took..
But suddenly, she slipped which made me laugh out loud..
John winced but couldn't hold the smirk creeping out either...
She immidiately composed herself and literally speed walked her way to our end of the mat..(since twirling takes time)...
"But..but.. Who's his partner?"
I started conjuring up different excuses when Tess interuppted, suddnely coming to a standstill right next to me...
"Me, I'm his partner.."
Alyssa rolled her upper lip up in disgust, which she she had the nerve to do by the way as Tess was someone definitely not sneer-worthy at all..
But then jealousy was easily made as she was one to look at.
Trust me, this girl was hot, and as usual didn't see it..
But that's what made her so special cause she wasn't like those prissy bitches, complainig about their weight or looks when they are either anorexic or extremely caked in makeup till the core..
Tess was heat in the rawest form..
She just made me zone out on her features every-single-fucking-day..
Like now, when she coughed and elbowed me in the ribs to say something..
Gosh Connor, why don't you just drool as well huh?!
I quickly coughed, composing myself and quickly nodded, trying and failing to convince her to stop trying..
It's been about 2 months I mean, you gotta take a hint sometime..
She just sneered at her and made googly eyes at me, (which was soo not obvious) and then looked at John, with wandering eyes..
"Well, can't he switch, I mean look at THAT she-male and look at this..(she pointed to herself implying that she was precious) and judge for yourself.."
John sneered back and spat out..
"Listen, take your prissy ass out of my gyms and do me a favour DON'T recommend this to anyone else a'ight?! Oh and before I kick your slutty ass out, Tess is our finest boxers here, and pros only go with pros... As for her being she-male, atleast she doesn't bitch fight and can actually kick your ass, which is what will be happening if you don't wipe that gawp off your face and boot yourself out..
PS: this isn't a yoga studio, so take your slutty equipment out pronto, don't leave condoms behind.."
After he finished his long rant (from where his face was now a mere inches away from her face as he moved his face closer for every insult) he sneered another time and slightly indicated with his eyes to kick herself out..
She huffed and flipped him the middle finger before steaming off..
He smirked after her and stared at me..
Still in awe of his inspirational speech...
She shouted behind her back though, becaue Alyssa always insisted on having the last say..
"OH! And I hate your sorry ass anyway arsehole!"
He laughed a hearty one and winked at a sullen Tess..
Da fuck....

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