Making sure..

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"You're green eyes.."
I stutter out as I examine Connor's face..
The blatant reveal is everything..
He shrugs and suddenly can't focus on me anymore..
He suddenly starts rubbing his own shoulders up and down on a sunny day like this..
Squinting into the northern sun..
He doesn't even have to fucking try to look sexy.
But I'm angry..right...swerved off a bit on my internal monologue there...
I just exhaled and leaned across the hood of the car..
Shooting him my best "try me fucker"
I was waiting for a goddamn explaination!
"C'mon, times a ticking.."
He just glints at me and scowls..
"Tess.. I dunno what to say."
"Well then start from the beginning.."
"I fell for you..first time..hands questions asked."
He just stuttered out in one breath..
I just shook my head and looked away..
True, I was attracted..
But really?
I can't commit for shit..
No, not having it..
He's screaming now, in the middle of a freakin highway...
"Don't. Con. Me. Tess.."
"Ph, YOUR THE ONE MAD?! Nigga you didn't tell ME this shit before.."
"Yeah, cause at first sight I was a loner.. It takes amazing self control to not just overtake you sometimes.. After all, times have just made YOU hotter! D'you KNOW what a challenge that is?!"
I just shook my head, smirking..
Alright, we can indeed play this game..
I went up closer to him, really shouler-to-shoulder shit..
I stared him straight in the eye..
I looked at him from a mere centimeter viewpoint..
"I fell too...but... I disappeared rememeber?"
"Yeh, so I swore to myself that I wouldn't loose you this time.."
Then he came closer...
"Where did you go?"
His voice turned husky and all movie-star- like..
"Somewhere, where I can maybe show you..someday.."
I moved another inch closer until we shared the same breath..
I could peer into his soul now...
"But hey..there's always a start.."
I then leaned in..
I leaned in and I kissed him..
It wasn't playful..
It wasn't foreplay..
It was a real smoocher...
I put in all my thoughts and frustrated moments and emotions..
The battling void within me just came out and then suddenly, it was just a fucking make out on the side of a fast lane highway...
She just crashed into my face likea crazy person...
But not violently like Amanda or like any of the other meaningless flings I have ever had....
She just moved with me.
The frustrations came out..
The doubts spilt
The questions..
The queries..
She put all that passion into her rhythm...
She just..took my breath away...
We were all over eachother..
And then a bloody car honked my fucking ears out..
"Hey pal, GET. A. FUCKING. ROOM!"
I flipped him off and moved away from her..
Smirking , I got into the car, with her in toll..
As she slid in, she couldn't help but mutter..
"You smooth fucker.."
"Meh, I try.."
I just continued to then slowly back out of the highway and continue with where we were going, wait..
Where were we going?
Oh yeahyeah, Home. Right....
Like I said..
Always made me forget where I was and what I was doing..
"Thinking out loud huh?"
"Uhhhuh, suuuure.."
She cocked an eyebrow at me and smirked...
"Listen, I want you to meet some friends of mine I was planning to meet later today.."
"In case you haven't noticed, I too have a life.."
She retaliated back..
"Heyheyehey! No need to get feisty here cupcake, I was just suggesting you meet my comrades that's ALL, NO-ONE'S forcing you here.."
She huffed and massaged her temples..
"Look, I know it's a lot to take in Tess..but, I just want to make things better for yo-"
"Why didnt you tell me?"
"I said why didn't you tell me?"
She scrunched her perfect eyebrows creating an unwanted crease in her face..
I almost had the nerve to wipe it off..
"Because....because I wasn't sure..alright?"
She just sat there, arms crossed, muscles slightly protruding..
But she managed a subtle nod and relaxed into the seat..
But her reply was different..
Strained almost..
"Mmmmm, alright, you drive the car over to your pal's and then I'm gonna call it a day..what with the hot make-out an' all.."
She slightly mustered a grin at the last part and then proceeded to silently look out the window...
But now I was in the mood to plead..
Absolutely go on my knees..
Fuck 'not forcing' I was gonna drag...
"Pleeeesse, since we're going there anyway, what's the harm huh? I mean it's....C'MON ITS NOT LIKE THEY'RE GONNA BITE!"
She exhaled forcefully and groaned..
And that's when I knew I had pushed it too far...
Well, for her standards...
She just said through gritted teeth..
"Fine. I. Never. Met. Anyone's friends before.. Ever.. Period.. So don't expect me to be tip-top right about now.."
"Calm your tits it's not like I'm taking you over to my parents house and asking for your hand in marriage, it's just a casual meet-up, what's got you so cowered.."
I replied, getting ever so slightly agitated...
"Because. Because...
Never mind..just.. Alright fine, BUT I need a coffee stop.."
"Suddenly I feel like the girl.."
I couldn't help muttering under my breath..
"Get used to it.."
She started laughing again...
Her cheery carefree side finally uncovering and filling up the space of the beetle..
Finally, brightness was back...
"Alright Starbucks or Gloria Jeans?"
"Gloria nah-duh?"
"Of course, you obviously differ from the others.."
She just smirked and nodded..
I was meaning to be difficult..
He was a player.. He didn't seriously think I forgot Amanda did he?
He was crazy to think I would fall so that his other hot comrades could just welcome into their clique and kick me back out, vulnerable as ever..
I didn't want to all for him, and I wanted to catch myself before I did..
Sunsets didn't exist..
Neither did moonlight walks..
I couldn't commit remember?
Plus, this whole 'meet my side' thing didn't really fly with me..
Although me and him had some RIDICULOUSLY thick and rich history together...
I mean, god how could I forget?
I was runninng hurriedly through the winding hallways, already tardy for class..
On top of all of this shit was my glasses, slipping and sliding around my now growing sweaty nose and forehead...
I bit my tongue, accidentally drawing blood from my braces piercing the gums..
I winced as I skidded across the 'wet floor' sign and landed with a thump...
I cursed before getting up...
My class was just around the corner as I rushed...
I burst in, my heels burning..
"Miss Bennet! Ohhh WHAT. A. PLEASURE..."
Sarcasm was so evident and laced in every. Single. Syllable...
I just internally winced and muttered an apology about 'being late' and 'traffic these days..'
Science surely sucked the life outta me..
"Please sit down, we don't want you wasting anymore time.."
I just subtly nodded and started walking to my seat, only to get jeered at by a bunch of rowdy guys, hooting at my ass..
Seems like the 'wet sign' left a 'wet mark'..
Wasn't pleasent and my cheeks burned red as I quickly ran up the aisle..
Yep, bio was a big classroom..
As I settled into my seat, Cameron offered me a pity smile, before thunking the head of Charlie, this guy who was laughing the loudest snd hurling insults...
Northwood High was a pain..
Amd we all knew it..
Excelt Gina and Gaia, no-one else were really friendly with me..
Excluding Cam..
I then started taking down notes and
pointing out different structures of 'generally modified organism' lectures...
Gina, who was next to me snickered and pointed to this guy who was drooling all over his book, but I just offered a pity smile and continued listening to the rapture...
After science ended, we all headed out..
But Cam caught my arm and pulled back, yanking my pale and sickly thin body frame backwords..
"You alright?"
"Yep..yep... Just dandy..."
I pushed my spectacles up and smiled, this psycho smile looking like a crazed and depressed drug addict with fucking braces to worsen the situation..
But suddenly, my hair got yanked back, full force actually introducing a crick in my neck..
I winced as I got pulled outta Cam's grasp and shoved onto the polished marble floor, already halting a lot of students leaving..
Gaira Jones obviously..
"Oops, sorry slut, I swear I thought I saw you breathing too close to Cam, I mean cmon! Homeless people can't linger near gods surely!"
I was stronger than her, alwys had been, always will be..
"Wow, looks property claim right there.."
"Wow, I think Betty's back but is still ugly!"
She sneered before spitting some leftover Gatorade at me...
"Bitch, keep the fucking change.."
But that's when Cameron intervened..
HE pulled her hair back and slammed her backwords into the locker..
Twisting her back painfully onto a prtruding lock..
"Listen WHORE, he whispered dangerously..
You keep your distance from her before I crack yor fakeass heels.."
He sneered and kicked her in the shin, making her groan..
The boys hollered madly while some came forward to help the damsel in distress..
After all she owned a whole new umpire of meanies..
But she sneered at me as she got dragged away..
I just shrugged, some blood seeping from my gums right about then..
She was gonna come for me after school, this was only foreplay..
Trouble is..
She was gonna be even more angrier now that the hottest guys in school stood up for the school's shit...

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