The dark side..

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As Connor dragged me onto the makeshift dance floor created by the removal of furniture, I noticed how absolutely perfect it all looked, not as much sounded with DJ snake 'turning up'...
His hand enveloped mine just enough so that it surrounded my hand with  warmth and callousness...
"It just fit in like lock and key"..
"Huh" asked a very DRUNK Connor..
Drunk with a captial D..
I mean wasted with ruffled hair and messed up testosterone..
"Like lock and key, my fav song!" I shouted while suddenly feeling a bit light headed myself.. After all, it was only 8 shots of Vodka..
"Ohhh" he slurred..
Somehow I can still self-narrate...
I just danced with the music and didn't really care what shameful couple I was hitting with my ass..
Connor just twirled me around and started getting pumped while jumping up and down..
It was serious fun...
I mean, serious fun...
It was just heart-pumping, mind stopping and breath taking fun..
I could never get used to this, not ever..
Then I did the mistake of looking into Connor's eyes..
And everything froze..
It was just me and him jumping..
Me and him looking like two drunk people gazing at aliens..
We even had out heads tilted...
His green eyes were just..
We both said in unison..
And then someone clicked rewind, fastforward and pause at the same fucking time..
"Hu..huh? Hm?" I asked, slightly shaking my head from the dizzying effect and swirling around to look at Lisa (what I was comfortable with calling her when drunk)...
"I'm heading out.." She stated, pointing outside and kinda slipping about in her heels..
"Whe-where? Like where are yuu gooigg?" I slurred even more..
She giggled like a two year old and pointed at a built-up jock..
"Wid him..*hiccup*"
"You can't trust random people.."
"No silly, we're going HOME.."
"Who's 'we'?"
"We just wanna hang out.. I mean, Kade is pretty cool.."
And that's when I noticed him holding onto her, tightly..
I wasn't going to be a food friend, AT ALL, if I didn't interrogate...
"Duuuude, dake cre of gher.. *hiccup* I'll have your head if else.. If ghu send her home cry-"
"Kade, take of her will ya? Otherwise.."
Connor trailed off, but even in his drunken state, his eyes penetrated Kade's making him cower ever so little..
And did I forget to say he was 'built'?
Even Connor wasn't rippling with friggin mountain steps..
Not my taste at all, a bit too ripped..
"Yeah, yeah.. Uhm.sure.. Oh-only dropping off.."
"Guuood, you guys done being tip-top friends by interrogating him and making sure I don't get gang-banged? Cool, now stop mum and dad and lemme live a little!" She squealed and dragged a flushed Kade..
"Yugh can drive right? " I heard Lauraisa ask..
Wow my self-narration is sleoly shutting down...
"You okay?"
"Yegh.. *hiccup*"
"Want some water from all the sweat?"
"Don't maind if I do mate!" I slapped my thigh and grinned like a farmer..
Connor raised an eyebrow and smirked, while again leading me away from the crowds..
"A little bit of Jack Daniels never hurt anyone." I sneakily replied while I sneaked my way to a bottle.
But Connor's hand intercepted and slapped it away..
"Nonono, only water for now.."
I scowled and huffed, curling my arms into a knot and slumping like an elementary kiddo..
"Not fair!" I whined..
"Sweetie life ain't fair, but we all live don't we?"
"Did you know, Leonardodicaprio just won an Oscar today?" I asked with wide eyes.
He chuckled before answering..
"Yep it's all over town and the latest meme.."
"Cooool.. Now I need water.." I grasped thin air for the liquid..
"Now, Tess, don't gulp otherwise you'll increase the hiccups.."
"Fine, DAD.."
I huffed again and grabbed the bottle and gulped.. But not too fast..
I didn't get hiccups!!
"Gime for the washroom!"
"Tess no! Wai-"
But I slid off the counter booth and rushed to the nearest washroom-looking door...
Passing a lot of yucky looking people groping eachother...
Then this huge guy blocked my way..
"Where're you going, sexy?"he winked, his grey eyes roaming everywhere and oozing with lust even drunk me could see..
"Washrrom you doof!" I screamed shoving past him and failing miserably and tumbling back down..
I balled up my fists and took a stamce..
"Fine big man, come at me..." I couldn't pinpoint the face because of the blur, but I could bet my right butt it was a jock...
Connor came rushing behind me and towered over the guy who actually  looked pretty frightened afterwards...
"Was he giving you trouble?" Asked a very angry Connor still nose to nose with big guy...
"Yeh, blocking my way... And pretty much eyeing me up..."
And then I just fell over backwords..
My eyes closed to  the scene of Connor punching weird dude's nose...
Ohh how all very dramatic....
I woke up...
Flashing lights and., and a tight contraption across my chest..
"Tess? Oh thank god, did he hurt you back there?" Connor was very slightly grinding his teeth..
I felt myself slipping but I stood my mental ground...
"Hug.. Hum? I-he was being a jerk.. Yeah, he..I was ready to take him down doe.. You..just barged in... stug up... You punched his nose as I slipped into oblivion.. Slowly..." I giggled at my silly poetry right there..
Connor looked really concerned though...
"Tess, you didn't have hash brownies did you?"
"Pssssht no you silly goose, I was walking to the toilet remember? Plus how are you driving, you were near stoned on the dance floor and then magically got sober when you fetched me water..."
I somehow couldn't focus on any thought, they merged like a collage and diddnt.. Gimme space..
"Huh? Oh yeah.. See the buzz left me after-"
I blancked out, to the scene of a normally talking Connor..
I wonder when he will realize I went out again..
Wait the flashing lights were on the road..
That means this tight thing is a seatbelt..
And I am/was in a car..
For all I know, I'm actually breaking every single two rules in the two ruled book..
It can't be hard...
But I somehow managed to break the simplest of simple rules..
"Dont get stoned"
Too late for that..
"Don't bring a guy"
He might as well just have a sign above his head indicating that he's gonna carry me inside the house....
With neon lights..
I snapped out of that reverie and woke up to sunlight streaming throught my split curtains..
And a few panadols littered on my bedside  table..
With a bottle of drinking water and surprisingly, a note..
Dear TJ,
Had fun..
Partying and getting lost..
Didn't have fun lugging your muscle and flesh up the frighin stairs..
But hey, I got some perks out of it as well😜😜...
Your mum looked decent and seemed pretty shell shocked and started interrogation on 'protection' and 'physical contact'.. I very soberly answered that you didn't get stoned but got in a fight (you're welcome) and I wasn't your boyfriend, I'm just a really close friend (too bad for you😜)..
Had a fun night, with a new girl..
Who didn't try and get her grimy hands all over me, OR try and snog the living hell outta me..
Sure, when you went for that bathroom break, they flooded me thus delaying my entry..
But I somehow made it, although I need to go to the rescue of another one..;);)
(Not joking, she was pretty irresistible...)
Don't have too much of an elephant stamped..
Drunk Tess would find that funny;)
Sober Tess is probably wincing right now..
Not exactly an open book, but your available pages are pretty transparent for me to know so much about you in so little time..
Cya when I cya,
That boy....
I swear...

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