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"WHAT?!" Laura shrieked when I jerked her backwords as she was walking into the bathroom..
"If you don't wanna know thennn?"
"Oh..OH! Right... Right tellmeeverything!!!"
"Okai calm you tits, it was just a small confrontation and hand on hand panic.."
I winced knowing that people were down the hall and that Con was snogging right down the corridor..
"Nonononono.. He tried to stop me and talk, going about how this used to be 'our' place and shit.. I just screamed "NO", startling him and ran away with TJ, while saying it was always him and never any 'us'.. So he should seriously fucking reconsider..."
Laura looked proud, like a mama bird on steroids..
"Good for you!"
"I know.."
Suddenly Connor was right with us, panting heavily and trying hard to ignore the panicked, loud ass, SHRILL shrieks of a desperate Amanda wondering where her prince player went....
"I...*pant* heard that someone physically hurt you, couldn't.....eascape...claws....
I wanna know allaboutthisguythough.." He spat out the words and wriggled his eyebrows as if in askance...
"None of your business mate, I barely know you.." I replied back defiantly, and stared him down with intensity..
"You accompanied me to parties and shit, but suddenly you want in on the friendship club huh?"
"You just made yourself sound retarded T.."
"Don't call me that Connor.."
My voice went to a whisper, and Laura's eyes went bowl shaped wide..
She shoved Connor out of the way and tugged him away from me...
After a while, Amanda's shrieking was stopped and just like clockwork, 'slapping' sounds were heard and I just knew they were lips making contact...
But I decided to leg it and ran, ignoring Laura's cries and Connor..
I just took off and zigzagged through corridors..
I rounded hallways and launched myself out the exit doors, the sound ringing through my ears and making it bleed ever so slightly..
But I didn't care if I went tone-deaf, it actually sounded pretty appealing..
Atleast then when Cam called after me, my day wouldn't get fucked up...
I grabbed TJ from the stand and skidded off, almost tripping backwords..
I just needed to get away from uni and just...bolt..
I needed the space..
I skated all the way over to the cropped chicken wire and squeezed through, while biting my tongue making it also bleed as the pain shredded through me when the wire ripped my exposed and bleeding gash..
Great, three different places to bleed from and it isn't even my period...
I continued to skate rather wobbley..
Not dragging my feet on the floor but trying to maintain balance with the injured foot...
I made a quick stop at the drug store and again held back a scream as the searing pain of 'tinder the antiseptic' flowed into the open wound..
I patched it shut with a bandaid and just rested on their steps..
I bunched up my hair into a bun and fit a hat on top for 'anonymity' and maybe a bit of suspicion, which was NOT what I wanted because the school must've clealry AS FREAKIN DAY caught my rather hasty and messed/ screwed escape shit..
That was just my occasional mad dash..
I decided to stop by my house to change, by entering my bedroom through the tree growing next to my bedroom window and throwing on clothes..
I gently applied some rubber powder for my tongue and realized my ears weren't actually bleeding it just felt so.. Even thoughI swallowed some panadols and dashed about...
I was skivving by myself today...
Without anyone to hold or shove me around like Laura..
I decided to take my motorbike but then decided against it as it would be a dead giveaway when my mum noticed it gone, obviously..
I quickly stashed my skateboard in some nearby bushes and boosted myself into my room..
Hurriedly flinging my school clothes bloodied and even more ripped, I stripped before adding shorts to keep the gash open and a slung shirt.. Which basically became flowy around mid riff, so not really a crop top but flowy at the end...
I then jumped off the ledge while precariously hanging onto one of the branchs and then slowly retreated down using it like a monkey bar..
After successfully finding my skateboard, I heaved a huge sign and took off... Finally being able to get a chance to clear my thoughts...
I grabbed my phone and switched it off on silent, no-one could track or check-up on me now.. It was all me,myself and I..
I just put calls in 'do not disturb' and blasted 'sugar by robin schulz and Yates' while doing ollies and bends with the bandage and badness..
I soon arrived at Cam's hangout spot and spotted him amongst the park benchs, looking yonder..
Time for action..
I kept my skateboard leaning on a tree and saunterd over to him.. Taking a seat alongside him..
He drew in a breath so sharp I thought he was going to pass out..
I bet he though this was un-real..
I breathed and released..
"Cameron.. Hey.."
"Wh-what are you doing here?"
And then I swung my fist at him, crunching his fragile and yet most eye catchingly attractive part of his face under my knuckle..
His nose..
I felt it crack sideways as I swung and then it was over..
The plan was achieved..
Until I saw his past 'friends whose a girl he conviently cheated on with me afterwards..' Walk towards him with a popcorn bag.. And drop it when she saw the scene..
Suddenly I'm ready for seconds..
But as hard it was to NOT hit him again, the practical side kicked in...
It was already a bit too late as she had seen me..
I quickly raced back to the tree where I leaned my TJ (which was right behind the bench) and skedaddled outta there...
The plan was a success although his gurl gave me the heebie-jeebies..
She looked like Amanda minus the wannabe look..
She looked original and quite comfortable in her shoes..
But she also looked like she would ditch anything and anyone for something that wasn't worthwhile for her anymore..
I bet a breakup song was already bubbling in Cam's head.
I just breathed out a loud sign and rushed over to Jim's ballet studio, which had to be deserted at this time of the evening..
It closed at 5:45 and I was there at 6:00..
It was usually not locked up as it was just a room surrounded by glass all around and few bars for the dancers to lean on..
The security guy was a man I knew and would do anything for a few bucks..
It was the usual 10 buck bribe, but sometimes risked going up....
I skidded to a halt outside and waved to Robert...
He winked back and held out his grubby hands for cash..
I handed him the usual and stepped in, after he saluted me..
I breathed in the misty rose scents and scratchy material of the tutus..
This was just a stowed away dance class rammed in-between the hustle bustle of cities with a security dude set up with a desk and a few mints outside..
It looked normal from the outside to the naked eye, but was wondorous when you actually stepped in..
The serenity blocked out the noise and rattle of the city, yet gave you peeks of it through cracks here and there.. The glasses were sometimes creepy but otherwise magical as you walked about..
They also had cupboards embedded inside the mirrors so it was always exciting to come across a dip and push and pull to reveal some sketchbooks and photos of former dancers..
But the best part was...
This was where my mum had learnt to dance...

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