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"I do.."
"Then I now pronounce you man and wife.."
Connor leaned in and kissed me, as my mum stood up, teary eyed with my stepdad and billionaire, clutched her close to him..
Guess who he is?
None other than Mr. Marksen himself!
He had fallen for my mum that time he had seen us together at a grocery store..
Mrs.Marksen had put up quite a fight, but couldn't do anything because they were disbanded anyway...
So she was completely cut off and I was now officially marrying his son..
Which on second thoughts also made him my step-brother (yell EWWWWWWW!)
But since we're getting married and they weren't married before, he's just plain'ol father-in-law...
It sure makes things a heck a lotta more complicated in my family for introductions.. But I loved drama and it loved me, so there wasn't anything normal for me either way..
All of Connor's friends got married..
And we were actually the last..
Daily married Eric while Stephen married Lisa (what WHAAAT?! I know right?!)...
Believe it or not, Furdswood married Alyssa the same one that bullied me and the same one who accused me for having man arms..
No wonder Connor mentioned her..
Well, guess who strangled her?
Everyone else were all well-off, settled or already having kids..
Connor finally explained to me why he had girls clothes in his closet..
And I told him that I ysed to have a brother, who suicided when dad left..
These were beautiful people with a beautiful past..
And now, we were all related..
Looks like everyone got everyone, cleared all the doubts and questions and took the final leap..
I graduated, got a job as the CEO of Coca-Cola while Connor got the job of being the CEO of BMW enterprises..
Suited us well..
Sure our schedule were messed up, we were mostly in a lotta seprated countries, but it was always one love..
Going backwards and forwards..
It was amazing, that one word "I do"
Fixed the puzzle for me..
Tess was going to be by my side, all day everyday...
I could be as possessive as I liked, as demanding as I dared..
And we could always fight, but somehw that's what we all wanted.... right?..
I learnt that through our breakup time, and the second we got together, we decided to get married, around the time dad found the one, the one lady a carbon copy of Tess..
And somehow I could relate, however biologically it was fucked up...
We had that paintball date where Eric emerged to victory and then stared doing the running man..
We all moved to New York...
Daily got successful
Micheal was obviously the CEO of Vogue..
Eric, manager for Lebron James..
Stephen, well he got into the national rugby team, and declared his love during the game when the kiss cam landed on Lisa, and he quit the game, climbed up the stairs, shoved the guy next to her, and kissed her senseless..
The rest was history..
Even though I know where this is going to take us, we will always meet up for a reunion..
As us friends finally meeting up..
No-one knows what happened to Klein or Amanda..
And that's how I like it, even now.. When I'm 24 years old..
Here's to hoping they made a match in hell..
Or perhaps repeating a year..
Backwords and Forwords huh babe?
Well, I like that..
Till the day we die..
There ain't no going back...
The book is overrre!!
Cheers to eveyone!

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